提交 4ffc6d17 编写于 作者: D Daniel P. Berrange

Automatically generate the hvsupport.html.in file from source files

The hvsupport.html.in file is forever out of date. By annotating
the driver struct tables in each driver with version information,
we can auto-generate the hvsupport.html.in file. Annotating the
drivers will be mandatory for new patches, ensuring hvsupport.html.in
is never out of date again.

* docs/hvsupport.html.in: Delete
* hvsupport.pl: Script to generate hvsupport.html.in
* Makefile.am: Autogenerate hvsupport.html.in
上级 9b1ae97f
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ gif = \
architecture.gif \
dot_html_in = $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.html.in)) todo.html.in \
dot_html_in = $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.html.in)) todo.html.in hvsupport.html.in \
$(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,%,$(wildcard $(srcdir)/internals/*.html.in))
dot_html = $(dot_html_in:%.html.in=%.html)
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST= \
$(xml) $(fig) $(png) $(css) \
$(patches) \
sitemap.html.in \
todo.pl todo.cfg-example
todo.pl hvsupport.pl todo.cfg-example
$(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(dot_html)) \
......@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ todo:
rm -f todo.html.in
$(MAKE) todo.html
hvsupport.html.in: $(srcdir)/hvsupport.pl $(srcdir)/../src/libvirt_public.syms \
$(srcdir)/../src/libvirt_qemu.syms $(srcdir)/../src/driver.h
$(AM_V_GEN)$(PERL) $(srcdir)/hvsupport.pl $(srcdir)/../src > $@ || { rm $@ && exit 1; }
.PHONY: todo
%.png: %.fig
......@@ -183,7 +187,7 @@ clean-local:
rm -f *~ *.bak *.hierarchy *.signals *-unused.txt *.html
maintainer-clean-local: clean-local
rm -rf $(srcdir)/libvirt-api.xml $(srcdir)/libvirt-refs.xml todo.html.in
rm -rf $(srcdir)/libvirt-api.xml $(srcdir)/libvirt-refs.xml todo.html.in hvsupport.html.in
rebuild: api all
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
die "syntax: $0 SRCDIR\n" unless int(@ARGV) == 1;
my $srcdir = shift @ARGV;
my $symslibvirt = "$srcdir/libvirt_public.syms";
my $symsqemu = "$srcdir/libvirt_qemu.syms";
my $drivertable = "$srcdir/driver.h";
my %groupheaders = (
"virDriver" => "Hypervisor APIs",
"virNetworkDriver" => "Virtual Network APIs",
"virInterfaceDriver" => "Host Interface APIs",
"virDeviceMonitor" => "Host Device APIs",
"virStorageDriver" => "Storage Pool APIs",
"virSecretDriver" => "Secret APIs",
"virNWFilterDriver" => "Network Filter APIs",
my @srcs;
wanted => sub {
if (m!$srcdir/.*/\w+_(driver|tmpl)\.c$!) {
push @srcs, $_ if $_ !~ /vbox_driver\.c/;
}, no_chdir => 1}, $srcdir);
my $line;
# Get the list of all public APIs and their corresponding version
my %apis;
open FILE, "<$symslibvirt"
or die "cannot read $symslibvirt: $!";
my $vers;
my $prevvers;
while (defined($line = <FILE>)) {
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*(global|local):/;
if ($line =~ /^\s*LIBVIRT_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*{\s*$/) {
if (defined $vers) {
