提交 a2bdf644 编写于 作者: O openeuler-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!5 add perl-generators build requires to meet the CI requirements.

Merge pull request !5 from myeuler/master
......@@ -807,6 +807,14 @@ END
for my $dep (keys(%reqs)) {
$breqs{$dep}=$breqs{$dep} || $reqs{$dep};
# For most perl modules need generators, hard code here.
# Can not use perl(generators) for the reason that this is
# not a perl module, it provides some commands, need to use
# the native name of the packages
printf $spec "%-16s%s", "BuildRequires:", "perl-generators\n";
for my $dep (sort(keys(%breqs))) {
if (exists($corelist{$dep})) {
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