提交 d0288820 编写于 作者: P Ping Li

qemu.tests: add case to run qemu_iotests

Add qemu-iotests cases for qcow2/raw/vmdk/qed/vhdx image format
Signed-off-by: NPing Li <pingl@redhat.com>
上级 63a8212d
- rh_qemu_iotests:
only RHEL
need_run_configure = yes
only Host_RHEL.m7
Host_RHEL.m7.u0, Host_RHEL.m7.u1, Host_RHEL.m7.u2:
need_run_configure = no
type = rh_qemu_iotests
start_vm = no
kill_vm_before_test = yes
check_image = no
query_format = "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.src.rpm"
download_rpm_cmd = brew download-build --rpm %s
get_src_cmd = rpm -ivhf %s && rpmbuild -bp %s --nodeps --force
rpmbuild_clean_cmd = rpmbuild --clean %s --nodeps
iotests_result_pattern = "Failed\s*(\d+)\s*of\s*(\d+)\s*test"
- qcow2_format:
qemu_io_image_format = qcow2
- raw_format:
qemu_io_image_format = raw
make_socket_scm_helper = "&& make tests/qemu-iotests/socket_scm_helper"
Host_RHEL.m7.u0, Host_RHEL.m7.u1, Host_RHEL.m7.u2:
make_socket_scm_helper = ""
- vmdk_format:
qemu_io_image_format = vmdk
- vhdx_format:
qemu_io_image_format = vhdx
import os
import re
import logging
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import error_context
from avocado.utils import process
from avocado.core import exceptions
def run(test, params, env):
Get qemu src code from src rpm and run qemu-iotests using the
qemu binaries.
1) Download src rpm from brew
2) Unpack src code and apply patches
3) Run test for the file format detected
4) Check result
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def retry_command(cmd):
Retry the command when it fails, and raise the error once
retry has exceeded the maximum number
:param cmd: command expect to be executed
:return: output of the command
max_retry = int(params.get("max_retry", 3))
retry = max_retry
while retry:
retry -= 1
return process.system(cmd, shell=True)
except process.CmdError, detail:
msg = "Fail to execute command"
logging.error("%s: %s." % (msg, detail))
raise exceptions.TestError("%s after %s times retry: %s" %
(msg, max_retry, detail))
def install_test(build_root):
Download src rpm, unpack src code and applying patches
:param build_root: build path of rpmbuild
:return: A tuple containing directory of qemu source code
and qemu-kvm spec
error_context.context("Get qemu source code", logging.info)
query_format = params["query_format"]
download_rpm_cmd = params["download_rpm_cmd"]
get_src_cmd = params["get_src_cmd"]
qemu_spec = params.get("qemu_spec", 'SPECS/qemu-kvm.spec')
get_rpm_name_cmd = ("rpm -qf %s --queryformat=%s" %
(utils_misc.get_qemu_binary(params), query_format))
src_rpm_name = process.system_output(get_rpm_name_cmd, shell=True)
retry_command(download_rpm_cmd % src_rpm_name)
spec = os.path.join(build_root, qemu_spec)
build_dir = os.path.join(build_root, 'BUILD')
cmd = get_src_cmd % (src_rpm_name, spec)
process.system(cmd, shell=True)
src_dir = os.listdir(build_dir)[0]
return (os.path.join(build_dir, src_dir), spec)
def config_test(qemu_src_dir):
Generate common.env for test
:qemu_src_dir: path of qemu source code
need_run_configure = params.get("need_run_configure", "no")
if need_run_configure == "yes":
make_socket_scm_helper = params.get("make_socket_scm_helper", "")
logging.info("Generate common.env")
cmd = "./configure"
if make_socket_scm_helper:
cmd += " %s" % make_socket_scm_helper
process.system(cmd, shell=True)
def run_test(qemu_src_dir):
run QEMU I/O test suite
:qemu_src_dir: path of qemu source code
iotests_root = params.get("iotests_root", "tests/qemu-iotests")
extra_options = params.get("qemu_io_extra_options", "")
image_format = params.get("qemu_io_image_format")
result_pattern = params.get("iotests_result_pattern")
error_context.context("running qemu-iotests for image format %s"
% image_format, logging.info)
os.environ["QEMU_PROG"] = utils_misc.get_qemu_binary(params)
os.environ["QEMU_IMG_PROG"] = utils_misc.get_qemu_img_binary(params)
os.environ["QEMU_IO_PROG"] = utils_misc.get_qemu_io_binary(params)
os.chdir(os.path.join(qemu_src_dir, iotests_root))
cmd = './check'
if extra_options:
cmd += " %s" % extra_options
cmd += " -%s" % image_format
output = process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
match = re.search(result_pattern, output, re.I | re.M)
if match:
iotests_log_file = "qemu_iotests_%s.log" % image_format
iotests_log_file = utils_misc.get_path(test.debugdir, iotests_log_file)
with open(iotests_log_file, 'w+') as log:
msg = "Total test %s cases, %s failed"
raise exceptions.TestFail(msg % (match.group(2), match.group(1)))
build_root = params.get("build_root", "/root/rpmbuild")
rpmbuild_clean_cmd = params["rpmbuild_clean_cmd"]
cwd = os.getcwd()
(qemu_src_dir, spec) = install_test(build_root)
process.system(rpmbuild_clean_cmd % spec, shell=True)
except Exception:
logging.warn("Fail to clean test environment")
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