libvirt-api.xml 130.0 KB
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Daniel Veillard 已提交
<api name='libvirt'>
4 5
    <file name='libvirt'>
     <summary>core interfaces for the libvirt library</summary>
     <description>Provides the interfaces of the libvirt library to handle virtualized domains </description>
     <author>Daniel Veillard &lt;; </author>
     <exports symbol='VIR_NODEINFO_MAXCPUS' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='LIBVIR_VERSION_NUMBER' type='macro'/>
10 11
     <exports symbol='VIR_USE_CPU' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CPU_MAPLEN' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_UUID_BUFLEN' type='macro'/>
13 14
     <exports symbol='VIR_CPU_USABLE' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_COPY_CPUMAP' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN' type='macro'/>
17 18
     <exports symbol='VIR_GET_CPUMAP' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_UNUSE_CPU' type='macro'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_EXTERNAL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_CRASHED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE' type='enum'/>
23 24
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_UINT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILDING' type='enum'/>
26 27
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_CNONCE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_ECHOPROMPT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_BOOTED' type='enum'/>
29 30
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_VCPU_OFFLINE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_NORMAL' type='enum'/>
32 33
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_RUNNING' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_RESIZE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CONNECT_RO' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_REPAIR' type='enum'/>
39 40
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_LANGUAGE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE' type='enum'/>
43 44 45
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_DESTROYED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_ADDED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_MIGRATED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_VCPU_BLOCKED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL' type='enum'/>
48 49
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_USERNAME' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_UNPAUSED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING' type='enum'/>
51 52
     <exports symbol='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF' type='enum'/>
54 55
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_ZEROED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_RESTORED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_WRITABLE' type='enum'/>
57 58
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NEW' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_PAUSED' type='enum'/>
59 60
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_NORMAL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_ZEROED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_INT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_ULLONG' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SHUTDOWN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_REALM' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_FILE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_HANGUP' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DEGRADED' type='enum'/>
70 71
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_UPDATED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_MIGRATED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_VCPU_RUNNING' type='enum'/>
74 75 76
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_DOUBLE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LLONG' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_BOOLEAN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_BLOCK' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_NONE' type='enum'/>
80 81
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED_REMOVED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED' type='enum'/>
83 84 85 86
     <exports symbol='VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SAVED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_INACTIVE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainBlockStatsStruct' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainMigrateFlags' type='typedef'/>
91 92
     <exports symbol='virNodeInfo' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virNetwork' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainEventResumedDetailType' type='typedef'/>
94 95
     <exports symbol='virDomainBlockStatsPtr' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnect' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainEventStartedDetailType' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainInfo' type='typedef'/>
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     <exports symbol='virEventHandleType' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePool' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainEventType' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolInfo' type='typedef'/>
104 105
     <exports symbol='virDomainState' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomain' type='typedef'/>
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     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolPtr' type='typedef'/>
112 113 114 115
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     <exports symbol='virConnectPtr' type='typedef'/>
116 117
     <exports symbol='virStorageVol' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolInfoPtr' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virSchedParameter' type='typedef'/>
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     <exports symbol='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolPtr' type='typedef'/>
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     <exports symbol='virVcpuInfo' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virSchedParameterPtr' type='typedef'/>
128 129
     <exports symbol='virConnectAuth' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectCredential' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType' type='typedef'/>
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     <exports symbol='virConnectCredentialType' type='typedef'/>
138 139
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     <exports symbol='_virVcpuInfo' type='struct'/>
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     <exports symbol='_virConnectCredential' type='struct'/>
     <exports symbol='_virStorageVolInfo' type='struct'/>
148 149
     <exports symbol='_virDomainBlockStats' type='struct'/>
     <exports symbol='_virNodeInfo' type='struct'/>
150 151
     <exports symbol='_virSchedParameter' type='struct'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectAuthPtrDefault' type='variable'/>
152 153
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectClose' type='function'/>
156 157
     <exports symbol='virDomainDefineXML' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virGetVersion' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virInitialize' type='function'/>
162 163
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolSetAutostart' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolCreateXML' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectDomainEventDeregister' type='function'/>
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetSchedulerParameters' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectNumOfDomains' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virConnectGetVersion' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virEventRegisterImpl' type='function'/>
181 182 183
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     <exports symbol='virEventUpdateHandleFunc' type='function'/>
185 186 187 188 189 190
     <exports symbol='virDomainDestroy' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectNumOfNetworks' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virDomainGetXMLDesc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolGetUUID' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolGetInfo' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetInfo' type='function'/>
192 193 194
     <exports symbol='virNetworkDestroy' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolLookupByName' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNetworkGetAutostart' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNetworkGetBridgeName' type='function'/>
196 197
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolGetXMLDesc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainSetSchedulerParameters' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectGetType' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainSave' type='function'/>
200 201
     <exports symbol='virDomainCreate' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectListDomains' type='function'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
     <exports symbol='virDomainCoreDump' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainSetMemory' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolCreate' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNodeGetInfo' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNetworkSetAutostart' type='function'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetMaxMemory' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolFree' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNetworkDefineXML' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainBlockStats' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectOpenAuth' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolDelete' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virEventRemoveHandleFunc' type='function'/>
214 215
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolGetName' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolGetAutostart' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetAutostart' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virConnectGetHostname' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc' type='function'/>
220 221 222
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetName' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNetworkGetXMLDesc' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virNetworkGetName' type='function'/>
224 225 226
     <exports symbol='virConnectListDefinedDomains' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virDomainLookupByName' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectFindStoragePoolSources' type='function'/>
228 229 230 231
     <exports symbol='virDomainPinVcpu' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainRestore' type='function'/>
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237 238 239 240 241 242 243
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     <exports symbol='virDomainResume' type='function'/>
245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolRefresh' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains' type='function'/>
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     <exports symbol='virNetworkLookupByName' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetMaxVcpus' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virEventHandleCallback' type='function'/>
254 255 256 257 258
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetSchedulerType' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainDetachDevice' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolGetUUIDString' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolUndefine' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectAuthCallbackPtr' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainAttachDevice' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectGetURI' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectOpenReadOnly' type='function'/>
263 264
     <exports symbol='virNetworkFree' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolLookupByUUID' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virEventAddHandleFunc' type='function'/>
266 267
     <exports symbol='virNetworkUndefine' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectListDefinedStoragePools' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virEventTimeoutCallback' type='function'/>
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281
     <exports symbol='virNetworkGetConnect' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virNodeGetFreeMemory' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStorageVolGetConnect' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolDestroy' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolLookupByVolume' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainLookupByUUID' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetOSType' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virStoragePoolBuild' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectGetMaxVcpus' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetUUIDString' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetConnect' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectOpen' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainCreateXML' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainSetVcpus' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectDomainEventRegister' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainGetID' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDomainBlockPeek' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virEventAddTimeoutFunc' type='function'/>
288 289
     <exports symbol='virDomainInterfaceStats' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnectListNetworks' type='function'/>
290 291 292 293 294
    <file name='virterror'>
     <summary>error handling interfaces for the libvirt library</summary>
     <description>Provides the interfaces of the libvirt library to handle errors raised while using the library. </description>
     <author>Daniel Veillard &lt;; </author>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_RPC' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_TEST' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_WARNING' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_OPENVZ' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_XEN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_STATS_LINUX' type='enum'/>
303 304
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_ERROR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_OS' type='enum'/>
306 307 308 309
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_SEXPR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_RPC' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_NONE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST' type='enum'/>
314 315 316
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_DOM' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_POOL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_CONF' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_XML' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_STORAGE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR' type='enum'/>
