未验证 提交 051f8788 编写于 作者: L Longxiang Lyu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1961 from kimi1978wy/1479119

Add windows support for Scatter/Gather I/O Test
- enable_scatter_windows:
only Windows
type = enable_scatter_windows
filesize = 50
clean_cmd = del
image_snapshot = yes
cdroms += " virtio"
check_proc_temp = 'tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq %s"'
installed_path = "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\tshark.exe"
check_installed_cmd = 'dir "${installed_path}"|findstr /I tshark.exe'
wireshark_name = "Wireshark-win64-1.10.1.exe"
i386, i686:
wireshark_name = "Wireshark-win32-1.10.1.exe"
install_wireshark_cmd = "xcopy WIN_UTILS:\${wireshark_name} c:\ /y && c:\${wireshark_name} /S"
autoit_name = "AutoIt3_%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.exe"
install_winpcap_cmd = "WIN_UTILS:\${autoit_name} WIN_UTILS:\install_winpcap.au3"
param_names = "Offload.TxLSO Offload.TxLSO MTU"
param_values = "1 0 1000"
run_wireshark_temp = 'start "" "${installed_path}" -n -w c:\temp.pcapng tcp and dst %s and src %s'
stop_wireshark_cmd = "taskkill /im tshark.exe /f"
parse_log_temp = '"${installed_path}" -2 -r c:\temp.pcapng -R "%s"'
import logging
import time
from virttest import utils_test
from virttest import error_context
from virttest import utils_net
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest.utils_windows import virtio_win
def run(test, params, env):
Change certain netkvm driver parameter value and
check the setting result.
1) start vm
2) check and install wireshark and winpcap
3) enable netkvm driver TxLSO
4) start file transfer and use wireshark to log traffic,
some packets length should over 1514
5) disable TxLSO and set MTU to 1000
6) start file transfer and log file transfer traffic again,
no packet length should over 1014
param test: the test object
param params: the test params
param env: test environment
def _is_process_finished(session, process_name):
Check whether the target process is finished running
param session: a guest session to send command
param process_name: the target process name
return: True if process does not exists,
False if still exists
check_proc_cmd = check_proc_temp % process_name
status, output = session.cmd_status_output(check_proc_cmd)
if status:
return False
return process_name not in output
def _start_wireshark_session():
Start a wireshark session and log network traffic to a file
error_context.context("Start wireshark session", logging.info)
session_serial = vm.wait_for_serial_login(timeout=timeout)
guest_ip = vm.get_address()
run_wireshark_cmd = run_wireshark_temp % (host_ip, guest_ip)
status, output = session_serial.cmd_status_output(run_wireshark_cmd,
if status:
test.error("Failed to start wireshark session, "
"status=%s, output=%s" % (status, output))
is_started = utils_misc.wait_for(
lambda: not _is_process_finished(session_serial, "tshark.exe"), 20, 5, 1)
if not is_started:
test.error("Timeout when wait for wireshark start")
def _stop_wireshark_session():
Stop the running wireshark session
error_context.context("Stop wireshark", logging.info)
status, output = session.cmd_status_output(stop_wireshark_cmd,
if status:
test.error("Failed to stop wireshark: status=%s, output=%s"
% (status, output))
def _parse_log_file(packet_filter):
Parse the log file generated by the previous wireshark session.
param packet_filter: the filter to apply when dump packets
return: the output of the parse result
error_context.context("Parse wireshark log file", logging.info)
parse_log_cmd = parse_log_temp % packet_filter
status, output = session.cmd_status_output(
parse_log_cmd, timeout=timeout)
if status:
test.error("Failed to parse session log file,"
" status=%s, output=%s" % (status, output))
return output
def _get_traffic_log(packet_filter):
Use wireshark to log the file transfer network traffic,
and return the packets dump output.
param packet_filter: the filter to apply when dump packets
return: the output of the parse result
error_context.context("Start file transfer", logging.info)
utils_test.run_file_transfer(test, params, env)
return _parse_log_file(packet_filter)
def _set_driver_param(index):
set the netkvm driver param's value.
param index: the index of the list of target params
param_name = param_names[index]
param_value = param_values[index]
utils_net.set_netkvm_param_value(vm, param_name, param_value)
timeout = params.get("timeout", 360)
driver_name = params.get("driver_name", "netkvm")
wireshark_name = params.get("wireshark_name")
run_wireshark_temp = params.get("run_wireshark_temp")
stop_wireshark_cmd = params.get("stop_wireshark_cmd")
check_proc_temp = params.get("check_proc_temp")
parse_log_temp = params.get("parse_log_temp")
param_names = params.get("param_names").split()
param_values = params.get("param_values").split()
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
# make sure to enter desktop
error_context.context("Check if the driver is installed and "
"verified", logging.info)
session = utils_test.qemu.windrv_check_running_verifier(session, vm,
error_context.context("Install winpcap", logging.info)
install_winpcap_cmd = params.get("install_winpcap_cmd")
install_winpcap_cmd = utils_misc.set_winutils_letter(
session, install_winpcap_cmd)
status, output = session.cmd_status_output(install_winpcap_cmd,
if status:
test.error("Failed to install pcap, status=%s, output=%s"
% (status, output))
logging.info("Wait for pcap installation to complete")
autoit_name = params.get("autoit_name")
lambda: _is_process_finished(session, autoit_name), timeout, 20, 3)
error_context.context("Check if wireshark is installed", logging.info)
check_installed_cmd = params.get("check_installed_cmd")
check_result = session.cmd_output(check_installed_cmd)
if "tshark" not in check_result:
error_context.context("Install wireshark", logging.info)
install_wireshark_cmd = params.get("install_wireshark_cmd")
install_wireshark_cmd = utils_misc.set_winutils_letter(
session, install_wireshark_cmd)
status, output = session.cmd_status_output(install_wireshark_cmd,
if status:
test.error("Failed to install wireshark, status=%s, output=%s"
% (status, output))
logging.info("Wait for wireshark installation to complete")
lambda: _is_process_finished(session, wireshark_name), timeout, 20, 3)
logging.info("Wireshark is already installed")
error_context.context("Enable scatter gather", logging.info)
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
"Log network traffic with scatter gather enabled", logging.info)
output = _get_traffic_log("frame.len>1514")
logging.info("Check length > 1514 packets")
if "Len" not in output:
test.fail("No packet length >= 1514, output=%s" % output)
error_context.context("Disable scatter gather", logging.info)
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
"Log network traffic with scatter gather disabled", logging.info)
logging.info("Check length > 1014 packets")
output = _get_traffic_log("frame.len>1014")
if "Len" in output:
test.fail("Some packet length > 1014, output=%s" % output)
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