提交 c934f1e0 编写于 作者: P Peter Krempa

tests: qemuxml2xml: Avoid crash when processing an XML that fails to parse

Failure to parse a XML that was not supposed to fail would result into a
crash in the test suite as the vcpu bitmap would not be filled prior to
the active XML->XML test.

Skip formatting of the vcpu snippet in the fake status XML formatter in
such case to avoid the crash. The test would fail anyways.
上级 fc0378a9
......@@ -112,9 +112,12 @@ testGetStatuXMLPrefixVcpus(virBufferPtr buf,
virBufferAddLit(buf, "<vcpus>\n");
virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, 2);
while ((vcpuid = virBitmapNextSetBit(data->activeVcpus, vcpuid)) >= 0)
virBufferAsprintf(buf, "<vcpu id='%zd' pid='%zd'/>\n",
vcpuid, vcpuid + 3803519);
/* Make sure we can format the fake vcpu list. The test will fail regardles. */
if (data->activeVcpus) {
while ((vcpuid = virBitmapNextSetBit(data->activeVcpus, vcpuid)) >= 0)
virBufferAsprintf(buf, "<vcpu id='%zd' pid='%zd'/>\n",
vcpuid, vcpuid + 3803519);
virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, -2);
virBufferAddLit(buf, "</vcpus>\n");
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