未验证 提交 43cacc61 编写于 作者: Q Qianqian Zhu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1240 from sitoliu/timerdevice_feat

timerdevice: add cases
......@@ -37,3 +37,31 @@
ntp_cmd = "(systemctl stop chronyd || service ntpdate stop)"
ntp_cmd += " && chronyd -q 'server clock.redhat.com iburst'"
ntp_query_cmd = "chronyd -Q 'server clock.redhat.com iburst'"
- hotplug_vcpu:
type = timedrift_check_when_hotplug_vcpu
start_vm = yes
vcpu_sockets = 2
smp = 4
vcpus_maxcpus = 6
ntp_query_cmd = "chronyd -Q 'server clock.redhat.com iburst'"
clock_sync_command = "(systemctl stop chronyd || service ntpdate stop)"
clock_sync_command += " && chronyd -q 'server clock.redhat.com iburst'"
query_internal = 600
query_times = 4
drift_threshold = 3
- non_event:
only RHEL
type = timedrift_check_non_event
start_vm = yes
monitor_type = qmp
hwclock_time_command = "LC_TIME=C hwclock -u"
hwclock_time_filter_re = "(\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+).*"
hwclock_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
hwclock_time_filter_re = "(\S+ \S+\s+\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d+).*"
hwclock_time_format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
time_forward = 3600
hwclock_forward_cmd = 'hwclock --set --date "${time_forward} seconds"'
clock_sync_command = "(systemctl stop chronyd || service ntpdate stop)"
clock_sync_command += " && chronyd -q 'server clock.redhat.com iburst'"
drift_threshold = 3
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
vcpu_socket = 2
- newer_msrs_support_check:
only Linux
no Host_RHEL.m5 Host_RHEL.m6.u0
no Host_RHEL.m6.u0
no RHEL.6.0 RHEL.6.1 RHEL.6.2 RHEL.6.3
type = timerdevice_kvmclock_newer_msrs_support
rtc_base = utc
......@@ -116,3 +116,31 @@
rtc_drift = slew
msrs = "4b564d01 4b564d00"
msrs_catch_re = "kvm-clock: Using msrs (\w+) and (\w+)"
- measure_time_jump:
only Linux
type = timerdevice_time_jump_check
rtc_base = utc
rtc_clock = host
i386, x86_64:
rtc_drift = slew
check_cmd = "for i in `seq 20`; do date +'%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';done"
host_cpu_cnt_cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | wc -l"
- set_time_back:
only Linux
type = timerdevice_host_time_back
ntp_server = clock.redhat.com
clock_sync_command = "(systemctl stop chronyd || service ntpdate stop)"
clock_sync_command += " && chronyd -q 'server clock.redhat.com iburst'"
rtc_base = utc
rtc_clock = host
i386, x86_64:
rtc_drift = slew
extra_param = '-global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard'
seconds_to_back = 1800
set_host_time_back_cmd = 'date -s "-${seconds_to_back} seconds"'
epoch_time_cmd = 'epoch=$(date +%s); datetime=$(date);'
epoch_time_cmd += 'echo "datetime: $datetime epoch: $epoch"'
tolerance = 3.0
# when host time set back, guest time should start from continue
# after rebooting, not same with host system time
time_difference = ${seconds_to_back}
import logging
import re
import time
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import error_context
def run(test, params, env):
Check guest offset in non-event way.
1) sync host system time with ntp server
2) boot guest with '-rtc base=utc,clock=host,driftfix=slew'
3) get output of "qom-get" command
4) read RTC time inside guest
5) adjust RTC time forward 1 hour in guest
6) verify output of "qom-get"
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
def get_hwtime(session):
Get guest's hardware clock in epoch.
