• P
    qemumonitortestutils: Make test monitor failures more prominent · 84a20fe8
    Peter Krempa 提交于
    Until now we've tried to report errors from the test monitor code by
    passing them back as failures from the qemu we simulate. This doesn't
    work well in cases when the monitor logic does not detect failures or
    has fallback code. Additionally there isn't much use for continuing the
    test execution after first failure as in most cases the test data will
    be misaligned and all other calls will fail as well.
    To make the errors more obvious this patch moves away from reporting
    them via the simulated monitor to reporting them to stderr and
    exit()ing afterwards. While this might be less convenient
    when developing tests it actually makes failures in the test suite
    really obvious and doesn't require any opt-in from the tests themselves.
    Signed-off-by: NPeter Krempa <pkrempa@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-by: NMichal Privoznik <mprivozn@redhat.com>
syntax-check.mk 77.3 KB