die "malformed syms file";
$vers = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*}\s*;\s*$/) {
if (defined $prevvers) {
die "malformed syms file";
$prevvers = $vers;
$vers = undef;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*}\s*LIBVIRT_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*;\s*$/) {
if ($1 ne $prevvers) {
die "malformed syms file $1 != $vers";
$prevvers = $vers;
$vers = undef;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) {
$apis{$1} = $vers;
} else {
die "unexpected data $line\n";
close FILE;
# And the same for the QEMU specific APIs
open FILE, "<$symsqemu"
or die "cannot read $symsqemu: $!";
$prevvers = undef;
$vers = undef;
while (defined($line = <FILE>)) {
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*(global|local):/;
if ($line =~ /^\s*LIBVIRT_QEMU_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*{\s*$/) {
if (defined $vers) {
die "malformed syms file";
$vers = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*}\s*;\s*$/) {
if (defined $prevvers) {
die "malformed syms file";
$prevvers = $vers;
$vers = undef;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*}\s*LIBVIRT_QEMU_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*;\s*$/) {
if ($1 ne $prevvers) {
die "malformed syms file $1 != $vers";
$prevvers = $vers;
$vers = undef;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) {
$apis{$1} = $vers;
} else {
die "unexpected data $line\n";
close FILE;
# Some special things which aren't public APIs,
# but we want to report
$apis{virConnectDrvSupportsFeature} = "0.3.2";
$apis{virDomainMigratePrepare} = "0.3.2";
$apis{virDomainMigratePerform} = "0.3.2";
$apis{virDomainMigrateFinish} = "0.3.2";
$apis{virDomainMigratePrepare2} = "0.5.0";
$apis{virDomainMigrateFinish2} = "0.5.0";
$apis{virDomainMigratePrepareTunnel} = "0.7.2";
$apis{virDomainMigrateBegin3} = "0.9.2";
$apis{virDomainMigratePrepare3} = "0.9.2";
$apis{virDomainMigratePrepareTunnel3} = "0.9.2";
$apis{virDomainMigratePerform3} = "0.9.2";
$apis{virDomainMigrateFinish3} = "0.9.2";
$apis{virDomainMigrateConfirm} = "0.9.2";
# Now we want to get the mapping between public APIs
# and driver struct fields. This lets us later match
# update the driver impls with the public APis.
open FILE, "<$drivertable"
or die "cannot read $drivertable: $!";
# Group name -> hash of APIs { fields -> api name }
my %groups;
my $ingrp;
while (defined($line = <FILE>)) {
if ($line =~ /struct _(vir\w*Driver)/) {
my $grp = $1;
if ($grp ne "virStateDriver" &&
$grp ne "virStreamDriver") {
$ingrp = $grp;
$groups{$ingrp} = { apis => {}, drivers => {} };
} elsif ($ingrp) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*virDrv(\w+)\s+(\w+);\s*$/) {
my $field = $2;
my $name = $1;
my $api;
if (exists $apis{"vir$name"}) {
$api = "vir$name";
} elsif (exists $apis{"virConnect$name"}) {
$api = "virConnect$name";
} else {
die "driver $name does not have a public API";
$groups{$ingrp}->{apis}->{$field} = $api;
} elsif ($line =~ /};/) {
$ingrp = undef;
close FILE;
