timedrift.py 7.4 KB
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import logging, time, commands
from autotest.client.shared import error
from autotest.client.virt import utils_test, aexpect

def run_timedrift(test, params, env):
    Time drift test (mainly for Windows guests):

    1) Log into a guest.
    2) Take a time reading from the guest and host.
    3) Run load on the guest and host.
    4) Take a second time reading.
    5) Stop the load and rest for a while.
    6) Take a third time reading.
    7) If the drift immediately after load is higher than a user-
    specified value (in %), fail.
    If the drift after the rest period is higher than a user-specified value,

    @param test: KVM test object.
    @param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
    @param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
    # Helper functions
    def set_cpu_affinity(pid, mask):
        Set the CPU affinity of all threads of the process with PID pid.
        Do this recursively for all child processes as well.

        @param pid: The process ID.
        @param mask: The CPU affinity mask.
        @return: A dict containing the previous mask for each thread.
        tids = commands.getoutput("ps -L --pid=%s -o lwp=" % pid).split()
        prev_masks = {}
        for tid in tids:
            prev_mask = commands.getoutput("taskset -p %s" % tid).split()[-1]
            prev_masks[tid] = prev_mask
            commands.getoutput("taskset -p %s %s" % (mask, tid))
        children = commands.getoutput("ps --ppid=%s -o pid=" % pid).split()
        for child in children:
            prev_masks.update(set_cpu_affinity(child, mask))
        return prev_masks

    def restore_cpu_affinity(prev_masks):
        Restore the CPU affinity of several threads.

        @param prev_masks: A dict containing TIDs as keys and masks as values.
        for tid, mask in prev_masks.items():
            commands.getoutput("taskset -p %s %s" % (mask, tid))

    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)

    # Collect test parameters:
    # Command to run to get the current time
    time_command = params.get("time_command")
    # Filter which should match a string to be passed to time.strptime()
    time_filter_re = params.get("time_filter_re")
    # Time format for time.strptime()
    time_format = params.get("time_format")
    guest_load_command = params.get("guest_load_command")
    guest_load_stop_command = params.get("guest_load_stop_command")
    host_load_command = params.get("host_load_command")
    guest_load_instances = int(params.get("guest_load_instances", "1"))
    host_load_instances = int(params.get("host_load_instances", "0"))
    # CPU affinity mask for taskset
    cpu_mask = params.get("cpu_mask", "0xFF")
    load_duration = float(params.get("load_duration", "30"))
    rest_duration = float(params.get("rest_duration", "10"))
    drift_threshold = float(params.get("drift_threshold", "200"))
    drift_threshold_after_rest = float(params.get("drift_threshold_after_rest",

    guest_load_sessions = []
    host_load_sessions = []

        # Set the VM's CPU affinity
        prev_affinity = set_cpu_affinity(vm.get_shell_pid(), cpu_mask)

            # Open shell sessions with the guest
            logging.info("Starting load on guest...")
            for i in range(guest_load_instances):
                load_session = vm.login()
                # Set output func to None to stop it from being called so we
                # can change the callback function and the parameters it takes
                # with no problems
                load_session.set_output_prefix("(guest load %d) " % i)

            # Get time before load
            # (ht stands for host time, gt stands for guest time)
            (ht0, gt0) = utils_test.get_time(session,

            # Run some load on the guest
            for load_session in guest_load_sessions:

            # Run some load on the host
            logging.info("Starting load on host...")
            for i in range(host_load_instances):
                                   output_prefix="(host load %d) " % i,
                # Set the CPU affinity of the load process
                pid = host_load_sessions[-1].get_pid()
                set_cpu_affinity(pid, cpu_mask)

            # Sleep for a while (during load)
            logging.info("Sleeping for %s seconds...", load_duration)

            # Get time delta after load
            (ht1, gt1) = utils_test.get_time(session,

            # Report results
            host_delta = ht1 - ht0
            guest_delta = gt1 - gt0
            drift = 100.0 * (host_delta - guest_delta) / host_delta
            logging.info("Host duration: %.2f", host_delta)
            logging.info("Guest duration: %.2f", guest_delta)
            logging.info("Drift: %.2f%%", drift)

            logging.info("Cleaning up...")
            # Restore the VM's CPU affinity
            # Stop the guest load
            if guest_load_stop_command:
            # Close all load shell sessions
            for load_session in guest_load_sessions:
            for load_session in host_load_sessions:

        # Sleep again (rest)
        logging.info("Sleeping for %s seconds...", rest_duration)

        # Get time after rest
        (ht2, gt2) = utils_test.get_time(session,


    # Report results
    host_delta_total = ht2 - ht0
    guest_delta_total = gt2 - gt0
    drift_total = 100.0 * (host_delta_total - guest_delta_total) / host_delta
    logging.info("Total host duration including rest: %.2f", host_delta_total)
    logging.info("Total guest duration including rest: %.2f", guest_delta_total)
    logging.info("Total drift after rest: %.2f%%", drift_total)

    # Fail the test if necessary
    if abs(drift) > drift_threshold:
        raise error.TestFail("Time drift too large: %.2f%%" % drift)
    if abs(drift_total) > drift_threshold_after_rest:
        raise error.TestFail("Time drift too large after rest period: %.2f%%"
                             % drift_total)