未验证 提交 158d4eb9 编写于 作者: Y YongxueHong 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2188 from kimi1978wy/1821603

check_cpu_utilization: cpu utilization check with all hv flags
- hv_check_cpu_utilization:
only Windows
type = hv_check_cpu_utilization
clone_master = yes
master_images_clone = image1
remove_image_image1 =yes
nics = ""
cdroms = ""
cpu_model_flags = "hv_crash"
host_check_times = 900
host_check_interval = 2
serives_to_stop = wuauserv bits dosvc SysMain
service_check_cmd = sc query %s
service_stop_cmd = sc stop {0} & sc config {0} start=disabled
reg_cmd = reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SecurityHealthService" /v Start /d 4 /t REG_DWORD /f
host_check_cmd = top -H -p %s -n ${host_check_times} -d ${host_check_interval} -b > fixed-top-pc-result
vcpn_thread_pattern = r'thread_id.?[:|=]\s*(\d+)'
thread_process_cmd = "cat fixed-top-pc-result |grep %s|awk -F ' ' ' {print $9;}'|awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}'"
thread_cpu_level = 5
post_command = rm -f fixed-top-pc-result
import time
import threading
import re
import logging
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import utils_test
from virttest import error_context
from avocado.utils import process
def _check_cpu_usage(session):
Check windows guest cpu usage by wmic. This function is used within
utils_misc.wait_for(), to check cpu usage repeatedly.
param session: a session object to send wmic commands
status, output = session.cmd_status_output(
"wmic cpu get loadpercentage /value")
if not status:
result = re.search(r'LoadPercentage=(\d+)', output)
if result:
percent = int(result.group(1))
if percent > 1:
logging.warning("Guest cpu usage :%s%%", percent)
def _check_cpu_thread_func(session, timeout):
Repeatedlly checking guest cpu usage, until timeout has arrived.
param session: a session object to send commands
param timeout: total checking time
utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: _check_cpu_usage(session), timeout, 0, 5)
def _pin_vm_threads(vm, node):
Pin guest to certain numa node.
param vm: a vm object
param node: a numa node to pin to
node = utils_misc.NumaNode(node)
utils_test.qemu.pin_vm_threads(vm, node)
def _stop_service(test, params, session, service):
Check & stop windows system service
param session: a session to send commands
param service: the name of the service to stop
service_check_cmd = params.get("service_check_cmd")
service_stop_cmd = params.get("service_stop_cmd")
s, o = session.cmd_status_output("sc query")
if s:
test.error("Failed to query service list, "
"status=%s, output=%s" % (s, o))
service_item = re.search(
r'SERVICE_NAME:\s+%s' % service, o, re.I | re.M)
if not service_item:
s, o = session.cmd_status_output(service_check_cmd % service)
if s:
test.error("Failed to get status for service: %s, "
"status=%s, output=%s" % (service, s, o))
if re.search(r'STOPPED', o, re.I | re.M):
def run(test, params, env):
Cpu utilization test with hv flags.
1)Start a Windows guest vm.
2)Pin the vm to certain numa node, to keep accuracy.
3)Stop serval Windows services & background processes on guest.
to lower the cpu usage to minimum.
4)Reboot vm to apply changes, then wait for serveral minutes to make
sure the cpu is chill down.
5)Start both checking the guest&host's cpu usage, monitoring the value.
6)Compare the average utilization value to standard values.
param test: the test object
param params: the params of the test
param env: the testing environment object
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
# pin guest vcpus/memory/vhost threads to last numa node of host
_pin_vm_threads(vm, params.get_numeric("numa_node", -1))
timeout = params.get_numeric("login_timeout", 240)
host_check_times = params.get_numeric("host_check_times", 900)
host_check_interval = params.get_numeric("host_check_interval", 2)
guest_check_timeout = host_check_times * host_check_interval
thread_cpu_level = params.get_numeric("thread_cpu_level", 5)
session = vm.wait_for_serial_login(timeout=timeout)
service_names = params.get("serives_to_stop").split()
# check and stop services
for service in service_names:
_stop_service(test, params, session, service)
# stop windows defender
session = vm.reboot(session, timeout=timeout, serial=True)
# wait for the guest to chill
# start background checking guest cpu usage
thread = threading.Thread(target=_check_cpu_thread_func,
args=(session, guest_check_timeout))
# start checking host cpu usage
pid = vm.get_pid()
process.system(params["host_check_cmd"] % pid, shell=True)
thread.join(guest_check_timeout + 360)
vcpu_thread_pattern = params.get("vcpu_thread_pattern",
vcpu_ids = vm.get_vcpu_pids(vcpu_thread_pattern)
for thread_id in vcpu_ids:
# output result
host_cpu_usage = process.system_output(
params["thread_process_cmd"] % thread_id, shell=True)
host_cpu_usage = float(host_cpu_usage.decode())
if host_cpu_usage > thread_cpu_level:
test.fail("The cpu usage of thread %s is %s"
" > %s" % (thread_id, host_cpu_usage, thread_cpu_level))
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