326 327
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE' type='enum'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_XENSTORE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK' type='enum'/>
330 331 332
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NONE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_OK' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_NET' type='enum'/>
Richard W.M. Jones 已提交
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_XENXM' type='enum'/>
336 337 338 339 340
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_NAME' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_DOMAIN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_WAR_NO_STORAGE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_POOL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_REMOTE' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_NETWORK' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_QEMU' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_XEND' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_VOL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_PROXY' type='enum'/>
359 360
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL' type='enum'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_LXC' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_FROM_XEN' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED' type='enum'/>
366 367 368
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT' type='enum'/>
     <exports symbol='VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED' type='enum'/>
370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
     <exports symbol='virErrorPtr' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virErrorLevel' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virErrorDomain' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virErrorNumber' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='virError' type='typedef'/>
     <exports symbol='_virError' type='struct'/>
     <exports symbol='virCopyLastError' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnSetErrorFunc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virResetLastError' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virErrorFunc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virResetError' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnGetLastError' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virDefaultErrorFunc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virGetLastError' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virSetErrorFunc' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnCopyLastError' type='function'/>
     <exports symbol='virConnResetLastError' type='function'/>
388 389
390 391 392
    <macro name='LIBVIR_VERSION_NUMBER' file='libvirt'>
      <info>Macro providing the version of the library as version * 1,000,000 + minor * 1000 + micro</info>
    <macro name='VIR_COPY_CPUMAP' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainGetVcpus() and virDomainPinVcpu() APIs. VIR_COPY_CPUMAP macro extract the cpumap of the specified vcpu from cpumaps array and copy it into cpumap to be used later by virDomainPinVcpu() API.</info>
395 396 397 398 399 400
      <arg name='cpumaps' info='pointer to an array of cpumap (in 8-bit bytes) (IN)'/>
      <arg name='maplen' info='the length (in bytes) of one cpumap'/>
      <arg name='vcpu' info='the virtual CPU number'/>
      <arg name='cpumap' info='pointer to a cpumap (in 8-bit bytes) (OUT) This cpumap must be previously allocated by the caller (ie: malloc(maplen))'/>
    <macro name='VIR_CPU_MAPLEN' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainPinVcpu() API. It returns the length (in bytes) required to store the complete CPU map between a single virtual &amp; all physical CPUs of a domain.</info>
      <arg name='cpu' info='number of physical CPUs'/>
403 404
    <macro name='VIR_CPU_USABLE' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainGetVcpus() API. VIR_CPU_USABLE macro returns a non zero value (true) if the cpu is usable by the vcpu, and 0 otherwise.</info>
406 407 408 409 410
      <arg name='cpumaps' info='pointer to an array of cpumap (in 8-bit bytes) (IN)'/>
      <arg name='maplen' info='the length (in bytes) of one cpumap'/>
      <arg name='vcpu' info='the virtual CPU number'/>
      <arg name='cpu' info='the physical CPU number'/>
411 412 413
    <macro name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH' file='libvirt'>
      <info>Macro providing the field length of virSchedParameter</info>
    <macro name='VIR_GET_CPUMAP' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainGetVcpus() and virDomainPinVcpu() APIs. VIR_GET_CPUMAP macro returns a pointer to the cpumap of the specified vcpu from cpumaps array.</info>
416 417 418 419 420
      <arg name='cpumaps' info='pointer to an array of cpumap (in 8-bit bytes) (IN)'/>
      <arg name='maplen' info='the length (in bytes) of one cpumap'/>
      <arg name='vcpu' info='the virtual CPU number'/>
    <macro name='VIR_NODEINFO_MAXCPUS' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to calculate the total number of CPUs supported but not necessary active in the host.</info>
422 423 424
      <arg name='nodeinfo' info='virNodeInfo instance'/>
    <macro name='VIR_UNUSE_CPU' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainPinVcpu() API. USE_CPU macro reset the bit (CPU not usable) of the related cpu in cpumap.</info>
426 427 428 429
      <arg name='cpumap' info='pointer to a bit map of real CPUs (in 8-bit bytes) (IN/OUT)'/>
      <arg name='cpu' info='the physical CPU number'/>
    <macro name='VIR_USE_CPU' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainPinVcpu() API. USE_CPU macro set the bit (CPU usable) of the related cpu in cpumap.</info>
431 432 433
      <arg name='cpumap' info='pointer to a bit map of real CPUs (in 8-bit bytes) (IN/OUT)'/>
      <arg name='cpu' info='the physical CPU number'/>
    <macro name='VIR_UUID_BUFLEN' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro provides the length of the buffer required for virDomainGetUUID()</info>
436 437 438 439
    <macro name='VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN' file='libvirt'>
      <info>This macro provides the length of the buffer required for virDomainGetUUIDString()</info>
440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449
    <enum name='VIR_CONNECT_RO' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virConnectFlags' info=' A readonly connection'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='Identify to authorize as'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_CNONCE' file='libvirt' value='4' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='client supplies a nonce'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_ECHOPROMPT' file='libvirt' value='6' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='Challenge response'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_EXTERNAL' file='libvirt' value='9' type='virConnectCredentialType' info=' Externally managed credential More may be added - expect the unexpected'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_LANGUAGE' file='libvirt' value='3' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='RFC 1766 languages, comma separated'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT' file='libvirt' value='7' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='Challenge response'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE' file='libvirt' value='5' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='Passphrase secret'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_REALM' file='libvirt' value='8' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='Authentication realm'/>
    <enum name='VIR_CRED_USERNAME' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virConnectCredentialType' info='Identity to act as'/>
450 451
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virDomainState' info='the domain is blocked on resource'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED' file='libvirt' value='6' type='virDomainState' info=' the domain is crashed'/>
452 453 454
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventType'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_ADDED' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventDefinedDetailType' info='Newly created config file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_UPDATED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainEventDefinedDetailType' info=' Changed config file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED' file='libvirt' value='4' type='virDomainEventType'/>
456 457
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainEventResumedDetailType' info=' Resumed for completion of migration'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_UNPAUSED' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventResumedDetailType' info='Normal resume due to admin unpause'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virDomainEventType'/>
459 460 461
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_BOOTED' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventStartedDetailType' info='Normal startup from boot'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_MIGRATED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainEventStartedDetailType' info='Incoming migration from another host'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_RESTORED' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virDomainEventStartedDetailType' info=' Restored from a state file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED' file='libvirt' value='5' type='virDomainEventType'/>
463 464 465 466 467 468
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_CRASHED' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' info='Guest crashed'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_DESTROYED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' info='Forced poweroff from host'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FAILED' file='libvirt' value='5' type='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' info=' Host emulator/mgmt failed'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED' file='libvirt' value='3' type='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' info='Migrated off to another host'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SAVED' file='libvirt' value='4' type='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' info='Saved to a state file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SHUTDOWN' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' info='Normal shutdown'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED' file='libvirt' value='3' type='virDomainEventType'/>
470 471 472 473
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_MIGRATED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType' info=' Suspended for offline migration'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_PAUSED' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType' info='Normal suspend due to admin pause'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainEventType'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED_REMOVED' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainEventUndefinedDetailType' info=' Deleted the config file'/>
474 475 476 477
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_NONE' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainCreateFlags'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virDomainState' info='no state'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED' file='libvirt' value='3' type='virDomainState' info='the domain is paused by user'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainState' info='the domain is running'/>
478 479 480 481 482 483
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_BOOLEAN' file='libvirt' value='6' type='virSchedParameterType' info=' boolean(character) case'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_DOUBLE' file='libvirt' value='5' type='virSchedParameterType' info='double case'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_INT' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virSchedParameterType' info='integer case'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LLONG' file='libvirt' value='3' type='virSchedParameterType' info='long long case'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_UINT' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virSchedParameterType' info='unsigned integer case'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_ULLONG' file='libvirt' value='4' type='virSchedParameterType' info='unsigned long long case'/>
484 485
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN' file='libvirt' value='4' type='virDomainState' info='the domain is being shut down'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF' file='libvirt' value='5' type='virDomainState' info='the domain is shut off'/>
486 487
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virDomainXMLFlags' info=' dump inactive domain information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainXMLFlags' info='dump security sensitive information too'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED' file='virterror' value='45' type='virErrorNumber' info='authentication failed'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED' file='virterror' value='26' type='virErrorNumber' info='not supported by the drivers (DEPRECATED)'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX' file='virterror' value='33' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to parse the syntax of a conf file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST' file='virterror' value='28' type='virErrorNumber' info='the domain already exist'/>
492 493 494
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL' file='virterror' value='25' type='virErrorNumber' info='too many drivers registered'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_ERROR' file='virterror' value='2' type='virErrorLevel' info=' An error'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED' file='virterror' value='10' type='virErrorNumber' info='a HTTP GET command to failed'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR' file='virterror' value='40' type='virErrorNumber' info='error from a GNUTLS call'/>
496 497 498 499 500
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR' file='virterror' value='12' type='virErrorNumber' info='unexpected HTTP error code'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR' file='virterror' value='1' type='virErrorNumber' info='internal error'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG' file='virterror' value='8' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid function argument'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN' file='virterror' value='6' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid connection object'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN' file='virterror' value='7' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid domain object'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC' file='virterror' value='44' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid MAC address'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK' file='virterror' value='36' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid network object'/>
