block_hotplug_negative.cfg 649 字节
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Aihua Liang 已提交
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# Below case works stablly on QMP monitor, but have no more test with Human
# monitor, so suggest to use QMP monitor as default qemu monitor run below test
- block_hotplug_negative:
    no RHEL.3.9
    no ide
    virt_test_type = qemu
    type = block_hotplug_negative
    bootindex_image1 = 0
    images += " stg0"
    boot_drive_stg0 = no
    image_name_stg0 = images/storage0
    image_size_stg0 = 1G
    remove_image_stg0 = yes
    force_create_image_stg0 = yes
    kill_vm_on_error = yes
    blk_extra_params_stg0 = "invalid_param=on"
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            cd_format_cd1 = ide
            cd_format_cd1 = ahci