ktest: Further consistency cleanups

This cleans up some additional whitespace pieces that to be more
consistent, as well as moving a curly brace around, and some 'or'
statements to match the rest of the file (usually or goes at the
end of the line vs. at the beginning)
Signed-off-by: NJohn 'Warthog9' Hawley (VMware) <warthog9@eaglescrag.net>
Signed-off-by: NSteven Rostedt (VMware) <rostedt@goodmis.org>
上级 12d4cddd
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ my %evals;
#default opts
my %default = (
"MAILER" => "sendmail", # default mailer
"MAILER" => "sendmail", # default mailer
......@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ my %default = (
"TIMEOUT" => 120,
"TMP_DIR" => "/tmp/ktest/\${MACHINE}",
"SLEEP_TIME" => 60, # sleep time between tests
"SLEEP_TIME" => 60, # sleep time between tests
"BISECT_SLEEP_TIME" => 60, # sleep time between bisects
"PATCHCHECK_SLEEP_TIME" => 60, # sleep time between patch checks
"BISECT_SLEEP_TIME" => 60, # sleep time between bisects
"PATCHCHECK_SLEEP_TIME" => 60, # sleep time between patch checks
"CLEAR_LOG" => 0,
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ sub read_prompt {
my $ans;
for (;;) {
if ($cancel) {
if ($cancel) {
print "$prompt [y/n/C] ";
} else {
print "$prompt [Y/n] ";
......@@ -863,7 +863,6 @@ sub value_defined {
my $d = 0;
sub process_expression {
my ($name, $val) = @_;
......@@ -978,7 +977,6 @@ sub __read_config {
$override = 0;
if ($type eq "TEST_START") {
if ($num_tests_set) {
die "$name: $.: Can not specify both NUM_TESTS and TEST_START\n";
......@@ -1048,7 +1046,6 @@ sub __read_config {
$test_num = $old_test_num;
$repeat = $old_repeat;
} elsif (/^\s*ELSE\b(.*)$/) {
if (!$if) {
die "$name: $.: ELSE found with out matching IF section\n$_";
......@@ -1471,7 +1468,6 @@ sub get_test_name() {
sub dodie {
# avoid recursion
return if ($in_die);
$in_die = 1;
......@@ -1481,10 +1477,8 @@ sub dodie {
doprint "CRITICAL FAILURE... [TEST $i] ", @_, "\n";
if ($reboot_on_error && !do_not_reboot) {
doprint "REBOOTING\n";
} elsif ($poweroff_on_error && defined($power_off)) {
doprint "POWERING OFF\n";
......@@ -1519,8 +1513,9 @@ sub dodie {
close O;
close L;
send_email("KTEST: critical failure for test $i [$name]",
"Your test started at $script_start_time has failed with:\n@_\n", $log_file);
"Your test started at $script_start_time has failed with:\n@_\n", $log_file);
if ($monitor_cnt) {
......@@ -1915,8 +1910,8 @@ sub _get_grub_index {
my ($command, $target, $skip) = @_;
return if (defined($grub_number) && defined($last_grub_menu) &&
$last_grub_menu eq $grub_menu && defined($last_machine) &&
$last_machine eq $machine);
$last_grub_menu eq $grub_menu && defined($last_machine) &&
$last_machine eq $machine);
doprint "Find $reboot_type menu ... ";
$grub_number = -1;
......@@ -1924,8 +1919,8 @@ sub _get_grub_index {
my $ssh_grub = $ssh_exec;
$ssh_grub =~ s,\$SSH_COMMAND,$command,g;
open(IN, "$ssh_grub |")
or dodie "unable to execute $command";
open(IN, "$ssh_grub |") or
dodie "unable to execute $command";
my $found = 0;
......@@ -1979,8 +1974,7 @@ sub get_grub_index {
_get_grub_index($command, $target, $skip);
sub wait_for_input
sub wait_for_input {
my ($fp, $time) = @_;
my $start_time;
my $rin;
......@@ -2096,7 +2090,6 @@ sub monitor {
my $version_found = 0;
while (!$done) {
if ($bug && defined($stop_after_failure) &&
$stop_after_failure >= 0) {
my $time = $stop_after_failure - (time - $failure_start);
......@@ -2571,7 +2564,6 @@ sub build {
run_command "mv $outputdir/config_temp $output_config" or
dodie "moving config_temp";
} elsif (!$noclean) {
unlink "$output_config";
run_command "$make mrproper" or
......@@ -2652,11 +2644,12 @@ sub success {
doprint "\n\n*******************************************\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "KTEST RESULT: TEST $i$name SUCCESS!!!! **\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "\n\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "KTEST RESULT: TEST $i$name SUCCESS!!!! **\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
if (defined($store_successes)) {
save_logs "success", $store_successes;