503 504
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_POOL' file='virterror' value='46' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid storage pool object'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_VOL' file='virterror' value='47' type='virErrorNumber' info='invalid storage vol object'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST' file='virterror' value='37' type='virErrorNumber' info='the network already exist'/>
506 507 508
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NONE' file='virterror' value='0' type='virErrorLevel'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT' file='virterror' value='5' type='virErrorNumber' info='can&apos;t connect to hypervisor'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE' file='virterror' value='23' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing domain devices information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN' file='virterror' value='42' type='virErrorNumber' info='domain not found or unexpectedly disappeared'/>
510 511 512
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL' file='virterror' value='17' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing kernel information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY' file='virterror' value='2' type='virErrorNumber' info='memory allocation failure'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_NAME' file='virterror' value='21' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing domain name information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK' file='virterror' value='43' type='virErrorNumber' info='network not found'/>
514 515 516
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_OS' file='virterror' value='22' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing domain OS information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT' file='virterror' value='18' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing root device information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE' file='virterror' value='19' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing source device information'/>
517 518
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_POOL' file='virterror' value='49' type='virErrorNumber' info='storage pool not found'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL' file='virterror' value='50' type='virErrorNumber' info=' storage pool not found'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT' file='virterror' value='3' type='virErrorNumber' info='no support for this function'/>
520 521 522 523
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET' file='virterror' value='20' type='virErrorNumber' info='missing target device information'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_XEN' file='virterror' value='14' type='virErrorNumber' info='could not open Xen hypervisor control'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE' file='virterror' value='24' type='virErrorNumber' info='could not open Xen Store control'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_OK' file='virterror' value='0' type='virErrorNumber'/>
524 525
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED' file='virterror' value='30' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to open a conf file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED' file='virterror' value='29' type='virErrorNumber' info='operation forbidden on read-only connections'/>
526 527
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED' file='virterror' value='9' type='virErrorNumber' info='a command to hypervisor failed'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE' file='virterror' value='16' type='virErrorNumber' info='unknown OS type'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED' file='virterror' value='32' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to parse a conf file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED' file='virterror' value='11' type='virErrorNumber' info='a HTTP POST command to failed'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED' file='virterror' value='31' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to read a conf file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_RPC' file='virterror' value='39' type='virErrorNumber' info='some sort of RPC error'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL' file='virterror' value='13' type='virErrorNumber' info='failure to serialize an S-Expr'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR' file='virterror' value='38' type='virErrorNumber' info='general system call failure'/>
534 535
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST' file='virterror' value='4' type='virErrorNumber' info='could not resolve hostname'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_WARNING' file='virterror' value='1' type='virErrorLevel' info='A simple warning'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED' file='virterror' value='34' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to write a conf file'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL' file='virterror' value='15' type='virErrorNumber' info='failure doing an hypervisor call'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL' file='virterror' value='35' type='virErrorNumber' info='detail of an XML error'/>
    <enum name='VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR' file='virterror' value='27' type='virErrorNumber' info='an XML description is not well formed or broken'/>
540 541 542 543
    <enum name='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR' file='libvirt' value='4' type='virEventHandleType'/>
    <enum name='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_HANGUP' file='libvirt' value='8' type='virEventHandleType'/>
    <enum name='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virEventHandleType'/>
    <enum name='VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_WRITABLE' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virEventHandleType'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_CONF' file='virterror' value='9' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error in the configuration file handling'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_DOM' file='virterror' value='6' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error when operating on a domain'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_DOMAIN' file='virterror' value='20' type='virErrorDomain' info=' Error from domain config'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_LXC' file='virterror' value='17' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error from Linux Container driver'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_NET' file='virterror' value='11' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error when operating on a network'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_NETWORK' file='virterror' value='19' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error from network config'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_NONE' file='virterror' value='0' type='virErrorDomain'/>
Richard W.M. Jones 已提交
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_OPENVZ' file='virterror' value='14' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error from OpenVZ driver'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_PROXY' file='virterror' value='8' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error in the proxy code'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_QEMU' file='virterror' value='10' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error at the QEMU daemon'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_REMOTE' file='virterror' value='13' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error from remote driver'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_RPC' file='virterror' value='7' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error in the XML-RPC code'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_SEXPR' file='virterror' value='4' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error in the S-Expression code'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_STATS_LINUX' file='virterror' value='16' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error in the Linux Stats code'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_STORAGE' file='virterror' value='18' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error from storage driver'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_TEST' file='virterror' value='12' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error from test driver'/>
560 561 562
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_XEN' file='virterror' value='1' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error at Xen hypervisor layer'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_XEND' file='virterror' value='2' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error at connection with xend daemon'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_XENSTORE' file='virterror' value='3' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error at connection with xen store'/>
Richard W.M. Jones 已提交
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_XENXM' file='virterror' value='15' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error at Xen XM layer'/>
    <enum name='VIR_FROM_XML' file='virterror' value='5' type='virErrorDomain' info='Error in the XML code'/>
    <enum name='VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainMemoryFlags' info=' addresses are virtual addresses'/>
    <enum name='VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virDomainMigrateFlags' info=' live migration'/>
567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILDING' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virStoragePoolState' info='Initializing pool, not available'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NEW' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virStoragePoolBuildFlags' info='Regular build from scratch'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_REPAIR' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virStoragePoolBuildFlags' info='Repair / reinitialize'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_RESIZE' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virStoragePoolBuildFlags' info=' Extend existing pool'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DEGRADED' file='libvirt' value='3' type='virStoragePoolState' info=' Running degraded'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_NORMAL' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virStoragePoolDeleteFlags' info='Delete metadata only    (fast)'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_ZEROED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virStoragePoolDeleteFlags' info=' Clear all data to zeros (slow)'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_INACTIVE' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virStoragePoolState' info='Not running'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_POOL_RUNNING' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virStoragePoolState' info='Running normally'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_BLOCK' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virStorageVolType' info=' Block based volumes'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_NORMAL' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virStorageVolDeleteFlags' info='Delete metadata only    (fast)'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_ZEROED' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virStorageVolDeleteFlags' info=' Clear all data to zeros (slow)'/>
    <enum name='VIR_STORAGE_VOL_FILE' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virStorageVolType' info='Regular file based volumes'/>
580 581 582
    <enum name='VIR_VCPU_BLOCKED' file='libvirt' value='2' type='virVcpuState' info=' the virtual CPU is blocked on resource'/>
    <enum name='VIR_VCPU_OFFLINE' file='libvirt' value='0' type='virVcpuState' info='the virtual CPU is offline'/>
    <enum name='VIR_VCPU_RUNNING' file='libvirt' value='1' type='virVcpuState' info='the virtual CPU is running'/>
    <enum name='VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK' file='virterror' value='41' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to start network'/>
    <enum name='VIR_WAR_NO_STORAGE' file='virterror' value='48' type='virErrorNumber' info='failed to start storage'/>
    <struct name='virConnect' file='libvirt' type='struct _virConnect'/>
586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603
    <struct name='virConnectAuth' file='libvirt' type='struct _virConnectAuth'>
      <field name='credtype' type='int *' info=' List of supported virConnectCredentialType values'/>
      <field name='ncredtype' type='unsigned int' info=''/>
      <field name='cb' type='virConnectAuthCallbackPtr' info=' Callback used to collect credentials'/>
      <field name='cbdata' type='void *' info=''/>
    <typedef name='virConnectAuthPtr' file='libvirt' type='virConnectAuth *'/>
    <struct name='virConnectCredential' file='libvirt' type='struct _virConnectCredential'>
      <field name='type' type='int' info=' One of virConnectCredentialType constants'/>
      <field name='prompt' type='const char *' info=' Prompt to show to user'/>
      <field name='challenge' type='const char *' info=' Additional challenge to show'/>
      <field name='defresult' type='const char *' info=' Optional default result'/>
      <field name='result' type='char *' info=' Result to be filled with user response (or defresult)'/>
      <field name='resultlen' type='unsigned int' info=' Length of the result'/>
    <typedef name='virConnectCredentialPtr' file='libvirt' type='virConnectCredential *'/>
    <typedef name='virConnectCredentialType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virConnectFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virConnectPtr' file='libvirt' type='virConnect *'>
      <info>a virConnectPtr is pointer to a virConnect private structure, this is the type used to reference a connection to the Hypervisor in the API.</info>
606 607
    <struct name='virDomain' file='libvirt' type='struct _virDomain'/>
608 609 610 611
    <typedef name='virDomainBlockStatsPtr' file='libvirt' type='virDomainBlockStatsStruct *'>
      <info>A pointer to a virDomainBlockStats structure</info>
    <struct name='virDomainBlockStatsStruct' file='libvirt' type='struct _virDomainBlockStats'>
612 613 614
      <field name='rd_req' type='long long' info=' number of read requests'/>
      <field name='rd_bytes' type='long long' info=' number of read bytes'/>
      <field name='wr_req' type='long long' info=' number of write requests'/>
      <field name='wr_bytes' type='long long' info=' number of written bytes'/>
616 617
      <field name='errs' type='long long' info=' In Xen this returns the mysterious &apos;oo_req&apos;.'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainCreateFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
619 620 621 622 623
    <typedef name='virDomainEventDefinedDetailType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainEventResumedDetailType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainEventStartedDetailType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainEventStoppedDetailType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainEventType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainEventUndefinedDetailType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <struct name='virDomainInfo' file='libvirt' type='struct _virDomainInfo'>
