libvirtd.conf 6.6 KB
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# Master libvirt daemon configuration file
# For further information consult

# Network connectivitiy controls

# Flag listening for secure TLS connections on the public TCP/IP port.
# NB, must pass the --listen flag to the libvirtd process for this to
# have any effect.
# It is necessary to setup a CA and issue server certificates before
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# using this capability.
# This is enabled by default, uncomment this to disable it
listen_tls = 0

# Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port.
# NB, must pass the --listen flag to the libvirtd process for this to
# have any effect.
# Using the TCP socket requires SASL authentication by default. Only
# SASL mechanisms which support data encryption are allowed. This is
# DIGEST_MD5 and GSSAPI (Kerberos5)
# This is disabled by default, uncomment this to enable it.
listen_tcp = 1

# Override the port for accepting secure TLS connections
# This can be a port number, or service name
tls_port = "16514"

# Override the port for accepting insecure TCP connections
# This can be a port number, or service name
tcp_port = "16509"

# Flag toggling mDNS advertizement of the libvirt service.
# Alternatively can disable for all services on a host by
# stopping the Avahi daemon
# This is enabled by default, uncomment this to disable it
mdns_adv = 0

# Override the default mDNS advertizement name. This must be
# unique on the immediate broadcast network.
# The default is "Virtualization Host HOSTNAME", where HOSTNAME
# is subsituted for the short hostname of the machine (without domain)
mdns_name = "Virtualization Host Joe Demo"

# UNIX socket access controls

# Set the UNIX domain socket group ownership. This can be used to
# allow a 'trusted' set of users access to management capabilities
# without becoming root.
# This is restricted to 'root' by default.
unix_sock_group = "libvirt"

# Set the UNIX socket permissions for the R/O socket. This is used
# for monitoring VM status only
# Default allows any user. If setting group ownership may want to
# restrict this to:
unix_sock_ro_perms = "0777"

# Set the UNIX socket permissions for the R/W socket. This is used
# for full management of VMs
# Default allows only root. If PolicyKit is enabled on the socket,
# the default will change to allow everyone (eg, 0777)
# If not using PolicyKit and setting group ownership for access
# control then you may want to relax this to:
unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"

# Authentication.
#  - none: do not perform auth checks. If you can connect to the
#          socket you are allowed. This is suitable if there are
#          restrictions on connecting to the socket (eg, UNIX
#          socket permissions), or if there is a lower layer in
#          the network providing auth (eg, TLS/x509 certificates)
#  - sasl: use SASL infrastructure. The actual auth scheme is then
#          controlled from /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf. For the TCP
#          socket only GSSAPI & DIGEST-MD5 mechanisms will be used.
#          For non-TCP or TLS sockets,  any scheme is allowed.
#  - polkit: use PolicyKit to authenticate. This is only suitable
#            for use on the UNIX sockets. The default policy will
#            require a user to supply their own password to gain
#            full read/write access (aka sudo like), while anyone
#            is allowed read/only access.
# Set an authentication scheme for UNIX read-only sockets
# By default socket permissions allow anyone to connect
# To restrict monitoring of domains you may wish to enable
# an authentication mechanism here
auth_unix_ro = "none"

# Set an authentication scheme for UNIX read-write sockets
# By default socket permissions only allow root. If PolicyKit
# support was compiled into libvirt, the default will be to
# use 'polkit' auth.
# If the unix_sock_rw_perms are changed you may wish to enable
# an authentication mechanism here
auth_unix_rw = "none"

# Change the authentication scheme for TCP sockets.
# If you don't enable SASL, then all TCP traffic is cleartext.
# Don't do this outside of a dev/test scenario. For real world
# use, always enable SASL and use the GSSAPI or DIGEST-MD5
# mechanism in /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf
auth_tcp = "sasl"

# Change the authentication scheme for TLS sockets.
# TLS sockets already have encryption provided by the TLS
# layer, and limited authentication is done by certificates
# It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication
# mechanism as well, by using 'sasl' for this option
auth_tls = "none"

# TLS x509 certificate configuration

# Override the default server key file path
key_file = "/etc/pki/libvirt/private/serverkey.pem"

# Override the default server certificate file path
cert_file = "/etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem"

# Override the default CA certificate path
ca_file = "/etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem"

# Specify a certificate revocation list.
# Defaults to not using a CRL, uncomment to enable it
crl_file = "/etc/pki/CA/crl.pem"

# Authorization controls

# Flag to disable verification of client certificates
# Client certificate verification is the primary authentication mechanism.
# Any client which does not present a certificate signed by the CA
# will be rejected.
# Default is to always verify. Uncommenting this will disable
# verification - make sure an IP whitelist is set
tls_no_verify_certificate = 1

# A whitelist of allowed x509  Distinguished Names
# This list may contain wildcards such as
#    "C=GB,ST=London,L=London,O=Red Hat,CN=*"
# See the POSIX fnmatch function for the format of the wildcards.
# NB If this is an empty list, no client can connect, so comment out
# entirely rather than using empty list to disable these checks
# By default, no DN's are checked
tls_allowed_dn_list = ["DN1", "DN2"]

# A whitelist of allowed SASL usernames. The format for usernames
# depends on the SASL authentication mechanism. Kerberos usernames
# look like username@REALM
# This list may contain wildcards such as
#    "*@EXAMPLE.COM"
# See the POSIX fnmatch function for the format of the wildcards.
# NB If this is an empty list, no client can connect, so comment out
# entirely rather than using empty list to disable these checks
# By default, no Username's are checked
sasl_allowed_username_list = ["joe@EXAMPLE.COM", "fred@EXAMPLE.COM" ]