......@@ -3034,7 +3027,6 @@ sub bisect {
if ($do_check) {
# get current HEAD
my $head = get_sha1("HEAD");
......@@ -3074,13 +3066,11 @@ sub bisect {
run_command "git bisect replay $replay" or
dodie "failed to run replay";
} else {
run_command "git bisect good $good" or
dodie "could not set bisect good to $good";
run_git_bisect "git bisect bad $bad" or
dodie "could not set bisect bad to $bad";
if (defined($start)) {
......@@ -3133,8 +3123,8 @@ sub assign_configs {
doprint "Reading configs from $config\n";
open (IN, $config)
or dodie "Failed to read $config";
open (IN, $config) or
dodie "Failed to read $config";
while (<IN>) {
......@@ -3287,10 +3277,11 @@ sub config_bisect {
if (!defined($config_bisect_exec)) {
# First check the location that ktest.pl ran
my @locations = ( "$pwd/config-bisect.pl",
undef );
my @locations = (
undef );
foreach my $loc (@locations) {
doprint "loc = $loc\n";
$config_bisect_exec = $loc;
......@@ -3632,8 +3623,8 @@ sub read_kconfig {
sub read_depends {
# find out which arch this is by the kconfig file
open (IN, $output_config)
or dodie "Failed to read $output_config";
open (IN, $output_config) or
dodie "Failed to read $output_config";
my $arch;
while (<IN>) {
if (m,Linux/(\S+)\s+\S+\s+Kernel Configuration,) {
......@@ -3708,7 +3699,6 @@ sub get_depends {
my @configs;
while ($dep =~ /[$valid]/) {
if ($dep =~ /^[^$valid]*([$valid]+)/) {
my $conf = "CONFIG_" . $1;
......@@ -3889,7 +3879,6 @@ sub make_min_config {
my $take_two = 0;
while (!$done) {
my $config;
my $found;
......@@ -3900,7 +3889,7 @@ sub make_min_config {
# Sort keys by who is most dependent on
@test_configs = sort { $depcount{chomp_config($b)} <=> $depcount{chomp_config($a)} }
@test_configs ;
@test_configs ;
# Put configs that did not modify the config at the end.
my $reset = 1;
......@@ -3976,8 +3965,8 @@ sub make_min_config {
# update new ignore configs
if (defined($ignore_config)) {
open (OUT, ">$temp_config")
or dodie "Can't write to $temp_config";
open (OUT, ">$temp_config") or
dodie "Can't write to $temp_config";
foreach my $config (keys %save_configs) {
print OUT "$save_configs{$config}\n";
......@@ -4004,8 +3993,8 @@ sub make_min_config {
# Save off all the current mandatory configs
open (OUT, ">$temp_config")
or dodie "Can't write to $temp_config";
open (OUT, ">$temp_config") or
dodie "Can't write to $temp_config";
foreach my $config (keys %keep_configs) {
print OUT "$keep_configs{$config}\n";
......@@ -4043,7 +4032,6 @@ sub make_warnings_file {
open(IN, $buildlog) or dodie "Can't open $buildlog";
while (<IN>) {
# Some compilers use UTF-8 extended for quotes
# for distcc heterogeneous systems, this causes issues
......@@ -4263,7 +4251,6 @@ sub do_send_mail {
sub send_email {
if (defined($mailto)) {
if (!defined($mailer)) {
doprint "No email sent: email or mailer not specified in config.\n";
......@@ -4277,7 +4264,7 @@ sub cancel_test {
if ($email_when_canceled) {
my $name = get_test_name;
send_email("KTEST: Your [$name] test was cancelled",
"Your test started at $script_start_time was cancelled: sig int");
"Your test started at $script_start_time was cancelled: sig int");
die "\nCaught Sig Int, test interrupted: $!\n"
......@@ -4332,7 +4319,7 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
if ($email_when_started) {
my $name = get_test_name;
send_email("KTEST: Your [$name] test was started",
"Your test was started on $script_start_time");
"Your test was started on $script_start_time");
......@@ -4411,7 +4398,7 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
my $ret = run_command $pre_test;
if (!$ret && defined($pre_test_die) &&
$pre_test_die) {
dodie "failed to pre_test\n";
dodie "failed to pre_test\n";
......@@ -4509,7 +4496,7 @@ doprint "\n $successes of $opt{NUM_TESTS} tests were successful\n\n";
if ($email_when_finished) {
send_email("KTEST: Your test has finished!",
"$successes of $opt{NUM_TESTS} tests started at $script_start_time were successful!");
"$successes of $opt{NUM_TESTS} tests started at $script_start_time were successful!");
if (defined($opt{"LOG_FILE"})) {
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