提交 ebd62eba 编写于 作者: J John Ferlan

qemu: Resolve Coverity DEADCODE

Commit id 'f967e7a6' didn't place the closing parentheses quite right
causing DEADCODE errors since the rc setting/comparison was wrong.
上级 4b48ba4a
......@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ int qemuDomainAttachChrDevice(virQEMUDriverPtr driver,
if (qemuAssignDeviceChrAlias(vmdef, chr, -1) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if ((rc = qemuDomainAttachChrDeviceAssignAddr(priv, chr) < 0))
if ((rc = qemuDomainAttachChrDeviceAssignAddr(priv, chr)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if (rc == 1)
need_release = true;
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