提交 4336ef6a 编写于 作者: L Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues

Merge pull request #974 from xutian/add_timedrift_case

qemu.tests: new case to check guest clock offset
......@@ -102,3 +102,27 @@
vcpu_need_hotplug = 100
offline = 1-100
online = 1-100
- check_clock:
# check guest clock offset before switch vcpus status
only Linux
requires_root = yes
smp = 1
repeat_time = 1
acceptable_offset = 5
vcpu_need_hotplug = 1
online = 1
offline = 1
vcpu_num_rechek = no
ntp_server = "clock.redhat.com"
pre_command = "ntpdate ${ntp_server}"
ntp_sync_cmd = "ntpdate ${ntp_server}"
ntp_query_cmd = "ntpdate -q ${ntp_server}"
ntp_service_stop_cmd = "service chronyd stop || service ntpdate stop"
- after_10mins:
# seconds switch vcpus between online and offline
onoff_iterations = 600
- after_20mins:
onoff_iterations = 1200
- after_30mins:
onoff_iterations = 1800
- check_clock_offset:
rtc_clock = host
rtc_base = utc
rtc_drift = slew
requires_root = yes
- with_syscall:
type = timedrift_check_with_syscall
start_vm = yes
only Linux
no JeOS
tmp_dir = "/tmp"
result_file = "clktest.log"
build_cmd = "gcc -lrt ${tmp_dir}/clktest.c -o clktest"
test_cmd = "./clktest"
check_timeout = 300
- when_crash:
type = timedrift_check_when_crash
start_vm = no
ntp_server = "clock.redhat.com"
sleep_time = 1800
- bsod:
only Windows
nmi_cmd = "monitor:inject-nmi"
ntp_cmd = "sc start w32time && ping -n 6 -w 1000>nul && w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:${ntp_server} /syncfromflags:manual /update"
ntp_query_cmd = "w32tm /stripchart /computer:${ntp_server} /samples:1 /dataonly"
- hang:
kill_vm = yes
# Notes:
# please stop kernel crash recovery service like 'kdump' before trigger kernek panic,
# else guest will reboot immedicately that is unexpected in this test;
only Linux
nmi_cmd = "guest: echo '1' > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq && echo '0' > /proc/sys/kernel/panic && service kdump stop; echo 'c' > /proc/sysrq-trigger"
ntp_cmd = "ntpdate ${ntp_server}"
ntp_query_cmd = "ntpdate -q ${ntp_server}"
......@@ -88,3 +88,13 @@
vcpu_socket = 1
- two_sockets:
vcpu_socket = 2
- newer_msrs_support_check:
only Linux
no Host_RHEL.3,4,5 Host_RHEL.6.0
no RHEL.3,4,5 RHEL.6.0,1,2,3
type = timerdevice_kvmclock_newer_msrs_support
rtc_base = utc
rtc_clock = host
rtc_drift = slew
msrs = "4b564d01 4b564d00"
msrs_catch_re = "kvm-clock: Using msrs (\w+) and (\w+)"
......@@ -10,20 +10,35 @@ def run_cpu_add(test, params, env):
Runs CPU hotplug test:
0) sync host clock via ntp server
1) Boot the vm with -smp X,maxcpus=Y
2) After logged into the vm, check CPUs number
3) Stop the guest if config 'stop_before_hotplug'
4) Do cpu hotplug
5) Resume the guest if config 'stop_before_hotplug'
6) Recheck guest get hot-pluged CPUs
7) Do cpu online/offline in guest if config
8) Run sub test after CPU Hotplug
9) Recheck guest cpus after sub test
4) sync guest clock via ntp server if config ntp_sync_cmd
5) stop ntp service in guest if config ntp_service_stop_cmd
6) Do cpu hotplug
7) Resume the guest if config 'stop_before_hotplug'
8) Recheck guest get hot-pluged CPUs
9) Do cpu online/offline in guest and check clock
offset via ntp server if config online/offline_cpus
10) Run sub test after CPU Hotplug if run_sub_test is 'yes'
11) Recheck guest cpus after sub test if vcpu_num_rechek is 'yes'
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
def get_clock_offset(session, ntp_query_cmd):
Get guest clock offset between ntp service;
output = session.cmd_output(ntp_query_cmd)
offset = float(re.findall(r"[+-](\d+\.\d+)", output)[-1])
except IndexError:
offset = 0.0
return offset