      <field name='state' type='unsigned char' info=' the running state, one of virDomainState'/>
628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635
      <field name='maxMem' type='unsigned long' info=' the maximum memory in KBytes allowed'/>
      <field name='memory' type='unsigned long' info=' the memory in KBytes used by the domain'/>
      <field name='nrVirtCpu' type='unsigned short' info=' the number of virtual CPUs for the domain'/>
      <field name='cpuTime' type='unsigned long long' info=' the CPU time used in nanoseconds'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainInfoPtr' file='libvirt' type='virDomainInfo *'>
      <info>a virDomainInfoPtr is a pointer to a virDomainInfo structure.</info>
    <typedef name='virDomainInterfaceStatsPtr' file='libvirt' type='virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct *'>
      <info>A pointer to a virDomainInterfaceStats structure</info>
638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648
    <struct name='virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct' file='libvirt' type='struct _virDomainInterfaceStats'>
      <field name='rx_bytes' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='rx_packets' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='rx_errs' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='rx_drop' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='tx_bytes' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='tx_packets' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='tx_errs' type='long long' info=''/>
      <field name='tx_drop' type='long long' info=''/>
    <typedef name='virDomainMemoryFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainMigrateFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainPtr' file='libvirt' type='virDomain *'>
      <info>a virDomainPtr is pointer to a virDomain private structure, this is the type used to reference a domain in the API.</info>
653 654
    <typedef name='virDomainState' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virDomainXMLFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
656 657 658 659 660
    <struct name='virError' file='virterror' type='struct _virError'>
      <field name='code' type='int' info=' The error code, a virErrorNumber'/>
      <field name='domain' type='int' info=' What part of the library raised this error'/>
      <field name='message' type='char *' info=' human-readable informative error message'/>
      <field name='level' type='virErrorLevel' info=' how consequent is the error'/>
661 662 663
      <field name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info=' connection if available, deprecated
see note above'/>
      <field name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info=' domain if available, deprecated
see note above'/>
665 666 667 668 669
      <field name='str1' type='char *' info=' extra string information'/>
      <field name='str2' type='char *' info=' extra string information'/>
      <field name='str3' type='char *' info=' extra string information'/>
      <field name='int1' type='int' info=' extra number information'/>
      <field name='int2' type='int' info=' extra number information'/>
670 671
      <field name='net' type='virNetworkPtr' info=' network if available, deprecated
see note above'/>
672 673 674 675 676
    <typedef name='virErrorDomain' file='virterror' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virErrorLevel' file='virterror' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virErrorNumber' file='virterror' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virErrorPtr' file='virterror' type='virError *'/>
    <typedef name='virEventHandleType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
678 679 680 681
    <struct name='virNetwork' file='libvirt' type='struct _virNetwork'/>
    <typedef name='virNetworkPtr' file='libvirt' type='virNetwork *'>
      <info>a virNetworkPtr is pointer to a virNetwork private structure, this is the type used to reference a virtual network in the API.</info>
682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694
    <struct name='virNodeInfo' file='libvirt' type='struct _virNodeInfo'>
      <field name='model' type='charmodel[32]' info=' string indicating the CPU model'/>
      <field name='memory' type='unsigned long' info=' memory size in kilobytes'/>
      <field name='cpus' type='unsigned int' info=' the number of active CPUs'/>
      <field name='mhz' type='unsigned int' info=' expected CPU frequency'/>
      <field name='nodes' type='unsigned int' info=' the number of NUMA cell, 1 for uniform mem access'/>
      <field name='sockets' type='unsigned int' info=' number of CPU socket per node'/>
      <field name='cores' type='unsigned int' info=' number of core per socket'/>
      <field name='threads' type='unsigned int' info=' number of threads per core'/>
    <typedef name='virNodeInfoPtr' file='libvirt' type='virNodeInfo *'>
      <info>a virNodeInfoPtr is a pointer to a virNodeInfo structure.</info>
695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702
    <struct name='virSchedParameter' file='libvirt' type='struct _virSchedParameter'>
      <field name='field' type='charfield[VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH]' info=' parameter name'/>
      <field name='type' type='int' info=' parameter type'/>
    <typedef name='virSchedParameterPtr' file='libvirt' type='virSchedParameter *'>
      <info>a virSchedParameterPtr is a pointer to a virSchedParameter structure.</info>
    <typedef name='virSchedParameterType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728
    <struct name='virStoragePool' file='libvirt' type='struct _virStoragePool'/>
    <typedef name='virStoragePoolBuildFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <typedef name='virStoragePoolDeleteFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <struct name='virStoragePoolInfo' file='libvirt' type='struct _virStoragePoolInfo'>
      <field name='state' type='int' info=' virStoragePoolState flags'/>
      <field name='capacity' type='unsigned long long' info=' Logical size bytes'/>
      <field name='allocation' type='unsigned long long' info=' Current allocation bytes'/>
      <field name='available' type='unsigned long long' info=' Remaining free space bytes'/>
    <typedef name='virStoragePoolInfoPtr' file='libvirt' type='virStoragePoolInfo *'/>
    <typedef name='virStoragePoolPtr' file='libvirt' type='virStoragePool *'>
      <info>a virStoragePoolPtr is pointer to a virStoragePool private structure, this is the type used to reference a storage pool in the API.</info>
    <typedef name='virStoragePoolState' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <struct name='virStorageVol' file='libvirt' type='struct _virStorageVol'/>
    <typedef name='virStorageVolDeleteFlags' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <struct name='virStorageVolInfo' file='libvirt' type='struct _virStorageVolInfo'>
      <field name='type' type='int' info=' virStorageVolType flags'/>
      <field name='capacity' type='unsigned long long' info=' Logical size bytes'/>
      <field name='allocation' type='unsigned long long' info=' Current allocation bytes'/>
    <typedef name='virStorageVolInfoPtr' file='libvirt' type='virStorageVolInfo *'/>
    <typedef name='virStorageVolPtr' file='libvirt' type='virStorageVol *'>
      <info>a virStorageVolPtr is pointer to a virStorageVol private structure, this is the type used to reference a storage volume in the API.</info>
    <typedef name='virStorageVolType' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736
    <struct name='virVcpuInfo' file='libvirt' type='struct _virVcpuInfo'>
      <field name='number' type='unsigned int' info=' virtual CPU number'/>
      <field name='state' type='int' info=' value from virVcpuState'/>
      <field name='cpuTime' type='unsigned long long' info=' CPU time used, in nanoseconds'/>
      <field name='cpu' type='int' info=' real CPU number, or -1 if offline'/>
    <typedef name='virVcpuInfoPtr' file='libvirt' type='virVcpuInfo *'/>
    <typedef name='virVcpuState' file='libvirt' type='enum'/>
    <variable name='virConnectAuthPtrDefault' file='libvirt' type='virConnectAuthPtr'/>
738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745
    <function name='virConnCopyLastError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Copy the content of the last error caught on that connection One will need to free the result with virResetError()</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 if no error was found and the error code otherwise and -1 in case of parameter error.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='to' type='virErrorPtr' info='target to receive the copy'/>
    <function name='virConnGetLastError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Provide a pointer to the last error caught on that connection Simpler but may not be suitable for multithreaded accesses, in which case use virConnCopyLastError()</info>
      <return type='virErrorPtr' info='a pointer to the last error or NULL if none occurred.'/>
747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
    <function name='virConnResetLastError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Reset the last error caught on that connection</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
    <function name='virConnSetErrorFunc' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Set a connection error handling function, if @handler is NULL it will reset to default which is to pass error back to the global library handler.</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='userData' type='void *' info='pointer to the user data provided in the handler callback'/>
      <arg name='handler' type='virErrorFunc' info='the function to get called in case of error or NULL'/>
761 762 763 764 765 766 767
    <functype name='virConnectAuthCallbackPtr' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <return type='int' info=''/>
      <arg name='cred' type='virConnectCredentialPtr' info=''/>
      <arg name='ncred' type='unsigned int' info=''/>
      <arg name='cbdata' type='void *' info=''/>
768 769 770 771 772
    <function name='virConnectClose' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function closes the connection to the Hypervisor. This should not be called if further interaction with the Hypervisor are needed especially if there is running domain which need further monitoring by the application.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
773 774 775 776 777 778
    <functype name='virConnectDomainEventCallback' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>A callback function to be registered, and called when a domain event occurs</info>
      <return type='int' info=''/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='virConnect connection'/>
      <arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='The domain on which the event occured'/>
      <arg name='event' type='int' info='The specfic virDomainEventType which occured'/>
      <arg name='detail' type='int' info='event specific detail information'/>
780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794
      <arg name='opaque' type='void *' info='opaque user data'/>
    <function name='virConnectDomainEventDeregister' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Removes a Domain Event Callback. De-registering for a domain callback will disable delivery of this event type</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the connection'/>
      <arg name='cb' type='virConnectDomainEventCallback' info='callback to the function handling domain events'/>
    <function name='virConnectDomainEventRegister' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Adds a Domain Event Callback. Registering for a domain callback will enable delivery of the events</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the connection'/>
      <arg name='cb' type='virConnectDomainEventCallback' info='callback to the function handling domain events'/>
      <arg name='opaque' type='void *' info='opaque data to pass on to the callback'/>
795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802
    <function name='virConnectFindStoragePoolSources' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Talks to a storage backend and attempts to auto-discover the set of available storage pool sources. e.g. For iSCSI this would be a set of iSCSI targets. For NFS this would be a list of exported paths.  The srcSpec (optional for some storage pool types, e.g. local ones) is an instance of the storage pool&apos;s source element specifying where to look for the pools.  srcSpec is not required for some types (e.g., those querying local storage resources only)</info>
      <return type='char *' info='an xml document consisting of a SourceList element containing a source document appropriate to the given pool type for each discovered source.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='type' type='const char *' info='type of storage pool sources to discover'/>
      <arg name='srcSpec' type='const char *' info='XML document specifying discovery source'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags for discovery (unused, pass 0)'/>
803 804
    <function name='virConnectGetCapabilities' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides capabilities of the hypervisor / driver.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='NULL in case of error, or an XML string defining the capabilities. The client must free the returned string after use.'/>
806 807
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
808 809 810 811 812
    <function name='virConnectGetHostname' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This returns the system hostname on which the hypervisor is running (the result of the gethostname(2) system call).  If we are connected to a remote system, then this returns the hostname of the remote system.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='the hostname which must be freed by the caller, or NULL if there was an error.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to a hypervisor connection'/>
    <function name='virConnectGetMaxVcpus' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
814 815
      <info>Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for a guest VM of a specific type. The &apos;type&apos; parameter here corresponds to the &apos;type&apos; attribute in the &lt;domain&gt; element of the XML.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the maximum of virtual CPU or -1 in case of error.'/>
816 817 818
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='type' type='const char *' info='value of the &apos;type&apos; attribute in the &lt;domain&gt; element'/>
819 820
    <function name='virConnectGetType' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the name of the Hypervisor software used.</info>
      <return type='const char *' info='NULL in case of error, a static zero terminated string otherwise.  See also:'/>
822 823
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
824 825 826 827 828
