提交 72181978 编写于 作者: E Eric Blake

maint: avoid empty regex in syntax checker

We were defining 'func_or' as '|VIR_ERROR|...', which when put
inside 'func_re' resulted in a regex that matches everything in
isolation.  Thankfully, we always used func_re with a leading
anchor \<, and since the empty regex does not start a word, we
happened to get the result we wanted; but it's better to define
func_or without a leading space converted into a leading empty

* cfg.mk (func_or): Strip leading space.
上级 4fedf388
......@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ msg_gen_function += xenapiSessionErrorHandler
# msg_gen_function += vshPrint
# msg_gen_function += vshError
func_or := $(shell printf '$(msg_gen_function)'|tr -s '[[:space:]]' '|')
func_or := $(shell echo $(msg_gen_function)|tr -s ' ' '|')
func_re := ($(func_or))
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