def qemu_guest_cpu_match(vm, vcpu_been_pluged=0, wait_time=60):
Check Whether the vcpus are matche
......@@ -76,6 +91,10 @@ def run_cpu_add(test, params, env):
timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
onoff_iterations = int(params.get("onoff_iterations", 2))
vcpu_need_hotplug = int(params.get("vcpu_need_hotplug", 1))
acceptable_offset = float(params.get("acceptable_offset", 5))
ntp_query_cmd = params.get("ntp_query_cmd", "")
ntp_sync_cmd = params.get("ntp_sync_cmd", "")
ntp_service_stop_cmd = params.get("ntp_service_stop_cmd")
error.context("Boot the vm, with '-smp X,maxcpus=Y' option", logging.info)
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
......@@ -83,6 +102,13 @@ def run_cpu_add(test, params, env):
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
maxcpus = vm.cpuinfo.maxcpus
if ntp_sync_cmd:
error.context("sync guest time via ntp server", logging.info)
if ntp_service_stop_cmd:
logging.info("stop ntp service in guest")
error.context("Check if cpus in guest matche qemu cmd before hotplug",
......@@ -147,7 +173,7 @@ def run_cpu_add(test, params, env):
logging.debug("The error info is:\n '%s'" % output)
raise error.TestFail(err_msg)
if stop_before_hotplug:
if stop_before_hotplug == "yes":
error.context("Resume the guest after cpu hotplug", logging.info)
......@@ -182,10 +208,28 @@ def run_cpu_add(test, params, env):
for i in range(repeat_time):
for offline_cpu in offline_list:
cpu_online_offline(session, offline_cpu)
logging.info("sleep %s seconds", onoff_iterations)
if ntp_query_cmd:
error.context("Check guest clock after online cpu",
current_offset = get_clock_offset(session, ntp_query_cmd)
if current_offset > acceptable_offset:
raise error.TestFail("time drift(%ss)" % current_offset +
"after online cpu(%s)"
% offline_cpu)
for online_cpu in online_list:
cpu_online_offline(session, online_cpu, "online")
logging.info("sleep %s seconds", onoff_iterations)
if ntp_query_cmd:
error.context("Check guest clock after offline cpu",
current_offset = get_clock_offset(session, ntp_query_cmd)
if current_offset > acceptable_offset:
raise error.TestFail("time drift(%s)" % current_offset +
"after offline cpu(%s)"
% online_cpu)
# do sub test after cpu hotplug
if (params.get("run_sub_test", "no") == "yes" and
import logging
import time
import re
from autotest.client.shared import error
from autotest.client.shared import utils
from virttest.env_process import preprocess
from virttest.virt_vm import VMDeadKernelCrashError
def run_timedrift_check_when_crash(test, params, env):
Time clock offset check when guest crash/bsod test:
1) boot guest with '-rtc base=utc,clock=host,driftfix=slew';
2) sync host system time with "ntpdate clock.redhat.com";
3) inject nmi to guest/ make linux kernel crash;
4) sleep long time, then reset vm via system_reset;
5) query clock offset from ntp server;
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
ntp_server = params.get("ntp_server", "clock.redhat.com")
ntp_cmd = params["ntp_cmd"]
ntp_query_cmd = params["ntp_query_cmd"]
nmi_cmd = params.get("nmi_cmd", "inject-nmi")
sleep_time = float(params.get("sleep_time", 1800))
deviation = float(params.get("deviation", 5))
error.context("sync host time with ntp server", logging.info)
utils.system("ntpdate %s" % ntp_server)
error.context("start guest", logging.info)
params["start_vm"] = "yes"
preprocess(test, params, env)
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
error.context("sync time in guest", logging.info)
error.context("inject nmi interupt in vm", logging.info)
target, cmd = re.split("\s*:\s*", nmi_cmd)
if target == "monitor":
except Exception:
raise error.TestFail("Guest OS still alive ...")