:param session: VM session.
hwclock_time_command = params.get("hwclock_time_command",
"hwclock -u")
hwclock_time_filter_re = params.get("hwclock_time_filter_re",
r"(\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+).*")
hwclock_time_format = params.get("hwclock_time_format",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
output = session.cmd_output_safe(hwclock_time_command)
str_time = re.findall(hwclock_time_filter_re, output)[0]
guest_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(str_time, hwclock_time_format))
except Exception as err:
"(time_format, output): (%s, %s)", hwclock_time_format, output)
raise err
return guest_time
clock_sync_command = params["clock_sync_command"]
error_context.context("Sync host system time with ntpserver", logging.info)
process.system(clock_sync_command, shell=True)
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login()
hwclock_forward_cmd = params["hwclock_forward_cmd"]
time_forward = params["time_forward"]
drift_threshold = params["drift_threshold"]
error_context.context("Get output of qom_get", logging.info)
qom_st1 = vm.monitor.qom_get("/machine", "rtc-time")
error_context.context("Get hardware time of guest", logging.info)
hwclock_st1 = get_hwtime(session)
logging.debug("hwclock: guest time=%ss", hwclock_st1)
error_context.context("Adjust guest hardware time forward 1 hour", logging.info)
session.cmd(hwclock_forward_cmd, timeout=120)
error_context.context("Verify output of qom-get", logging.info)
qom_st2 = vm.monitor.qom_get("/machine", "rtc-time")
qom_gap = int(qom_st2["tm_hour"]) - int(qom_st1["tm_hour"])
if (qom_gap < 1) or (qom_gap > 2):
test.fail("Unexpected offset in qom-get, "
"qom-get result before change guest's RTC time: %s, "
"qom-get result after change guest's RTC time: %s"
% (qom_st1, qom_st2))
error_context.context("Verify guest hardware time", logging.info)
hwclock_st2 = get_hwtime(session)
logging.debug("hwclock: guest time=%ss", hwclock_st2)
if (hwclock_st1 - hwclock_st2 - float(time_forward)) > float(drift_threshold):
test.fail("Unexpected hwclock drift, "
"hwclock: current guest time=%ss" % hwclock_st2)
import re
import time
import logging
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import error_context
def run(test, params, env):
Check time offset after hotplug a vcpu.
1) sync host time with ntpserver
2) boot guest with '-rtc base=utc,clock=host,driftfix=slew'
3) stop auto sync service in guest (rhel7 only)
4) sync guest system time with ntpserver
5) hotplug a vcpu by qmp command
6) query guest time offset with ntpserver for several times
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
clock_sync_command = params["clock_sync_command"]
error_context.context("Sync host system time with ntpserver", logging.info)
process.system(clock_sync_command, shell=True)
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login()
ntp_query_cmd = params.get("ntp_query_cmd", "")
query_times = int(params.get("query_times", "4"))
query_internal = float(params.get("query_internal", "600"))
drift_threshold = float(params.get("drift_threshold", "3"))
error_context.context("Sync time from guest to ntpserver", logging.info)
error_context.context("Hotplug a vcpu to guest", logging.info)
if int(params["smp"]) < int(params["vcpus_maxcpus"]):
test.error("Invalid operation, valid index range 0:%d, used range 0:%d"
% (int(params["vcpus_maxcpus"])-1, int(params["smp"]) - 1))
error_context.context("Check time offset via ntp server", logging.info)
for query in range(query_times):
output = session.cmd_output(ntp_query_cmd)
offset = re.findall(r"([+-]*\d+\.\d+) seconds", output, re.M)[0]
except IndexError:
test.error("Failed to get time offset")
if float(offset) >= drift_threshold:
test.fail("Uacceptable offset '%s', " % offset +
"threshold '%s'" % drift_threshold)
import re
import time
import logging
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import error_context
from virttest.compat_52lts import decode_to_text
def run(test, params, env):
Check if guest hang/stall if host clock is set back
1) sync host system time with ntp server
2) boot guest with "-rtc base=utc, clock=host, driftfix=slew"
3) set host system time back
4) reboot guest and do some operation.
