提交 343e6ca6 编写于 作者: C Christophe Fergeau 提交者: Cole Robinson

storage: Ensure 'qemu-img resize' size arg is a 512 multiple

qemu-img resize will fail with "The new size must be a multiple of 512"
if libvirt doesn't round it first.
This fixes rhbz#951495
Signed-off-by: NChristophe Fergeau <cfergeau@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit 9a8f39d0)
上级 84d7e1f8
......@@ -246,6 +246,9 @@
/* divide value by size, rounding up */
# define VIR_DIV_UP(value, size) (((value) + (size) - 1) / (size))
/* round up value to the closest multiple of size */
# define VIR_ROUND_UP(value, size) (VIR_DIV_UP(value, size) * (size))
......@@ -13307,7 +13307,8 @@ error:
* Changes the capacity of the storage volume @vol to @capacity. The
* operation will fail if the new capacity requires allocation that would
* exceed the remaining free space in the parent pool. The contents of
* the new capacity will appear as all zero bytes.
* the new capacity will appear as all zero bytes. The capacity value will
* be rounded to the granularity supported by the hypervisor.
* Normally, the operation will attempt to affect capacity with a minimum
* impact on allocation (that is, the default operation favors a sparse
......@@ -1204,6 +1204,10 @@ virStorageBackendFilesystemResizeQemuImg(const char *path,
return -1;
/* Round capacity as qemu-img resize errors out on sizes which are not
* a multiple of 512 */
capacity = VIR_ROUND_UP(capacity, 512);
cmd = virCommandNew(img_tool);
virCommandAddArgList(cmd, "resize", path, NULL);
virCommandAddArgFormat(cmd, "%llu", capacity);
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