    <function name='virConnectGetURI' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This returns the URI (name) of the hypervisor connection. Normally this is the same as or similar to the string passed to the virConnectOpen/virConnectOpenReadOnly call, but the driver may make the URI canonical.  If name == NULL was passed to virConnectOpen, then the driver will return a non-NULL URI which can be used to connect to the same hypervisor later.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='the URI string which must be freed by the caller, or NULL if there was an error.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to a hypervisor connection'/>
    <function name='virConnectGetVersion' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the version level of the Hypervisor running. This may work only with hypervisor call, i.e. with privileged access to the hypervisor, not with a Read-Only connection.</info>
831 832 833 834 835
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise. if the version can&apos;t be extracted by lack of capacities returns 0 and @hvVer is 0, otherwise @hvVer value is major * 1,000,000 + minor * 1,000 + release'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='hvVer' type='unsigned long *' info='return value for the version of the running hypervisor (OUT)'/>
    <function name='virConnectListDefinedDomains' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>list the defined but inactive domains, stores the pointers to the names in @names</info>
837 838
      <return type='int' info='the number of names provided in the array or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='names' type='char ** const' info='pointer to an array to store the names'/>
840 841
      <arg name='maxnames' type='int' info='size of the array'/>
842 843 844 845
    <function name='virConnectListDefinedNetworks' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>list the inactive networks, stores the pointers to the names in @names</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of names provided in the array or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='names' type='char ** const' info='pointer to an array to store the names'/>
847 848
      <arg name='maxnames' type='int' info='size of the array'/>
849 850 851 852 853 854 855
    <function name='virConnectListDefinedStoragePools' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the list of names of inactive storage pools upto maxnames. If there are more than maxnames, the remaining names will be silently ignored.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='names' type='char ** const' info='array of char * to fill with pool names (allocated by caller)'/>
      <arg name='maxnames' type='int' info='size of the names array'/>
856 857 858 859 860 861 862
    <function name='virConnectListDomains' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Collect the list of active domains, and store their ID in @maxids</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of domain found or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='ids' type='int *' info='array to collect the list of IDs of active domains'/>
      <arg name='maxids' type='int' info='size of @ids'/>
863 864 865 866
    <function name='virConnectListNetworks' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Collect the list of active networks, and store their names in @names</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of networks found or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='names' type='char ** const' info='array to collect the list of names of active networks'/>
868 869
      <arg name='maxnames' type='int' info='size of @names'/>
870 871 872 873 874 875 876
    <function name='virConnectListStoragePools' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the list of names of active storage pools upto maxnames. If there are more than maxnames, the remaining names will be silently ignored.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='names' type='char ** const' info='array of char * to fill with pool names (allocated by caller)'/>
      <arg name='maxnames' type='int' info='size of the names array'/>
    <function name='virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the number of defined but inactive domains.</info>
879 880 881
      <return type='int' info='the number of domain found or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
882 883 884 885 886
    <function name='virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the number of inactive networks.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of networks found or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
887 888 889 890 891
    <function name='virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the number of inactive storage pools</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of pools found, or -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
892 893 894 895 896
    <function name='virConnectNumOfDomains' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the number of active domains.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of domain found or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
897 898 899 900 901
    <function name='virConnectNumOfNetworks' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the number of active networks.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of network found or -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
902 903 904 905 906
    <function name='virConnectNumOfStoragePools' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the number of active storage pools</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of pools found, or -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
907 908
    <function name='virConnectOpen' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function should be called first to get a connection to the Hypervisor and xen store</info>
909 910
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='a pointer to the hypervisor connection or NULL in case of error  URIs are documented at'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='URI of the hypervisor'/>
    <function name='virConnectOpenAuth' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function should be called first to get a connection to the Hypervisor. If necessary, authentication will be performed fetching credentials via the callback</info>
914 915 916 917 918
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='a pointer to the hypervisor connection or NULL in case of error  URIs are documented at'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='URI of the hypervisor'/>
      <arg name='auth' type='virConnectAuthPtr' info='Authenticate callback parameters'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='int' info='Open flags'/>
    <function name='virConnectOpenReadOnly' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <info>This function should be called first to get a restricted connection to the library functionalities. The set of APIs usable are then restricted on the available methods to control the domains.</info>
921 922
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='a pointer to the hypervisor connection or NULL in case of error  URIs are documented at'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='URI of the hypervisor'/>
923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933
    <function name='virCopyLastError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Copy the content of the last error caught at the library level One will need to free the result with virResetError()</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 if no error was found and the error code otherwise and -1 in case of parameter error.'/>
      <arg name='to' type='virErrorPtr' info='target to receive the copy'/>
    <function name='virDefaultErrorFunc' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Default routine reporting an error to stderr.</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='err' type='virErrorPtr' info='pointer to the error.'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
934 935 936 937
    <function name='virDomainAttachDevice' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Create a virtual device attachment to backend.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object'/>
      <arg name='xml' type='const char *' info='pointer to XML description of one device'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949
    <function name='virDomainBlockPeek' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function allows you to read the contents of a domain&apos;s disk device.  Typical uses for this are to determine if the domain has written a Master Boot Record (indicating that the domain has completed installation), or to try to work out the state of the domain&apos;s filesystems.  (Note that in the local case you might try to open the block device or file directly, but that won&apos;t work in the remote case, nor if you don&apos;t have sufficient permission. Hence the need for this call).  &apos;path&apos; must be a device or file corresponding to the domain. In other words it must be the precise string returned in a &lt;disk&gt;&lt;source dev=&apos;...&apos;/&gt;&lt;/disk&gt; from virDomainGetXMLDesc.  &apos;offset&apos; and &apos;size&apos; represent an area which must lie entirely within the device or file.  &apos;size&apos; may be 0 to test if the call would succeed.  &apos;buffer&apos; is the return buffer and must be at least &apos;size&apos; bytes.  NB. The remote driver imposes a 64K byte limit on &apos;size&apos;. For your program to be able to work reliably over a remote connection you should split large requests to &lt;= 65536 bytes.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success or -1 in case of failure. really 64 bits'/>
      <arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain object'/>
      <arg name='path' type='const char *' info='path to the block device'/>
      <arg name='offset' type='unsigned long long' info='offset within block device'/>
      <arg name='size' type='size_t' info='size to read'/>
      <arg name='buffer' type='void *' info='return buffer (must be at least size bytes)'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='unused, always pass 0'/>
950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957
    <function name='virDomainBlockStats' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function returns block device (disk) stats for block devices attached to the domain.  The path parameter is the name of the block device.  Get this by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc and finding the &lt;target dev=&apos;...&apos;&gt; attribute within //domain/devices/disk.  (For example, &quot;xvda&quot;).  Domains may have more than one block device.  To get stats for each you should make multiple calls to this function.  Individual fields within the stats structure may be returned as -1, which indicates that the hypervisor does not support that particular statistic.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success or -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain object'/>
      <arg name='path' type='const char *' info='path to the block device'/>
      <arg name='stats' type='virDomainBlockStatsPtr' info='block device stats (returned)'/>
      <arg name='size' type='size_t' info='size of stats structure'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
958 959 960 961 962 963 964
    <function name='virDomainCoreDump' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This method will dump the core of a domain on a given file for analysis. Note that for remote Xen Daemon the file path will be interpreted in the remote host.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='to' type='const char *' info='path for the core file'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='int' info='extra flags, currently unused'/>
965 966 967 968 969 970
    <function name='virDomainCreate' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>launch a defined domain. If the call succeed the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to a defined domain'/>
    <function name='virDomainCreateLinux' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978
      <info>Deprecated after 0.4.6. Renamed to virDomainCreateXML() providing identical functionality. This existing name will left indefinitely for API compatability.</info>
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='a new domain object or NULL in case of failure'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='xmlDesc' type='const char *' info='string containing an XML description of the domain'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='callers should always pass 0'/>
    <function name='virDomainCreateXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Launch a new guest domain, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virDomainGetXMLDesc() This function may requires privileged access to the hypervisor. The domain is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted (see virDomainDefineXML() to define persistent domains).</info>
979 980
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='a new domain object or NULL in case of failure'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <arg name='xmlDesc' type='const char *' info='string containing an XML description of the domain'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='callers should always pass 0'/>
983 984
    <function name='virDomainDefineXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Define a domain, but does not start it. This definition is persistent, until explicitly undefined with virDomainUndefine().</info>
986 987 988 989 990
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='NULL in case of error, a pointer to the domain otherwise'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='xml' type='const char *' info='the XML description for the domain, preferably in UTF-8'/>
    <function name='virDomainDestroy' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Destroy the domain object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virDomainPtr object. This function may require privileged access</info>
992 993 994
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
995 996 997 998
    <function name='virDomainDetachDevice' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Destroy a virtual device attachment to backend.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object'/>
      <arg name='xml' type='const char *' info='pointer to XML description of one device'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
1001 1002 1003 1004 1005
    <function name='virDomainFree' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Free the domain object. The running instance is kept alive. The data structure is freed and should not be used thereafter.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetAutostart' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
1007 1008
      <info>Provides a boolean value indicating whether the domain configured to be automatically started when the host machine boots.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='autostart' type='int *' info='the value returned'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetConnect' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the connection pointer associated with a domain.  The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.  WARNING: When writing libvirt bindings in other languages, do not use this function.  Instead, store the connection and the domain object together.</info>
