未验证 提交 8b566e38 编写于 作者: Y YongxueHong 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2212 from YongxueHong/bug-1822055

block_scsi_generic_inquiry: New case that sg_inq virtio devices
import logging
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import data_dir
from virttest import env_process
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest.iscsi import Iscsi
from virttest.utils_disk import get_linux_disks
def run(test, params, env):
Test to install the guest OS on the lvm device which is created
on an iSCSI target.
1) Setup iSCSI initiator on local host.
2) Discovery and login the above iSCSI target.
3) Send sg_inq to get information on the host.
4) Boot guest with this lun as a block device as the second
disk, with scsi=on,format=raw,werror=stop,rerror=stop.
5) In the guest, sg_inq should show similar information in
step 3.
6) Logout iscsi server.
7) Check the disk info with sg_inq inside guest, should show
fail information.
8) Run dd on this disk, the guest should stop.
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def fetch_sg_info(device, session=None):
cmd = params['cmd_sg_inq'] % device
if session:
return session.cmd_output(cmd)
return process.getoutput(cmd, 60, ignore_status=False)
iscsi = Iscsi.create_iSCSI(params, data_dir.get_data_dir())
if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: iscsi.get_device_name(), 60):
test.error('Can not get the iSCSI device.')
cmd_get_disk_path = params['cmd_get_disk_path']
disk_path = process.system_output(cmd_get_disk_path, 60,
host_sg_info = fetch_sg_info(disk_path)
logging.info('The scsi generic info from host: %s', host_sg_info)
image_data_tag = params['image_data_tag']
params['image_name_%s' % image_data_tag] = disk_path
params['image_size'] = params['emulated_image_size']
image_params = params.object_params(image_data_tag)
env_process.preprocess_image(test, image_params, image_data_tag)
params["start_vm"] = "yes"
env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, params["main_vm"])
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login()
data_disk = '/dev/' + list(get_linux_disks(session).keys()).pop()
guest_sg_info = fetch_sg_info(data_disk, session)
logging.info('The scsi generic info from guest: %s', guest_sg_info)
for info in guest_sg_info.split():
if info not in host_sg_info:
test.fail('The guest scsi generic info is not similar to host.')
if params['sg_fail_info'] not in fetch_sg_info(data_disk, session):
test.fail('No found the fail information after logout iscsi server.')
session.cmd_output(params['cmd_dd'] % data_disk)
vm_status_paused = params['vm_status_paused']
if not utils_misc.wait_for(
lambda: vm.monitor.verify_status(vm_status_paused), 120, step=3):
test.fail('The vm status is not %s.' % vm_status_paused)
- block_scsi_generic_inquiry:
only virtio_blk
only Linux
only RHEL.7
no q35
type = block_scsi_generic_inquiry
virt_test_type = qemu
kill_vm = yes
start_vm = no
not_preprocess = yes
target = iqn.2020-04.com.redhat:kvm-qe
image_data_tag = stg
images += ' ${image_data_tag}'
drive_rerror_stg = stop
drive_werror_stg = stop
blk_extra_params_stg = "scsi=on,disable-legacy=off,disable-modern=on"
block_raw_name = ${image_data_tag}
emulated_image = images/${block_raw_name}
emulated_image_size = 1G
force_create_stg = no
image_format_stg = raw
image_raw_device_stg = yes
remove_image_stg = no
cmd_dd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=10M count=1000 oflag=direct &"
cmd_get_disk_path = "ls /dev/disk/by-path/* | grep "${target}""
cmd_sg_inq = "sg_inq %s"
vm_status_paused = paused
sg_fail_info = 'Both SCSI INQUIRY and fetching ATA information failed'
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