提交 a1ee9c41 编写于 作者: F Feng Yang 提交者: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues

qemu: Add a qemu subtest netperf_udp.

This test case come from RH bug - Low UDP throughput from Linux
KVM guest.

It test UDP throughput with different mesage size by netperf.  If the gap
between UDP throughput is greater than failratio, case will be marked as failed
The range of message size can be set in config file. e.g.
message_size_range = 580 590 2 In this case it will test message size 580
582 584 586 588 590.
Signed-off-by: NFeng Yang <fyang@redhat.com>
KVM test: Add test_timeout to netperf_udp setup remote server command.
Signed-off-by: NCao, Chen <kcao@redhat.com>
Replace kvm_utils.ssh with kvm_utils.remote_login
Signed-off-by: NAmos Kong <akong@redhat.com>
上级 7e7d4abb
- netperf_udp:
only Linux
type = netperf_udp
image_snapshot = yes
virt_test_type = qemu
hostpasswd = redhat
# Set message size range used in testing. We can set it in format:
# start end step. Following setting means we will test 580, 581, 582,...,590
message_size_range = 580 590 1
netperf_files = netperf-2.6.0.tar.bz2
setup_cmd = "cd /tmp && rm -rf netperf-2.6.0 && tar xvfj netperf-2.6.0.tar.bz2 && cd netperf-2.6.0 && ./configure --enable-burst --enable-demo=yes && make"
netserver_cmd = src/netserver
netperf_cmd = src/netperf -l 10 -H %s -t UDP_STREAM -- -m %s
failratio = 0.3
import logging, os
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import utils_misc, remote, utils_net
def run_netperf_udp(test, params, env):
Run netperf on server and client side, we need run this case on two
machines. If dsthost is not set will start netperf server on local
host and log a error message.:
1) Start one vm guest os as client.
2) Start a reference machine (dsthost) as server.
3) Setup netperf on guest and reference machine (dsthost).
4) Run netserver on server using control.server.
5) Run netperf client command in guest several time with different
message size.
6) Compare UDP performance to make sure it is acceptable.
@param test: QEMU test object
@param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
@param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def get_remote_host_session():
dsthostssh = remote.remote_login("ssh", dsthost, 22, "root",
passwd, "#", timeout=30)
if dsthostssh:
dsthostssh.set_status_test_command("echo $?")
return dsthostssh
return None
def scp_to_remote(local_path="", remote_path=""):
remote.scp_to_remote(dsthost, 22, "root", passwd, local_path,
vm.copy_files_to(local_path, remote_path)
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
dsthost = params.get("dsthost")
if not dsthost:
dsthost = utils_net.get_ip_address_by_interface(params.get("netdst"))
logging.error("dsthost is not set, use localhost ip %s" % dsthost)
logging.info("Dest host is %s" % dsthost)
passwd = params.get("hostpasswd")
test_timeout = float(params.get("test_timeout", "1200"))
error.context("Create session connection to remote machine")
dsthostssh = utils_misc.wait_for(get_remote_host_session, 120, 0, 2)
if not dsthostssh:
raise error.TestError("Could not login into remote host %s " % dsthost)
# Get range of message size.
message_size_range = params.get("message_size_range")
message_size = message_size_range.split()
start_size = int(message_size[0])
end_size = int(message_size[1])
step = int(message_size[2])
m_size = start_size
error.context("Copy netperf to dsthost and guest vm.")
netperf_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'], "tests/netperf2")
for i in params.get("netperf_files").split():
scp_to_remote("%s/%s" % (netperf_dir, i), "/tmp/")
# Setup netpref.
error.context("Set up netperf on reference machine.", logging.info)
cmd = params.get("setup_cmd")
(s, output) = dsthostssh.get_command_status_output(cmd,
if s != 0:
raise error.TestError("Fail to setup netperf on reference machine.")
error.context("Setup netperf on guest os.", logging.info)
(s, output) = session.get_command_status_output(cmd,
if s != 0:
raise error.TestError("Fail to setup netperf on guest os.")
# Start netperf server in dsthost.
cmd = "killall netserver"
cmd = params.get("netserver_cmd")
txt = "Run netserver on server (dsthost) using control.server."
error.context(txt, logging.info)
(s, output) = dsthostssh.get_command_status_output(cmd)
if s != 0:
txt = "Fail to start netperf server on remote machine."
txt += " Command output: %s" % output
raise error.TestError(txt)
throughput = []
# Run netperf with message size defined in range.
msg = "Detail result for netperf udp test with different message size.\n"
while(m_size <= end_size):
cmd = params.get("netperf_cmd")% (dsthost, m_size)
txt = "Run netperf client command in guest: %s" % cmd
error.context(txt, logging.info)
(s, output) = session.get_command_status_output(cmd)
if s != 0:
txt = "Fail to execute netperf client side command in guest."
txt += " Command output: %s" % output
raise error.TestError(txt)
line_tokens = output.splitlines()[6].split()
msg += output
m_size += step
file(os.path.join(test.debugdir, "udp_results"), "w").write(msg)
failratio = float(params.get("failratio", 0.3))
error.context("Compare UDP performance.", logging.info)
for i in range(len(throughput) - 1):
if abs(throughput[i] - throughput[i + 1]) > throughput[i] * failratio:
txt = "The gap between adjacent throughput is greater than"
txt += "%f." % failratio
txt += "Please refer to log file for details:\n %s" % msg
raise error.TestFail(txt)
logging.info("The UDP performance as measured via netperf is ok.")
logging.info("Throughput of netperf command: %s" % throughput)
logging.debug("Output of netperf command:\n %s" % msg)
error.context("Kill netperf server on server (dsthost).")
cmd = "killall -9 netserver"
except Exception:
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