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='the virConnectPtr or NULL in case of failure.'/>
1015 1016
      <arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to a domain'/>
1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022
    <function name='virDomainGetID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the hypervisor ID number for the domain</info>
      <return type='unsigned int' info='the domain ID number or (unsigned int) -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetInfo' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Extract information about a domain. Note that if the connection used to get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be extracted.</info>
1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='info' type='virDomainInfoPtr' info='pointer to a virDomainInfo structure allocated by the user'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetMaxMemory' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Retrieve the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this get the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs.</info>
      <return type='unsigned long' info='the memory size in kilobytes or 0 in case of error.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object or NULL'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetMaxVcpus' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
1034 1035
      <info>Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for the guest VM. If the guest is inactive, this is basically the same as virConnectGetMaxVcpus. If the guest is running this will reflect the maximum number of virtual CPUs the guest was booted with.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the maximum of virtual CPU or -1 in case of error.'/>
1036 1037
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object'/>
1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047
    <function name='virDomainGetName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the public name for that domain</info>
      <return type='const char *' info='a pointer to the name or NULL, the string need not be deallocated its lifetime will be the same as the domain object.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetOSType' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the type of domain operation system.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='the new string or NULL in case of error, the string must be freed by the caller.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060
    <function name='virDomainGetSchedulerParameters' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the scheduler parameters, the @params array will be filled with the values.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object'/>
      <arg name='params' type='virSchedParameterPtr' info='pointer to scheduler parameter object (return value)'/>
      <arg name='nparams' type='int *' info='pointer to number of scheduler parameter (this value should be same than the returned value nparams of virDomainGetSchedulerType)'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetSchedulerType' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the scheduler type.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='NULL in case of error. The caller must free the returned string.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object'/>
      <arg name='nparams' type='int *' info='number of scheduler parameters(return value)'/>
1061 1062 1063 1064
    <function name='virDomainGetUUID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the UUID for a domain</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='uuid' type='unsigned char *' info='pointer to a VIR_UUID_BUFLEN bytes array'/>
1066 1067 1068 1069 1070
    <function name='virDomainGetUUIDString' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the UUID for a domain as string. For more information about UUID see RFC4122.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='buf' type='char *' info='pointer to a VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN bytes array'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetVcpus' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <info>Extract information about virtual CPUs of domain, store it in info array and also in cpumaps if this pointer isn&apos;t NULL.</info>
1075 1076 1077 1078
      <return type='int' info='the number of info filled in case of success, -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object, or NULL for Domain0'/>
      <arg name='info' type='virVcpuInfoPtr' info='pointer to an array of virVcpuInfo structures (OUT)'/>
      <arg name='maxinfo' type='int' info='number of structures in info array'/>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <arg name='cpumaps' type='unsigned char *' info='pointer to an bit map of real CPUs for all vcpus of this domain (in 8-bit bytes) (OUT) If cpumaps is NULL, then no cpumap information is returned by the API. It&apos;s assumed there is &lt;maxinfo&gt; cpumap in cpumaps array. The memory allocated to cpumaps must be (maxinfo * maplen) bytes (ie: calloc(maxinfo, maplen)). One cpumap inside cpumaps has the format described in virDomainPinVcpu() API.'/>
1080 1081
      <arg name='maplen' type='int' info='number of bytes in one cpumap, from 1 up to size of CPU map in underlying virtualization system (Xen...).'/>
    <function name='virDomainGetXMLDesc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provide an XML description of the domain. The description may be reused later to relaunch the domain with virDomainCreateXML().</info>
1084 1085
      <return type='char *' info='a 0 terminated UTF-8 encoded XML instance, or NULL in case of error. the caller must free() the returned value.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='int' info='an OR&apos;ed set of virDomainXMLFlags'/>
1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095
    <function name='virDomainInterfaceStats' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function returns network interface stats for interfaces attached to the domain.  The path parameter is the name of the network interface.  Domains may have more than network interface.  To get stats for each you should make multiple calls to this function.  Individual fields within the stats structure may be returned as -1, which indicates that the hypervisor does not support that particular statistic.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success or -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain object'/>
      <arg name='path' type='const char *' info='path to the interface'/>
      <arg name='stats' type='virDomainInterfaceStatsPtr' info='network interface stats (returned)'/>
      <arg name='size' type='size_t' info='size of stats structure'/>
    <function name='virDomainLookupByID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to find a domain based on the hypervisor ID number Note that this won&apos;t work for inactive domains which have an ID of -1, in that case a lookup based on the Name or UUId need to be done instead.</info>
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='a new domain object or NULL in case of failure.  If the domain cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN error is raised.'/>
1099 1100 1101 1102 1103
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='id' type='int' info='the domain ID number'/>
    <function name='virDomainLookupByName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its name.</info>
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='a new domain object or NULL in case of failure.  If the domain cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN error is raised.'/>
1105 1106 1107 1108 1109
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='name for the domain'/>
    <function name='virDomainLookupByUUID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its UUID.</info>
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='a new domain object or NULL in case of failure.  If the domain cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN error is raised.'/>
1111 1112 1113 1114 1115
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='uuid' type='const unsigned char *' info='the raw UUID for the domain'/>
    <function name='virDomainLookupByUUIDString' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its UUID.</info>
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='a new domain object or NULL in case of failure.  If the domain cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN error is raised.'/>
1117 1118 1119
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='uuidstr' type='const char *' info='the string UUID for the domain'/>
1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128
    <function name='virDomainMemoryPeek' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This function allows you to read the contents of a domain&apos;s memory.  The memory which is read is controlled by the &apos;start&apos;, &apos;size&apos; and &apos;flags&apos; parameters.  If &apos;flags&apos; is VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL then the &apos;start&apos; and &apos;size&apos; parameters are interpreted as virtual memory addresses for whichever task happens to be running on the domain at the moment.  Although this sounds haphazard it is in fact what you want in order to read Linux kernel state, because it ensures that pointers in the kernel image can be interpreted coherently.  &apos;buffer&apos; is the return buffer and must be at least &apos;size&apos; bytes. &apos;size&apos; may be 0 to test if the call would succeed.  NB. The remote driver imposes a 64K byte limit on &apos;size&apos;. For your program to be able to work reliably over a remote connection you should split large requests to &lt;= 65536 bytes.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success or -1 in case of failure. really 64 bits'/>
      <arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain object'/>
      <arg name='start' type='unsigned long long' info='start of memory to peek'/>
      <arg name='size' type='size_t' info='size of memory to peek'/>
      <arg name='buffer' type='void *' info='return buffer (must be at least size bytes)'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags, see below'/>
1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138
    <function name='virDomainMigrate' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host).  Flags may be one of more of the following: VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE   Attempt a live migration.  If a hypervisor supports renaming domains during migration, then you may set the dname parameter to the new name (otherwise it keeps the same name).  If this is not supported by the hypervisor, dname must be NULL or else you will get an error.  Since typically the two hypervisors connect directly to each other in order to perform the migration, you may need to specify a path from the source to the destination.  This is the purpose of the uri parameter.  If uri is NULL, then libvirt will try to find the best method.  Uri may specify the hostname or IP address of the destination host as seen from the source.  Or uri may be a URI giving transport, hostname, user, port, etc. in the usual form.  Refer to driver documentation for the particular URIs supported.  The maximum bandwidth (in Mbps) that will be used to do migration can be specified with the bandwidth parameter.  If set to 0, libvirt will choose a suitable default.  Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0.  To see which features are supported by the current hypervisor, see virConnectGetCapabilities, /capabilities/host/migration_features.  There are many limitations on migration imposed by the underlying technology - for example it may not be possible to migrate between different processors even with the same architecture, or between different types of hypervisor.</info>
      <return type='virDomainPtr' info='the new domain object if the migration was successful, or NULL in case of error.  Note that the new domain object exists in the scope of the destination connection (dconn).'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='dconn' type='virConnectPtr' info='destination host (a connection object)'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned long' info='flags'/>
      <arg name='dname' type='const char *' info='(optional) rename domain to this at destination'/>
      <arg name='uri' type='const char *' info='(optional) dest hostname/URI as seen from the source host'/>
      <arg name='bandwidth' type='unsigned long' info='(optional) specify migration bandwidth limit in Mbps'/>
    <function name='virDomainPinVcpu' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to a virtual CPU. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor.</info>
1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object, or NULL for Domain0'/>
      <arg name='vcpu' type='unsigned int' info='virtual CPU number'/>
      <arg name='cpumap' type='unsigned char *' info='pointer to a bit map of real CPUs (in 8-bit bytes) (IN) Each bit set to 1 means that corresponding CPU is usable. Bytes are stored in little-endian order: CPU0-7, 8-15... In each byte, lowest CPU number is least significant bit.'/>
      <arg name='maplen' type='int' info='number of bytes in cpumap, from 1 up to size of CPU map in underlying virtualization system (Xen...). If maplen &lt; size, missing bytes are set to zero. If maplen &gt; size, failure code is returned.'/>
1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159
    <function name='virDomainReboot' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Reboot a domain, the domain object is still usable there after but the domain OS is being stopped for a restart. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='extra flags for the reboot operation, not used yet'/>
    <function name='virDomainRestore' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This method will restore a domain saved to disk by virDomainSave().</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='from' type='const char *' info='path to the'/>
    <function name='virDomainResume' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Resume an suspended domain, the process is restarted from the state where it was frozen by calling virSuspendDomain(). This function may requires privileged access</info>
1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
    <function name='virDomainSave' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running anymore (this may be a problem). Use virDomainRestore() to restore a domain after saving.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='to' type='const char *' info='path for the output file'/>
1170 1171 1172 1173
    <function name='virDomainSetAutostart' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Configure the domain to be automatically started when the host machine boots.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
      <arg name='autostart' type='int' info='whether the domain should be automatically started 0 or 1'/>
    <function name='virDomainSetMaxMemory' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Dynamically change the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor.</info>
