提交 d11ae285 编写于 作者: P Ping Li

multi_vms_nic: fix packet lose during command ping.

To avoid the packet lose, need to make sure the vcpus + vhosts <= pcpus
and pin vcpus/vhosts into different cpu.

Signed-off-by: Ping Li pingl@redhat.com
上级 dce770ec
......@@ -11,8 +11,14 @@
type = multi_vms_nics
ping_counts = 10
file_create_cmd = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/1 bs=100M count=1"
check_irqbalance_cmd = "service irqbalance status"
stop_irqbalance_cmd = "service irqbalance stop"
start_irqbalance_cmd = "service irqbalance start"
status_irqbalance = "Active: active|running"
# We can test multi nics in multi vms by setting nics.
#nics += " nic2"
kill_vm_before_test = yes
start_vm = no
vms = "vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4"
image_snapshot = yes
# Set packet size used in ping test, we can test different packet size
import logging
import re
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import utils_test
from virttest import remote
from virttest import utils_net
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import env_process
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest.staging import utils_memory
......@@ -43,8 +48,8 @@ def run(test, params, env):
for size in packet_size:
error.context("Ping with packet size %s" % size, logging.info)
status, output = utils_test.ping(dst_ip, 10, interface=nic,
timeout=30, session=session)
packetsize=size, timeout=30,
if strict_check:
ratio = utils_test.get_loss_ratio(output)
if ratio != 0:
......@@ -113,18 +118,51 @@ def run(test, params, env):
raise error.TestError("File changed after transfer")
nic_interface_list = []
check_irqbalance_cmd = params.get("check_irqbalance_cmd")
stop_irqbalance_cmd = params.get("stop_irqbalance_cmd")
start_irqbalance_cmd = params.get("start_irqbalance_cmd")
status_irqbalance = params.get("status_irqbalance")
vms = params["vms"].split()
host_mem = utils_memory.memtotal() / (1024 * 1024)
host_cpu_count = len(utils_misc.get_cpu_processors())
vhost_count = 0
if params.get("vhost"):
vhost_count = 1
if host_cpu_count < (1 + vhost_count) * len(vms):
raise error.TestError("The host don't have enough cpus to start guest"
"pcus: %d, minimum of vcpus and vhost: %d" %
(host_cpu_count, (1 + vhost_count) * len(vms)))
params['mem'] = host_mem / len(vms) * 1024
params['smp'] = host_cpu_count / len(vms) - vhost_count
if params['smp'] % 2 != 0:
params['vcpu_sockets'] = 1
params["start_vm"] = "yes"
for vm_name in vms:
env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, vm_name)
timeout = float(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
strict_check = params.get("strick_check", "no")
host_ip = utils_net.get_ip_address_by_interface(params.get("netdst"))
host_ip = params.get("srchost", host_ip)
flood_minutes = float(params["flood_minutes"])
error.context("Check irqbalance service status", logging.info)
o = process.system_output(check_irqbalance_cmd, ignore_status=True)
check_stop_irqbalance = False
if re.findall(status_irqbalance, o):
logging.debug("stop irqbalance")
check_stop_irqbalance = True
o = process.system_output(check_irqbalance_cmd, ignore_status=True)
if re.findall(status_irqbalance, o):
raise error.TestError("Can not stop irqbalance")
thread_list = []
nic_interface = []
for vm_name in vms:
guest_ifname = ""
guest_ip = ""
vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
session = vm.wait_for_serial_login(timeout=timeout)
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
error.context("Check all the nics available or not", logging.info)
for index, nic in enumerate(vm.virtnet):
guest_ifname = utils_net.get_linux_ifname(session, nic.mac)
......@@ -135,6 +173,18 @@ def run(test, params, env):
raise error.TestFail(err_log)
nic_interface = [guest_ifname, guest_ip, session]
error.context("Pin vcpus and vhosts to host cpus", logging.info)
host_numa_nodes = utils_misc.NumaInfo()
vthread_num = 0
for numa_node_id in host_numa_nodes.nodes:
numa_node = host_numa_nodes.nodes[numa_node_id]
for _ in range(len(numa_node.cpus)):
if vthread_num >= len(thread_list):
vcpu_tid = thread_list[vthread_num]
logging.debug("pin vcpu/vhost thread(%s) to cpu(%s)" %
(vcpu_tid, numa_node.pin_cpu(vcpu_tid)))
vthread_num += 1
nic_interface_list_len = len(nic_interface_list)
# ping and file transfer test
......@@ -155,3 +205,5 @@ def run(test, params, env):
txt += "and %s" % dst_ip[1]
error.context(txt, logging.info)
file_transfer(src_ip_info[2], src_ip_info[1], dst_ip[1])
if check_stop_irqbalance:
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