# Finally, we read all the primary driver files and extract
# the driver API tables from each one.
foreach my $src (@srcs) {
open FILE, "<$src" or
die "cannot read $src: $!";
$ingrp = undef;
my $impl;
while (defined($line = <FILE>)) {
if (!$ingrp) {
foreach my $grp (keys %groups) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*(?:static\s+)?$grp\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*{/ ||
$line =~ /^\s*(?:static\s+)?$grp\s+NAME\(\w+\)\s*=\s*{/) {
$ingrp = $grp;
$impl = $src;
$impl =~ s,.*/(\w+?)_((\w+)_)?(\w+)\.c,$1,;
$groups{$ingrp}->{drivers}->{$impl} = {};
} else {
if ($line =~ m!\s*\.(\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*,?\s*(?:/\*\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*\*/\s*)?$!) {
my $api = $1;
my $meth = $2;
my $vers = $3;
next if $api eq "no" || $api eq "name";
die "Method $meth in $src is missing version" unless defined $vers;
die "Driver method for $api is NULL in $src" if $meth eq "NULL";
if (!exists($groups{$ingrp}->{apis}->{$api})) {
die "Found unexpected driver $api in $ingrp\n";
$groups{$ingrp}->{drivers}->{$impl}->{$api} = $vers;
if ($api eq "domainMigratePrepare" ||
$api eq "domainMigratePrepare2" ||
$api eq "domainMigratePrepare3") {
$groups{$ingrp}->{drivers}->{$impl}->{"domainMigrate"} = $vers
unless $groups{$ingrp}->{drivers}->{$impl}->{"domainMigrate"};
} elsif ($line =~ /}/) {
$ingrp = undef;
close FILE;
# The '.open' driver method is used for 3 public APIs, so we
# have a bit of manual fixup todo with the per-driver versioning
# and support matrix
$groups{virDriver}->{apis}->{"openAuth"} = "virConnectOpenAuth";
$groups{virDriver}->{apis}->{"openReadOnly"} = "virConnectOpenReadOnly";
$groups{virDriver}->{apis}->{"domainMigrate"} = "virDomainMigrate";
my $openAuthVers = (0 * 1000 * 1000) + (4 * 1000) + 0;
foreach my $drv (keys %{$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}}) {
my $openVersStr = $groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"open"};
my $openVers;
if ($openVersStr =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
$openVers = ($1 * 1000 * 1000) + ($2 * 1000) + $3;
# virConnectOpenReadOnly always matches virConnectOpen version
$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"openReadOnly"} =
# virConnectOpenAuth is always 0.4.0 if the driver existed
# before this time, otherwise it matches the version of
# the driver's virConnectOpen entry
if ($openVersStr eq "Y" ||
$openVers >= $openAuthVers) {
$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"openAuth"} = $openVersStr;
} else {
$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"openAuth"} = "0.4.0";
# Another special case for the virDomainCreateLinux which was replaced
# with virDomainCreateXML
$groups{virDriver}->{apis}->{"domainCreateLinux"} = "virDomainCreateLinux";
my $createAPIVers = (0 * 1000 * 1000) + (0 * 1000) + 3;
foreach my $drv (keys %{$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}}) {
my $createVersStr = $groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"domainCreateXML"};
next unless defined $createVersStr;
my $createVers;
if ($createVersStr =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
$createVers = ($1 * 1000 * 1000) + ($2 * 1000) + $3;
# virCreateLinux is always 0.0.3 if the driver existed
# before this time, otherwise it matches the version of
# the driver's virCreateXML entry
if ($createVersStr eq "Y" ||
$createVers >= $createAPIVers) {
$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"domainCreateLinux"} = $createVersStr;
} else {
$groups{"virDriver"}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{"domainCreateLinux"} = "0.0.3";
# Finally we generate the HTML file with the tables
print <<EOF;
<title>libvirt API support matrix</title>
<h1>libvirt API support matrix</h1>
<ul id="toc"></ul>
This page documents which <a href="html/">libvirt calls</a> work on
which libvirt drivers / hypervisors, and which version the API appeared
foreach my $grp (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %groups) {
print "<h2><a name=\"$grp\">", $groupheaders{$grp}, "</a></h2>\n";
print <<EOF;
<table class="top_table">
foreach my $drv (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$groups{$grp}->{drivers}}) {
print " <th>$drv</th>\n";
print <<EOF;
my $row = 0;
foreach my $field (sort {
} keys %{$groups{$grp}->{apis}}) {
my $api = $groups{$grp}->{apis}->{$field};
my $vers = $apis{$api};
print <<EOF;
<td><a href=\"html/libvirt-libvirt.html#$api\">$api</a></td>
foreach my $drv (sort {$a cmp $b } keys %{$groups{$grp}->{drivers}}) {
if (exists $groups{$grp}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{$field}) {
print "<td>", $groups{$grp}->{drivers}->{$drv}->{$field}, "</td>\n";
} else {
print "<td></td>\n";
print <<EOF;
if (($row % 15) == 0) {
print <<EOF;
foreach my $drv (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$groups{$grp}->{drivers}}) {
print " <th>$drv</th>\n";
print <<EOF;
print <<EOF;
print <<EOF;
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