1178 1179 1180 1181 1182
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object or NULL'/>
      <arg name='memory' type='unsigned long' info='the memory size in kilobytes'/>
    <function name='virDomainSetMemory' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Dynamically change the target amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may requires privileged access to the hypervisor.</info>
1184 1185 1186 1187
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object or NULL'/>
      <arg name='memory' type='unsigned long' info='the memory size in kilobytes'/>
1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194
    <function name='virDomainSetSchedulerParameters' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Change the scheduler parameters</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object'/>
      <arg name='params' type='virSchedParameterPtr' info='pointer to scheduler parameter objects'/>
      <arg name='nparams' type='int' info='number of scheduler parameter (this value should be same or less than the returned value nparams of virDomainGetSchedulerType)'/>
    <function name='virDomainSetVcpus' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Dynamically change the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrary limited. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor.</info>
1197 1198 1199 1200
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to domain object, or NULL for Domain0'/>
      <arg name='nvcpus' type='unsigned int' info='the new number of virtual CPUs for this domain'/>
1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206
    <function name='virDomainShutdown' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Shutdown a domain, the domain object is still usable there after but the domain OS is being stopped. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request.  TODO: should we add an option for reboot, knowing it may not be doable in the general case ?</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
    <function name='virDomainSuspend' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Suspends an active domain, the process is frozen without further access to CPU resources and I/O but the memory used by the domain at the hypervisor level will stay allocated. Use virDomainResume() to reactivate the domain. This function may requires privileged access.</info>
1208 1209 1210 1211
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='a domain object'/>
    <function name='virDomainUndefine' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Undefine a domain but does not stop it if it is running</info>
1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='domain' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to a defined domain'/>
    <functype name='virErrorFunc' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Signature of a function to use when there is an error raised by the library.</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='userData' type='void *' info='user provided data for the error callback'/>
      <arg name='error' type='virErrorPtr' info='the error being raised.'/>
1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281
    <functype name='virEventAddHandleFunc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Part of the EventImpl, this callback Adds a file handle callback to listen for specific events</info>
      <return type='int' info=''/>
      <arg name='fd' type='int' info='file descriptor to listen on'/>
      <arg name='event' type='int' info='bitset of events on which to fire the callback'/>
      <arg name='cb' type='virEventHandleCallback' info='the callback to be called'/>
      <arg name='opaque' type='void *' info='user data to pass to the callback'/>
    <functype name='virEventAddTimeoutFunc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Part of the EventImpl, this user-defined callback handles adding an event timeout.</info>
      <return type='int' info='a timer value'/>
      <arg name='timeout' type='int' info='The timeout to monitor'/>
      <arg name='cb' type='virEventTimeoutCallback' info='the callback to call when timeout has expired'/>
      <arg name='opaque' type='void *' info='user data to pass to the callback'/>
    <functype name='virEventHandleCallback' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>callback for receiving file handle events</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='fd' type='int' info='file handle on which the event occurred'/>
      <arg name='events' type='int' info='bitset of events from virEventHandleType constants'/>
      <arg name='opaque' type='void *' info='user data registered with handle'/>
    <function name='virEventRegisterImpl' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='addHandle' type='virEventAddHandleFunc' info=''/>
      <arg name='updateHandle' type='virEventUpdateHandleFunc' info=''/>
      <arg name='removeHandle' type='virEventRemoveHandleFunc' info=''/>
      <arg name='addTimeout' type='virEventAddTimeoutFunc' info=''/>
      <arg name='updateTimeout' type='virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc' info=''/>
      <arg name='removeTimeout' type='virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc' info=''/>
    <functype name='virEventRemoveHandleFunc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Part of the EventImpl, this user-provided callback is notified when an fd is no longer being listened on</info>
      <return type='int' info=''/>
      <arg name='fd' type='int' info='file descriptor to stop listening on'/>
    <functype name='virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Part of the EventImpl, this user-defined callback removes a timer</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='timer' type='int' info='the timer to remove'/>
    <functype name='virEventTimeoutCallback' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>callback for receiving timer events</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='timer' type='int' info='timer id emitting the event'/>
      <arg name='opaque' type='void *' info='user data registered with handle'/>
    <functype name='virEventUpdateHandleFunc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Part of the EventImpl, this user-provided callback is notified when events to listen on change</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='fd' type='int' info='file descriptor to modify'/>
      <arg name='event' type='int' info='new events to listen on'/>
    <functype name='virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Part of the EventImpl, this user-defined callback updates an event timeout.</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='timer' type='int' info='the timer to modify'/>
      <arg name='timeout' type='int' info='the new timeout value'/>
1282 1283
    <function name='virGetLastError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Provide a pointer to the last error caught at the library level Simpler but may not be suitable for multithreaded accesses, in which case use virCopyLastError()</info>
      <return type='virErrorPtr' info='a pointer to the last error or NULL if none occurred.'/>
1285 1286
    <function name='virGetVersion' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <info>Provides two information back, @libVer is the version of the library while @typeVer will be the version of the hypervisor type @type against which the library was compiled. If @type is NULL, &quot;Xen&quot; is assumed, if @type is unknown or not available, an error code will be returned and @typeVer will be 0.</info>
1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of failure, 0 otherwise, and values for @libVer and @typeVer have the format major * 1,000,000 + minor * 1,000 + release.'/>
      <arg name='libVer' type='unsigned long *' info='return value for the library version (OUT)'/>
      <arg name='type' type='const char *' info='the type of connection/driver looked at'/>
      <arg name='typeVer' type='unsigned long *' info='return value for the version of the hypervisor (OUT)'/>
    <function name='virInitialize' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Initialize the library. It&apos;s better to call this routine at startup in multithreaded applications to avoid potential race when initializing the library.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of error'/>
1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314
    <function name='virNetworkCreate' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Create and start a defined network. If the call succeed the network moves from the defined to the running networks pools.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='pointer to a defined network'/>
    <function name='virNetworkCreateXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Create and start a new virtual network, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virNetworkGetXMLDesc()</info>
      <return type='virNetworkPtr' info='a new network object or NULL in case of failure'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='xmlDesc' type='const char *' info='an XML description of the network'/>
    <function name='virNetworkDefineXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Define a network, but does not create it</info>
      <return type='virNetworkPtr' info='NULL in case of error, a pointer to the network otherwise'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='xml' type='const char *' info='the XML description for the network, preferably in UTF-8'/>
    <function name='virNetworkDestroy' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Destroy the network object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virNetworkPtr object. This function may require privileged access</info>
1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
    <function name='virNetworkFree' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Free the network object. The running instance is kept alive. The data structure is freed and should not be used thereafter.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
    <function name='virNetworkGetAutostart' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
1325 1326
      <info>Provides a boolean value indicating whether the network configured to be automatically started when the host machine boots.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
      <arg name='autostart' type='int *' info='the value returned'/>
    <function name='virNetworkGetBridgeName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
1331 1332
      <info>Provides a bridge interface name to which a domain may connect a network interface in order to join the network.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='a 0 terminated interface name, or NULL in case of error. the caller must free() the returned value.'/>
1333 1334
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
    <function name='virNetworkGetConnect' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the connection pointer associated with a network.  The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.  WARNING: When writing libvirt bindings in other languages, do not use this function.  Instead, store the connection and the network object together.</info>
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='the virConnectPtr or NULL in case of failure.'/>
1338 1339
      <arg name='net' type='virNetworkPtr' info='pointer to a network'/>
1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364
    <function name='virNetworkGetName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the public name for that network</info>
      <return type='const char *' info='a pointer to the name or NULL, the string need not be deallocated its lifetime will be the same as the network object.'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
    <function name='virNetworkGetUUID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the UUID for a network</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
      <arg name='uuid' type='unsigned char *' info='pointer to a VIR_UUID_BUFLEN bytes array'/>
    <function name='virNetworkGetUUIDString' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get the UUID for a network as string. For more information about UUID see RFC4122.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
      <arg name='buf' type='char *' info='pointer to a VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN bytes array'/>
    <function name='virNetworkGetXMLDesc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provide an XML description of the network. The description may be reused later to relaunch the network with virNetworkCreateXML().</info>
      <return type='char *' info='a 0 terminated UTF-8 encoded XML instance, or NULL in case of error. the caller must free() the returned value.'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='int' info='and OR&apos;ed set of extraction flags, not used yet'/>
    <function name='virNetworkLookupByName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to lookup a network on the given hypervisor based on its name.</info>
      <return type='virNetworkPtr' info='a new network object or NULL in case of failure.  If the network cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK error is raised.'/>
1366 1367 1368 1369 1370
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='name for the network'/>
    <function name='virNetworkLookupByUUID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to lookup a network on the given hypervisor based on its UUID.</info>
      <return type='virNetworkPtr' info='a new network object or NULL in case of failure.  If the network cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK error is raised.'/>
1372 1373 1374 1375 1376
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='uuid' type='const unsigned char *' info='the raw UUID for the network'/>
    <function name='virNetworkLookupByUUIDString' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Try to lookup a network on the given hypervisor based on its UUID.</info>
      <return type='virNetworkPtr' info='a new network object or NULL in case of failure.  If the network cannot be found, then VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK error is raised.'/>
1378 1379 1380
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='uuidstr' type='const char *' info='the string UUID for the network'/>
1381 1382 1383 1384
    <function name='virNetworkSetAutostart' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Configure the network to be automatically started when the host machine boots.</info>
      <return type='int' info='-1 in case of error, 0 in case of success'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='a network object'/>
      <arg name='autostart' type='int' info='whether the network should be automatically started 0 or 1'/>
1387 1388 1389 1390 1391
    <function name='virNetworkUndefine' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Undefine a network but does not stop it if it is running</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='network' type='virNetworkPtr' info='pointer to a defined network'/>
1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399
