未验证 提交 68726c43 编写于 作者: Q Qianqian Zhu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2313 from leidwang/uefi_check_gui_config

new case : Verify UEFI config setting in the GUI screen
- uefi_check_resolution:
only q35
only ovmf
type = uefi_check_resolution
timeout = 360
boot_menu = on
enable_sga = yes
boot_menu_hint = "Boot Options"
enter_change_preferred = "esc;down;kp_enter;down;down;down;down;kp_enter"
default_resolution_key = "f9;y"
- save_with_f10:
esc_boot_menu_key = "esc;esc;down;down;down;kp_enter"
save_change = "f10;y"
- save_with_commit:
esc_boot_menu_key = "esc;down;down;down;kp_enter"
save_change = "down;kp_enter"
import re
import random
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import error_context
def run(test, params, env):
Verify UEFI config setting in the GUI screen:
1) Boot up a guest.
2) Set default resolution
3) Change resolution to $re1
4) Save it by hitting 'F10' + 'Y' or 'Commit Changes and Exit'
5) Exit setup interface
6) Check if resolution had been change to $re1
:param test: QEMU test object
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
change_prefered = ["640 x 480", "800 x 480", "800 x 600", "832 x 624",
"960 x 640", "1024 x 600", "1024 x 768", "1152 x 864",
"1152 x 870", "1280 x 720", "1280 x 760", "1280 x 768",
"1280 x 800", "1280 x 960", "1280 x 1024", "1360 x 768",
"1366 x 768", "1400 x 1050", "1440 x 900", "1600 x 900",
"1600 x 1200", "1680 x 1050", "1920 x 1080",
"1920 x 1200", "1920 x 1440", "2000 x 2000",
"2048 x 1536", "2048 x 2048", "2560 x 1440",
"2560 x 1600"]
def boot_check(info):
boot info check
logs = vm.logsessions['seabios'].get_output()
result = re.search(info, logs, re.S)
return result
def choose_resolution():
choose resolution randomly
n = random.randint(0, 29)
change_resolution_key = ["kp_enter"] + ["down"] * n + ["kp_enter"]
resolution = change_prefered[n]
check_info = "GraphicsConsole video resolution " + resolution
return change_resolution_key, check_info, resolution
timeout = int(params.get("timeout", 360))
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
boot_menu_hint = params["boot_menu_hint"]
enter_change_preferred = params["enter_change_preferred"].split(";")
default_resolution_key = params["default_resolution_key"].split(";")
save_change_key = params["save_change"].split(";")
esc_boot_menu_key = params["esc_boot_menu_key"].split(";")
change_resolution_key, check_info, resolution = choose_resolution()
if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: boot_check(boot_menu_hint),
timeout, 1):
test.fail("Could not get boot menu message")
key = []
key += enter_change_preferred
key += default_resolution_key
key += change_resolution_key
key += save_change_key
key += esc_boot_menu_key
list(map(vm.send_key, key))
if not boot_check(check_info):
test.fail("Change to resolution {'%s'} fail" % resolution)
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