提交 ea97eb16 编写于 作者: Y Yongxue Hong

multi_vms_with_stress: New case to test multiple VMs with stressing

New a case to test multiple VMs under running stress on host.
Signed-off-by: NYongxue Hong <yhong@redhat.com>
上级 8896402d
- multi_vms_with_stress:
virt_test_type = qemu
type = multi_vms_with_stress
kill_vm = yes
start_vm = no
not_preprocess = yes
vms += " vm2 vm3 vm4 vm5"
mem = 4G
vm_mem_minimum = ${mem}
stress_inst_dir = /tmp/stress
stress_ver = stress-1.0.4
stress_pkg_name = ${stress_ver}.tar.gz
stress_bin = ${stress_inst_dir}/${stress_ver}/bin/stress
stress_cmd = ${stress_bin} --cpu 4 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M &
pre_command = "mkdir -p ${stress_inst_dir}"
post_command = "killall -9 stress; rm -rf ${stress_inst_dir}"
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import data_dir
from virttest import env_process
from virttest import error_context
from virttest import qemu_storage
from virttest import utils_misc
def run(test, params, env):
Test multiple VMs during host is under high stress.
1. Run a stress test on host.
2. Start multiple VMs on host and check if all can start
3. Shutdown all VMs.
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def unpack_stress_pkg():
"""Unpack the stress package."""
process.system("tar -xzvf %s -C %s" % (archive_path, stress_inst_dir))
def install_stress_pkg():
"""Install the stress package."""
cmd_configure = "cd {0} && ./configure --prefix={0}".format(
os.path.join(stress_inst_dir, params['stress_ver']))
cmd_make = "make && make install"
process.system(" && ".join((cmd_configure, cmd_make)), shell=True)
def run_stress_background():
"""Run stress in background."""
params['stress_cmd'], shell=True, ignore_bg_processes=True)
def is_stress_alive():
"""Whether the stress process is alive."""
cmd = 'pgrep -xl stress'
if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: re.search(
r'\d+\s+stress', process.system_output(
cmd, ignore_status=True).decode()), 10):
test.error("The stress process is not alive.")
def copy_base_vm_image():
"""Copy the base vm image for VMs."""
src_img = qemu_storage.QemuImg(
params, data_dir.get_data_dir(), params['images'])
src_filename = src_img.image_filename
src_format = src_img.image_format
dst_dir = os.path.dirname(src_filename)
for vm_name in vms_list:
dst_filename = os.path.join(
dst_dir, '%s.%s' % (vm_name, src_format))
logging.info('Copying %s to %s.', src_filename, dst_filename)
shutil.copy(src_filename, dst_filename)
def configure_images_copied():
"""Configure the images copied for VMs."""
for vm_name in vms_list:
params['images_%s' % vm_name] = vm_name
image_name = 'image_name_{0}_{0}'.format(vm_name)
params[image_name] = 'images/%s' % vm_name
params['remove_image_%s' % vm_name] = 'yes'
def wait_for_login_all_vms():
"""Wait all VMs to login."""
return [vm.wait_for_login() for vm in vms]
def wait_for_shutdown_all_vms(vms, sessions):
"""Wait all VMs to shutdown."""
for vm, session in zip(vms, sessions):
logging.info('Shutting down %s.', vm.name)
if not vm.wait_for_shutdown():
test.fail("Failed to shutdown %s." % vm.name)
vms_list = params['vms'].split()[1:]
stress_inst_dir = params['stress_inst_dir']
stress_deps_dir = data_dir.get_deps_dir('stress')
archive_path = os.path.join(stress_deps_dir, params['stress_pkg_name'])
params['start_vm'] = 'yes'
env_process.process(test, params, env,
vms = env.get_all_vms()
for vm in vms:
wait_for_shutdown_all_vms(vms, wait_for_login_all_vms())
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