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# AArch64 SVE instruction descriptions
#  Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro, Ltd
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, see <>.

# This file is processed by scripts/

22 23 24
# Named fields.  These are primarily for disjoint fields.

%imm6_22_5      22:1 5:5
26 27
%imm9_16_10     16:s6 10:3

28 29 30 31 32 33 34
# A combination of tsz:imm3 -- extract esize.
%tszimm_esz     22:2 5:5 !function=tszimm_esz
# A combination of tsz:imm3 -- extract (2 * esize) - (tsz:imm3)
%tszimm_shr     22:2 5:5 !function=tszimm_shr
# A combination of tsz:imm3 -- extract (tsz:imm3) - esize
%tszimm_shl     22:2 5:5 !function=tszimm_shl

35 36 37 38
# Either a copy of rd (at bit 0), or a different source
# as propagated via the MOVPRFX instruction.
%reg_movprfx    0:5

39 40 41 42 43
# Named attribute sets.  These are used to make nice(er) names
# when creating helpers common to those for the individual
# instruction patterns.

&rr_esz         rd rn esz
&rri            rd rn imm
&rrr_esz        rd rn rm esz
&rpr_esz        rd pg rn esz
&rprr_s         rd pg rn rm s
&rprr_esz       rd pg rn rm esz
&rpri_esz       rd pg rn imm esz
51 52 53 54 55

# Named instruction formats.  These are generally used to
# reduce the amount of duplication between instruction patterns.

56 57 58 59 60 61
# Two operand with unused vector element size
@pd_pn_e0       ........ ........ ....... rn:4 . rd:4           &rr_esz esz=0

# Two operand
@pd_pn          ........ esz:2 .. .... ....... rn:4 . rd:4      &rr_esz

62 63 64
# Three operand with unused vector element size
@rd_rn_rm_e0    ........ ... rm:5 ... ... rn:5 rd:5             &rrr_esz esz=0

65 66 67
# Three predicate operand, with governing predicate, flag setting
@pd_pg_pn_pm_s  ........ . s:1 .. rm:4 .. pg:4 . rn:4 . rd:4    &rprr_s

68 69 70 71 72 73
# Two register operand, with governing predicate, vector element size
@rdn_pg_rm      ........ esz:2 ... ... ... pg:3 rm:5 rd:5 \
                &rprr_esz rn=%reg_movprfx
@rdm_pg_rn      ........ esz:2 ... ... ... pg:3 rn:5 rd:5 \
                &rprr_esz rm=%reg_movprfx

74 75 76
# One register operand, with governing predicate, vector element size
@rd_pg_rn       ........ esz:2 ... ... ... pg:3 rn:5 rd:5       &rpr_esz

77 78 79 80 81
# Two register operand, one immediate operand, with predicate,
# element size encoded as TSZHL.  User must fill in imm.
@rdn_pg_tszimm  ........ .. ... ... ... pg:3 ..... rd:5 \
                &rpri_esz rn=%reg_movprfx esz=%tszimm_esz

82 83 84 85 86 87
# Basic Load/Store with 9-bit immediate offset
@pd_rn_i9       ........ ........ ...... rn:5 . rd:4    \
                &rri imm=%imm9_16_10
@rd_rn_i9       ........ ........ ...... rn:5 rd:5      \
                &rri imm=%imm9_16_10

88 89 90
# Instruction patterns.  Grouped according to the SVE encodingindex.xhtml.

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
### SVE Integer Arithmetic - Binary Predicated Group

# SVE bitwise logical vector operations (predicated)
ORR_zpzz        00000100 .. 011 000 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
EOR_zpzz        00000100 .. 011 001 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
AND_zpzz        00000100 .. 011 010 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
BIC_zpzz        00000100 .. 011 011 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm

# SVE integer add/subtract vectors (predicated)
ADD_zpzz        00000100 .. 000 000 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
SUB_zpzz        00000100 .. 000 001 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
SUB_zpzz        00000100 .. 000 011 000 ... ..... .....   @rdm_pg_rn # SUBR

# SVE integer min/max/difference (predicated)
SMAX_zpzz       00000100 .. 001 000 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
UMAX_zpzz       00000100 .. 001 001 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
SMIN_zpzz       00000100 .. 001 010 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
UMIN_zpzz       00000100 .. 001 011 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
SABD_zpzz       00000100 .. 001 100 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
UABD_zpzz       00000100 .. 001 101 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm

# SVE integer multiply/divide (predicated)
MUL_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 000 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
SMULH_zpzz      00000100 .. 010 010 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
UMULH_zpzz      00000100 .. 010 011 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
# Note that divide requires size >= 2; below 2 is unallocated.
SDIV_zpzz       00000100 .. 010 100 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
UDIV_zpzz       00000100 .. 010 101 000 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
SDIV_zpzz       00000100 .. 010 110 000 ... ..... .....   @rdm_pg_rn # SDIVR
UDIV_zpzz       00000100 .. 010 111 000 ... ..... .....   @rdm_pg_rn # UDIVR