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
clock_sync_command = params["clock_sync_command"]
error_context.context("Sync host system time with ntpserver", logging.info)
process.system(clock_sync_command, shell=True)
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login()
seconds_to_back = params["seconds_to_back"]
set_host_time_back_cmd = params["set_host_time_back_cmd"]
time_difference = int(params["time_difference"])
epoch_time_cmd = params["epoch_time_cmd"]
tolerance = float(params["tolerance"])
error_context.context("Check time difference between host and guest", logging.info)
guest_timestr_ = session.cmd_output(epoch_time_cmd, timeout=120)
host_timestr_ = decode_to_text(process.system_output(epoch_time_cmd, shell=True))
host_epoch_time_, guest_epoch_time_ = map(lambda x: re.findall(r"epoch:\s+(\d+)", x)[0],
[host_timestr_, guest_timestr_])
real_difference_ = abs(int(host_epoch_time_) - int(guest_epoch_time_))
if real_difference_ > tolerance:
test.error("Unexpected timedrift between host and guest, host time: %s,"
"guest time: %s" % (host_epoch_time_, guest_epoch_time_))
error_context.context("Set host system time back %s s" % seconds_to_back)
session = vm.wait_for_login()
error_context.context("Check time difference between host and guest", logging.info)
guest_timestr = session.cmd_output(epoch_time_cmd, timeout=120)
except Exception:
test.error("Guest error after set host system time back")
host_timestr = decode_to_text(process.system_output(epoch_time_cmd, shell=True))
host_epoch_time, guest_epoch_time = map(lambda x: re.findall(r"epoch:\s+(\d+)", x)[0],
[host_timestr, guest_timestr])
real_difference = abs(int(host_epoch_time) - int(guest_epoch_time))
if abs(real_difference - time_difference) >= tolerance:
test.fail("Unexpected timedrift between host and guest, host time: %s,"
"guest time: %s" % (host_epoch_time, guest_epoch_time))
error_context.context("Sync host system time with ntpserver finally", logging.info)
process.system(clock_sync_command, shell=True)
import logging
import time
from virttest import error_context
from virttest.compat_52lts import decode_to_text
from avocado.utils import process
def run(test, params, env):
check time jumps in guest (only for Linux guest):
1) boot guest with '-rtc base=utc,clock=host,driftfix=slew'
2) check current clocksource in guest
3) pin all vcpus to specfic host CPUs
4) verify time jump
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login()
error_context.context("Check the clock source currently used on guest",
cmd = "cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/"
cmd += "clocksource0/current_clocksource"
logging.info("%s is current clocksource." % session.cmd_output(cmd))
error_context.context("Pin every vcpu to physical cpu", logging.info)
host_cpu_cnt_cmd = params["host_cpu_cnt_cmd"]
host_cpu_num = decode_to_text(process.system_output(host_cpu_cnt_cmd,
host_cpu_list = (_ for _ in range(int(host_cpu_num)))
if len(vm.vcpu_threads) > int(host_cpu_num):
host_cpu_list = []
for _ in range(len(vm.vcpu_threads)):
host_cpu_list.append(_ % int(host_cpu_num))
cpu_pin_list = list(zip(vm.vcpu_threads, host_cpu_list))
for vcpu, pcpu in cpu_pin_list:
process.system("taskset -p -c %s %s" % (pcpu, vcpu))
check_cmd = params["check_cmd"]
output = str(session.cmd_output(check_cmd)).splitlines()
time_pattern = "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
time_list = []
for str_time in output:
time_struct = time.strptime(str_time, time_pattern)
etime = time.mktime(time_struct)
for idx, _ in enumerate(time_list):
if idx < len(time_list) - 1:
if _ == time_list[idx+1] or (_ + 1) == time_list[idx+1]:
test.fail("Test fail, time jumps backward or forward on guest")
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