    <function name='virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>This call returns the amount of free memory in one or more NUMA cells. The @freeMems array must be allocated by the caller and will be filled with the amount of free memory in kilobytes for each cell requested, starting with startCell (in freeMems[0]), up to either (startCell + maxCells), or the number of additional cells in the node, whichever is smaller.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of entries filled in freeMems, or -1 in case of error.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='freeMems' type='unsigned long long *' info='pointer to the array of unsigned long long'/>
      <arg name='startCell' type='int' info='index of first cell to return freeMems info on.'/>
      <arg name='maxCells' type='int' info='Maximum number of cells for which freeMems information can be returned.'/>
    <function name='virNodeGetFreeMemory' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <info>provides the free memory available on the Node</info>
1402 1403 1404
      <return type='unsigned long long' info='the available free memory in kilobytes or 0 in case of error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425
    <function name='virNodeGetInfo' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Extract hardware information about the node.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to the hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='info' type='virNodeInfoPtr' info='pointer to a virNodeInfo structure allocated by the user'/>
    <function name='virResetError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Reset the error being pointed to</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='err' type='virErrorPtr' info='pointer to the virError to clean up'/>
    <function name='virResetLastError' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Reset the last error caught at the library level.</info>
      <return type='void'/>
    <function name='virSetErrorFunc' file='virterror' module='virterror'>
      <info>Set a library global error handling function, if @handler is NULL, it will reset to default printing on stderr. The error raised there are those for which no handler at the connection level could caught.</info>
      <return type='void'/>
      <arg name='userData' type='void *' info='pointer to the user data provided in the handler callback'/>
      <arg name='handler' type='virErrorFunc' info='the function to get called in case of error or NULL'/>
1426 1427 1428 1429
    <function name='virStoragePoolBuild' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Build the underlying storage pool</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 upon failure'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='future flags, use 0 for now'/>
1431 1432 1433 1434 1435
    <function name='virStoragePoolCreate' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Starts an inactive storage pool</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 if it could not be started'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='future flags, use 0 for now'/>
1437 1438
    <function name='virStoragePoolCreateXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <info>Create a new storage based on its XML description. The pool is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted</info>
1440 1441 1442
      <return type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if creation failed'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='xmlDesc' type='const char *' info='XML description for new pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='future flags, use 0 for now'/>
1444 1445
    <function name='virStoragePoolDefineXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
Daniel Veillard 已提交
      <info>Define a new inactive storage pool based on its XML description. The pool is persistent, until explicitly undefined.</info>
1447 1448 1449
      <return type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if creation failed'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='xml' type='const char *' info='XML description for new pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='future flags, use 0 for now'/>
1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476
    <function name='virStoragePoolDelete' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Delete the underlying pool resources. This is a non-recoverable operation. The virStoragePoolPtr object itself is not free&apos;d.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 if it could not be obliterate'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags for obliteration process'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolDestroy' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Destroy an active storage pool. This will deactivate the pool on the host, but keep any persistent config associated with it. If it has a persistent config it can later be restarted with virStoragePoolCreate(). This does not free the associated virStoragePoolPtr object.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 if it could not be destroyed'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolFree' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Free a storage pool object, releasing all memory associated with it. Does not change the state of the pool on the host.</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 if it could not be free&apos;d.'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetAutostart' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetches the value of the autostart flag, which determines whether the pool is automatically started at boot time</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='autostart' type='int *' info='location in which to store autostart flag'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetConnect' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the connection pointer associated with a storage pool.  The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.  WARNING: When writing libvirt bindings in other languages, do not use this function.  Instead, store the connection and the pool object together.</info>
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='the virConnectPtr or NULL in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to a pool'/>
1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetInfo' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Get volatile information about the storage pool such as free space / usage summary</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 on failure.'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='info' type='virStoragePoolInfoPtr' info='pointer at which to store info'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the locally unique name of the storage pool</info>
      <return type='const char *' info='the name of the pool, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetUUID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the globally unique ID of the storage pool</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 on error;'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='uuid' type='unsigned char *' info='buffer of VIR_UUID_BUFLEN bytes in size'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetUUIDString' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the globally unique ID of the storage pool as a string</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 on error;'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='buf' type='char *' info='buffer of VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN bytes in size'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the storage pool. This is suitable for later feeding back into the virStoragePoolCreateXML method.</info>
      <return type='char *' info='a XML document, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags for XML format options (set of virDomainXMLFlags)'/>
1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570
    <function name='virStoragePoolListVolumes' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch list of storage volume names, limiting to at most maxnames.</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of names fetched, or -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='names' type='char ** const' info='array in which to storage volume names'/>
      <arg name='maxnames' type='int' info='size of names array'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolLookupByName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a storage pool based on its unique name</info>
      <return type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if no matching pool is found'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='name of pool to fetch'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolLookupByUUID' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a storage pool based on its globally unique id</info>
      <return type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if no matching pool is found'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='uuid' type='const unsigned char *' info='globally unique id of pool to fetch'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a storage pool based on its globally unique id</info>
      <return type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if no matching pool is found'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='uuidstr' type='const char *' info='globally unique id of pool to fetch'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolLookupByVolume' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a storage pool which contains a particular volume</info>
      <return type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if no matching pool is found'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the number of storage volumes within a pool</info>
      <return type='int' info='the number of storage pools, or -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolRefresh' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Request that the pool refresh its list of volumes. This may involve communicating with a remote server, and/or initializing new devices at the OS layer</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 if the volume list was refreshed, -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags to control refresh behaviour (currently unused, use 0)'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolSetAutostart' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Sets the autostart flag</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='autostart' type='int' info='new flag setting'/>
    <function name='virStoragePoolUndefine' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Undefine an inactive storage pool</info>
      <return type='int' info='a virStoragePoolPtr object, or NULL if creation failed'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolCreateXML' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Create a storage volume within a pool based on an XML description. Not all pools support creation of volumes</info>
      <return type='virStorageVolPtr' info='the storage volume, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='xmldesc' type='const char *' info='description of volume to create'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags for creation (unused, pass 0)'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolDelete' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Delete the storage volume from the pool</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='future flags, use 0 for now'/>
1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580
    <function name='virStorageVolFree' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Release the storage volume handle. The underlying storage volume contains to exist</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 on error'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolGetConnect' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Provides the connection pointer associated with a storage volume.  The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.  WARNING: When writing libvirt bindings in other languages, do not use this function.  Instead, store the connection and the volume object together.</info>
      <return type='virConnectPtr' info='the virConnectPtr or NULL in case of failure.'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to a pool'/>
1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589
    <function name='virStorageVolGetInfo' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetches volatile information about the storage volume such as its current allocation</info>
      <return type='int' info='0 on success, or -1 on failure'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
      <arg name='info' type='virStorageVolInfoPtr' info='pointer at which to store info'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolGetKey' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the storage volume key. This is globally unique, so the same volume will have the same key no matter what host it is accessed from</info>
1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627
      <return type='const char *' info='the volume key, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolGetName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the storage volume name. This is unique within the scope of a pool</info>
      <return type='const char *' info='the volume name, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolGetPath' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch the storage volume path. Depending on the pool configuration this is either persistent across hosts, or dynamically assigned at pool startup. Consult pool documentation for information on getting the persistent naming</info>
      <return type='char *' info='the storage volume path, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolGetXMLDesc' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the storage volume</info>
      <return type='char *' info='the XML document, or NULL on error'/>
      <arg name='vol' type='virStorageVolPtr' info='pointer to storage volume'/>
      <arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='flags for XML generation (unused, pass 0)'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolLookupByKey' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its globally unique key</info>
      <return type='virStorageVolPtr' info='a storage volume, or NULL if not found / error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='key' type='const char *' info='globally unique key'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolLookupByName' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its name within a pool</info>
      <return type='virStorageVolPtr' info='a storage volume, or NULL if not found / error'/>
      <arg name='pool' type='virStoragePoolPtr' info='pointer to storage pool'/>
      <arg name='name' type='const char *' info='name of storage volume'/>
    <function name='virStorageVolLookupByPath' file='libvirt' module='libvirt'>
      <info>Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its locally (host) unique path</info>
      <return type='virStorageVolPtr' info='a storage volume, or NULL if not found / error'/>
      <arg name='conn' type='virConnectPtr' info='pointer to hypervisor connection'/>
      <arg name='path' type='const char *' info='locally unique path'/>
1628 1629