提交 8dcf8f51 编写于 作者: X Xiangmin Han

qemu.tests: Add new case check_coredump

    Use guestfs to mount guest image on host mountpoint. And check
    if there is core file in Linux images, bsod in Windows images.

      from V6:
        1. change the past tense to present tense
        2. add timestamp if find the crash directory and file
      from V5:
        1. change the docstring.
        2. change err_msg variable names.
      from V4:
        1. For those image could not be mounted, log the image name.
           And continute to check rest files, do not raise error.
        2. Add more docstring to the functions.
        3. Change the variable names to avoid confusion with method name
      from V3:
        1. remove the redundant slash sign
      from V2:
        1. remove '\n' in the log
        2. change *.qcow2 to *.* to filter all the images
      from V1:
        1. check all the images under the image directory
        2. copy the coredump file to debug dir
Signed-off-by: NXiangmin Han <xhan@redhat.com>
上级 9977331b
- check_coredump:
type = check_coredump
start_vm = no
take_regular_screendumps = no
run_tcpdump = no
run_kvm_stat = no
encode_video_files = no
keep_video_files = no
encode_video_files = no
coredump_check_win = Windows/dump
coredump_check_linux = var/crash/*
This is a kind of post check case in a test loop.
import os
import glob
import logging
import time
from autotest.client import os_dep
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import data_dir
from virttest import utils_misc
import virttest.utils_libguestfs as lgf
def get_images():
Find the image names under the image directory
:return: image names
return glob.glob(utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(),
def coredump_exists(mntpnt, files, out_dir):
Check if there is specified file in the image
If hit the files, copy them to output_dir
The out_dir is the directory contains debug log
:param mntpnt: The mountpoint on the host
:param files: The files pattern need be checked
:param out_dir: If found coredump files, copy them
to the directory
:return: Format as Bool, List which contains tuples
If the checked file exists,
return True, [("checked_file_name", "file_created_time")]
If not, return False, []
file_exists = False
msgs_return = []
for chk_file in files:
file_need_check = utils_misc.get_path(mntpnt, chk_file)
files_glob = glob.glob(file_need_check)
if files_glob:
file_exists = True
for item in files_glob:
file_ctime = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(item))
error.context("copy files %s %s" %
(item, out_dir), logging.info)
os.system("cp -rf %s %s" % (item, out_dir))
return file_exists, msgs_return
def check_images_coredump(image, mntpnt, check_files, debugdir):
Mount the images and check the coredump files
:return: Format as Bool, List
If the checked file exists
return True, ["checked file name"]
If not, return False []
found_coredump = False
msgs_return = []
error.context("Mount the guest image %s to host mount point" %
status = lgf.guestmount(image, mntpnt,
True, True, debug=True, is_disk=True)
if status.exit_status:
msgs_return.append("Could not mount guest image %s." % image)
error.context(msgs_return[0], logging.error)
found_coredump, msgs_return = coredump_exists(mntpnt,
if os.path.ismount(mntpnt):
error.context("guestunmount host mount point")
lgf.lgf_command("guestunmount %s" % mntpnt)
return found_coredump, msgs_return
def format_report(results):
Format the report as below table.
|image name (line) |
| |crash file(subline) | timestamp |
| |... | ... |
:return: the table messages formatted as above
:results: the parameter transfered into
image, msg_list
line_break = "\n"
table_header = "Coredump file exists in the images:"
lines = []
sublines = []
for image, chk_msg in results:
lines += [image]
if isinstance(chk_msg, list):
for fname, ftime in chk_msg:
sublines += [fname + ", " + ftime]
lines += ["\t" + subline for subline in sublines]
all_lines = [""] + [table_header] + lines + [""]
return line_break.join(all_lines)
def run(test, params, env):
We find out that sometimes the guest crashed between two
cases in a loop. For example:
1. case A executed the steps and finished with good.
2. the post process do some check, pause or shutdown
3. guest crashed and reboot or just quit(But the case
already finished with good).
4. case B start and also didn't get the guest crashed
Check if there is any core dump file in guest image .
1) Check all the existing guest images in the image directory.
2) Mount guest image on the host.
3) Check "C:\windows\dump" for Windows and core file for Linux.
4) If yes, copy them to working directory.
# Preliminary
# yum install libguestfs libguestfs-tools libguestfs-winsupport
warn_msg = "Need packages: libguestfs libguestfs-tools" + \
" libguestfs-winsupport"
raise error.TestWarn(warn_msg)
# define the file name need to be checked
file_check_win_default = "Windows/dump"
file_check_linux_default = "var/crash/*"
host_mountpoint_default = "mnt/mountpoint"
host_mountpoint = params.get("host_mountpoint", host_mountpoint_default)
host_mountpoint = utils_misc.get_path(test.debugdir, host_mountpoint)
file_chk_for_win = params.get("coredump_check_win", file_check_win_default)
file_chk_for_linux = params.get("coredump_check_linux",
# check if the host_mountpoint exists.
if not (os.path.isdir(host_mountpoint) and
coredump_file_exists = False
check_files = [file_chk_for_win, file_chk_for_linux]
check_results = []
error.context("Get all the images name", logging.info)
images = get_images()
error.context("images: %s" % images, logging.info)
# find all the images
# mount per-image to check if the dump file exists
error.context("Check coredump file per-image", logging.info)
for image in images:
status, chk_msgs = check_images_coredump(image,
check_files, test.debugdir)
coredump_file_exists = coredump_file_exists or status
if status:
check_results.append((image, chk_msgs))
# if found, report the result
if coredump_file_exists:
report_msg = format_report(check_results)
raise error.TestFail(report_msg)
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