提交 3787eec6 编写于 作者: O openeuler-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!8 check to avoid to download the source file again when debugging

Merge pull request !8 from GuanYL/master
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import subprocess
import os
import platform
from pathlib import Path
import hashlib
# python3-wget is not default available on openEuler yet.
# import wget
......@@ -107,16 +108,26 @@ class PyPorter:
return ks[2].strip()
return ""
def get_source_url(self):
def get_source_info(self):
return URL for source file for the latest version
return "" in errors
return a map of source filename, md5 of source, source url
return None in errors
v = self.__json["info"]["version"]
rs = self.__json["releases"][v]
for r in rs:
if r["packagetype"] == "sdist":
return r["url"]
return {"filename": r["filename"], "md5": r["md5_digest"], "url": r["url"]}
return None
def get_source_url(self):
return URL for source file for the latest version
return "" in errors
s_info = self.get_source_info()
if s_info:
return s_info.get("url")
return ""
def get_requires(self):
......@@ -289,7 +300,20 @@ def download_source(porter, tgtpath):
if (os.path.exists(tgtpath) == False):
print("download path %s does not exist\n", tgtpath)
return False
s_url = porter.get_source_url()
s_info = porter.get_source_info()
if s_info is None:
print("analyze source info error")
return False
s_url = s_info.get("url")
s_path = os.path.join(tgtpath, s_info.get("filename"))
if os.path.exists(s_path):
with open(s_path, 'rb') as f:
md5obj = hashlib.md5()
_hash = str(md5obj.hexdigest()).lower()
if s_info.get("md5") == _hash:
print("same source file exists, skip")
return True
return subprocess.call(["wget", s_url, "-P", tgtpath])
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