未验证 提交 e376c231 编写于 作者: C chloerh 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2996 from xiaodwan/add_cache_none_checking_in_checkpoints

Add public checkpoint for 'cache=none'
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import time
import json
import string
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=E0611
from avocado.core import exceptions
......@@ -22,7 +23,28 @@ RETRY_TIMES = 10
'genid': 'virt-v2v-1.40.1-1.el7',
'libosinfo': 'virt-v2v-1.40.2-2.el7',
'virtio_rng': '2.6.26'}
'virtio_rng': '2.6.26',
'cache_none': 'virt-v2v-1.42.0-4'}
def compare_version(compare_version, real_version=None, cmd=None):
Compare version against given version.
:param compare_version: The minumum version to be compared
:param real_version: The real version to compare
:param cmd: the command to get the real version
:return: If the real_version is greater equal than minumum version,
return True, others return False
if not real_version:
if not cmd:
cmd = 'rpm -q virt-v2v|grep virt-v2v'
real_version = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text.strip()
if LooseVersion(real_version) >= LooseVersion(compare_version):
return True
return False
class VMChecker(object):
......@@ -156,25 +178,6 @@ class VMChecker(object):
logging.warn("Unspported os type: %s", self.os_type)
return self.errors
def compare_version(self, compare_version, real_version=None, cmd=None):
Compare version against given version.
:param compare_version: The minumum version to be compared
:param real_version: The real version to compare
:param cmd: the command to get the real version
:return: If the real_version is greater equal than minumum version,
return True, others return False
if not real_version:
if not cmd:
cmd = 'rpm -q virt-v2v|grep virt-v2v'
real_version = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text.strip()
if LooseVersion(real_version) >= LooseVersion(compare_version):
return True
return False
def get_expect_graphic_type(self):
The graphic type in VM XML is different for different target.
......@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ class VMChecker(object):
# Since RHEL7.3(virt-v2v-1.32.1-1.el7), video model will change to
# QXL for linux VMs
if self.os_type == 'linux':
if self.compare_version(V2V_7_3_VERSION):
if compare_version(V2V_7_3_VERSION):
video_model = 'qxl'
# Video model will change to QXL for Windows2008r2 and windows7
if self.os_version in ['win7', 'win2008r2']:
......@@ -319,7 +322,7 @@ class VMChecker(object):
# Checking if the feature is supported
if not self.compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['libosinfo']):
if not compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['libosinfo']):
reason = "Unsupported if v2v < %s" % FEATURE_SUPPORT['libosinfo']
'Skip Checking metadata libosinfo parameters: %s' %
......@@ -491,6 +494,14 @@ class VMChecker(object):
err_msg = "Checking boot os info failed"
logging.info("Checking cache='none' not existing in VM XML")
if self.target == 'libvirt' and compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['cache_none']):
root = ET.fromstring(self.vmxml)
err_msg = "Checking cache='none' not existing failed"
for disk in root.findall("./devices/disk/driver[@cache]"):
if disk.get('cache') == 'none':
def check_linux_vm(self):
Check linux VM after v2v convert.
......@@ -532,7 +543,7 @@ class VMChecker(object):
"Virtio memory balloon"]
# Virtio RNG supports from kernel-2.6.26
# https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/VirtIORNG
if self.compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['virtio_rng'], kernel_version):
if compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['virtio_rng'], kernel_version):
virtio_devs.append("Virtio RNG")
logging.info("Virtio devices checking list: %s", virtio_devs)
for dev in virtio_devs:
......@@ -660,7 +671,7 @@ class VMChecker(object):
self.log_err("Not find driver: %s" % driver)
# Check graphic and video type in VM XML
if self.compare_version(V2V_7_3_VERSION):
if compare_version(V2V_7_3_VERSION):
def check_graphics(self, param):
......@@ -718,7 +729,7 @@ class VMChecker(object):
# Checking if the feature is supported
if not self.compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['genid']):
if not compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['genid']):
reason = "Unsupported if v2v < %s" % FEATURE_SUPPORT['genid']
logging.info('Skip Checking genid: %s' % reason)
......@@ -793,11 +804,19 @@ def check_local_output(params):
logging.error('Not found %s' % disk_file)
result = False
# Check json file
# Check xml file
xml_file = os.path.join(os_directory, '%s.xml' % vm_name)
if not os.path.isfile(xml_file):
logging.error('Not found %s' % xml_file)
result = False
elif compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['cache_none']):
# Check 'cache_none' in xml file
logging.info("Checking cache='none' not exist in %s" % xml_file)
root = ET.parse(xml_file).getroot()
for disk in root.findall("./devices/disk/driver[@cache]"):
if disk.get('cache') == 'none':
result = False
return result
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