error.context("sleep %s seconds" % sleep_time, logging.info)
# Autotest parses serial output and could raise VMDeadKernelCrash
# we generated using sysrq. Ignore one "BUG:" line
session = vm.reboot(method="system_reset")
except VMDeadKernelCrashError, details:
details = str(details)
if (re.findall(r"Trigger a crash\s.*BUG:", details, re.M)
and details.count("BUG:") != 1):
raise error.TestFail("Got multiple kernel crashes. Please "
"note that one of them was "
"intentionally generated by sysrq in "
"this test.\n%s" % details)
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
except VMDeadKernelCrashError, details:
details = str(details)
if (re.findall(r"Trigger a crash\s.*BUG:", details, re.M)
and details.count("BUG:") != 1):
raise error.TestFail("Got multiple kernel crashes. "
"Please note that one of them was "
"intentionally generated by sysrq "
"in this test.\n%s" % details)
error.context("check time offset via ntp", logging.info)
output = session.cmd_output(ntp_query_cmd)
offset = re.findall(r"[+-](\d+\.\d+)", output, re.M)[-1]
except IndexError:
offset = 0.0
if float(offset) > deviation:
raise error.TestFail("Unacceptable offset '%s', " % offset +
"deviation '%s'" % deviation)
import os
import logging
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest import aexpect
from virttest import data_dir
def run_timedrift_check_with_syscall(test, params, env):
Time clock offset check test (only for Linux guest):
1) boot guest with '-rtc base=utc,clock=host,driftfix=slew'
2) build binary 'clktest' in guest
3) check clock offset with ./clktest
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
build_cmd = params.get("build_cmd", "gcc -lrt clktest.c -o clktest")
test_cmd = params.get("test_cmd", "./clktest")
check_timeout = int(params.get("check_timeout", "600"))
tmp_dir = params.get("tmp_dir", "/tmp")
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
src_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_dir.get_data_dir()), "deps")
src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "clktest.c")
dst_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "clktest.c")
error.context("transfer '%s' to guest('%s')" % (src_file, dst_file),
vm.copy_files_to(src_file, tmp_dir, timeout=120)
error.context("build binary file 'clktest'", logging.info)
error.context("check clock offset via `clktest`", logging.info)
logging.info("set check timeout to %s seconds", check_timeout)
session.cmd_output(test_cmd, timeout=check_timeout)
except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError, msg:
if 'Interval is' in msg.output:
raise error.TestFail(msg.output)
import re
import logging
from autotest.client.shared import error
def run_timerdevice_kvmclock_newer_msrs_support(test, params, env):
check kvm-clock using newer msrs test (only for Linux guest):
1) boot guest with '-rtc base=utc,clock=host,driftfix=slew'
2) verify guest using newer msrs set
:param test: QEMU test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
msrs = str(params["msrs"]).split()
dmesg = str(session.cmd_output("dmesg"))
msrs_catch_re = params.get("msrs_catch_re",
"kvm-clock: Using msrs (\w+) and (\w+)")
current_msrs = re.search(r"%s" % msrs_catch_re, dmesg, re.M | re.I)
if current_msrs:
current_msrs = set(current_msrs.groups())
if current_msrs != set(msrs):
raise error.TestFail("Except msrs (%s), " % msrs +
"got (%s)" % current_msrs)
raise error.TestFail("No newer msr available for kvm-clock")
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