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
### SVE Integer Reduction Group

# SVE bitwise logical reduction (predicated)
ORV             00000100 .. 011 000 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn
EORV            00000100 .. 011 001 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn
ANDV            00000100 .. 011 010 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn

# SVE integer add reduction (predicated)
# Note that saddv requires size != 3.
UADDV           00000100 .. 000 001 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn
SADDV           00000100 .. 000 000 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn

# SVE integer min/max reduction (predicated)
SMAXV           00000100 .. 001 000 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn
UMAXV           00000100 .. 001 001 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn
SMINV           00000100 .. 001 010 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn
UMINV           00000100 .. 001 011 001 ... ..... .....         @rd_pg_rn

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
### SVE Shift by Immediate - Predicated Group

# SVE bitwise shift by immediate (predicated)
ASR_zpzi        00000100 .. 000 000 100 ... .. ... ..... \
                @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shr
LSR_zpzi        00000100 .. 000 001 100 ... .. ... ..... \
                @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shr
LSL_zpzi        00000100 .. 000 011 100 ... .. ... ..... \
                @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shl
ASRD            00000100 .. 000 100 100 ... .. ... ..... \
                @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shr

152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
# SVE bitwise shift by vector (predicated)
ASR_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 000 100 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
LSR_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 001 100 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
LSL_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 011 100 ... ..... .....   @rdn_pg_rm
ASR_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 100 100 ... ..... .....   @rdm_pg_rn # ASRR
LSR_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 101 100 ... ..... .....   @rdm_pg_rn # LSRR
LSL_zpzz        00000100 .. 010 111 100 ... ..... .....   @rdm_pg_rn # LSLR

160 161 162 163 164 165
# SVE bitwise shift by wide elements (predicated)
# Note these require size != 3.
ASR_zpzw        00000100 .. 011 000 100 ... ..... .....         @rdn_pg_rm
LSR_zpzw        00000100 .. 011 001 100 ... ..... .....         @rdn_pg_rm
LSL_zpzw        00000100 .. 011 011 100 ... ..... .....         @rdn_pg_rm

166 167 168 169 170 171 172
### SVE Logical - Unpredicated Group

# SVE bitwise logical operations (unpredicated)
AND_zzz         00000100 00 1 ..... 001 100 ..... .....         @rd_rn_rm_e0
ORR_zzz         00000100 01 1 ..... 001 100 ..... .....         @rd_rn_rm_e0
EOR_zzz         00000100 10 1 ..... 001 100 ..... .....         @rd_rn_rm_e0
BIC_zzz         00000100 11 1 ..... 001 100 ..... .....         @rd_rn_rm_e0

174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
### SVE Predicate Logical Operations Group

# SVE predicate logical operations
AND_pppp        00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 0 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
BIC_pppp        00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 1 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
EOR_pppp        00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 0 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
SEL_pppp        00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 1 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
ORR_pppp        00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 0 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
ORN_pppp        00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 1 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
NOR_pppp        00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 0 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s
NAND_pppp       00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 1 ....       @pd_pg_pn_pm_s

186 187 188 189 190
### SVE Predicate Misc Group

# SVE predicate test
PTEST           00100101 01 010000 11 pg:4 0 rn:4 0 0000

191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
# SVE predicate initialize
PTRUE           00100101 esz:2 01100 s:1 111000 pat:5 0 rd:4

# SVE initialize FFR
SETFFR          00100101 0010 1100 1001 0000 0000 0000

# SVE zero predicate register
PFALSE          00100101 0001 1000 1110 0100 0000 rd:4

# SVE predicate read from FFR (predicated)
RDFFR_p         00100101 0 s:1 0110001111000 pg:4 0 rd:4

# SVE predicate read from FFR (unpredicated)
RDFFR           00100101 0001 1001 1111 0000 0000 rd:4

# SVE FFR write from predicate (WRFFR)
WRFFR           00100101 0010 1000 1001 000 rn:4 00000

# SVE predicate first active
PFIRST          00100101 01 011 000 11000 00 .... 0 ....        @pd_pn_e0

# SVE predicate next active
PNEXT           00100101 .. 011 001 11000 10 .... 0 ....        @pd_pn

215 216 217 218 219 220 221
### SVE Memory - 32-bit Gather and Unsized Contiguous Group

# SVE load predicate register
LDR_pri         10000101 10 ...... 000 ... ..... 0 ....         @pd_rn_i9

# SVE load vector register
LDR_zri         10000101 10 ...... 010 ... ..... .....          @rd_rn_i9