media: aspeed: Correct values for detected timing
Correct timing's fp/sync/bp value based on the information below. It should be noticed that the calculation formula should be changed per sync polarity. The sequence of signal: sync - backporch - video data - frontporch The following registers start counting from sync's rising edge: 1. VR090: frame edge's left and right 2. VR094: frame edge's top and bottom 3. VR09C: counting from sync's rising edge to falling edge [Vertical timing] +--+ +-------------------+ +--+ | | | v i d e o | | | +--+ +-----+ +-----+ +---+ vsync+--+ frame_top+--------+ frame_bottom+----------------------------+ +-------------------+ | v i d e o | +--+ +-----+ +-----+ +---+ | | | | +--+ +--+ vsync+-------------------------------+ frame_top+-----+ frame_bottom+-------------------------+ [Horizontal timing] +--+ +-------------------+ +--+ | | | v i d e o | | | +--+ +-----+ +-----+ +---+ hsync+--+ frame_left+--------+ frame_right+----------------------------+ +-------------------+ | v i d e o | +--+ +-----+ +-----+ +---+ | | | | +--+ +--+ hsync+-------------------------------+ frame_left+-----+ frame_right+-------------------------+ Ex. 1920x1200@60 whose vsync polarity is negative VR098: c4d3efff, VR09C: 04cc001f v-total = 0x4D3 (VR098[27:16]) = 1235 v-sync = 0x4CC (VR09C[27:16]) = 1228 [hverkuil: drop unused variable mds] Signed-off-by: NJammy Huang <> Signed-off-by: NHans Verkuil <> Signed-off-by: NMauro Carvalho Chehab <>
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