提交 2ce9dde0 编写于 作者: M Mikko Rapeli 提交者: Gabriel Laskar

include/uapi/drm/amdgpu_drm.h: use __u32 and __u64 from <linux/types.h>

Kernel headers exported to userspace are supposed to use these.

Fixes compilation errors in userspace:

error: unknown type name ‘uint64_t’
error: unknown type name ‘uint32_t’
Signed-off-by: NMikko Rapeli <mikko.rapeli@iki.fi>
上级 f95d3aa4
......@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_create_in {
/** the requested memory size */
uint64_t bo_size;
__u64 bo_size;
/** physical start_addr alignment in bytes for some HW requirements */
uint64_t alignment;
__u64 alignment;
/** the requested memory domains */
uint64_t domains;
__u64 domains;
/** allocation flags */
uint64_t domain_flags;
__u64 domain_flags;
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_create_out {
/** returned GEM object handle */
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 handle;
__u32 _pad;
union drm_amdgpu_gem_create {
......@@ -105,28 +105,28 @@ union drm_amdgpu_gem_create {
struct drm_amdgpu_bo_list_in {
/** Type of operation */
uint32_t operation;
__u32 operation;
/** Handle of list or 0 if we want to create one */
uint32_t list_handle;
__u32 list_handle;
/** Number of BOs in list */
uint32_t bo_number;
__u32 bo_number;
/** Size of each element describing BO */
uint32_t bo_info_size;
__u32 bo_info_size;
/** Pointer to array describing BOs */
uint64_t bo_info_ptr;
__u64 bo_info_ptr;
struct drm_amdgpu_bo_list_entry {
/** Handle of BO */
uint32_t bo_handle;
__u32 bo_handle;
/** New (if specified) BO priority to be used during migration */
uint32_t bo_priority;
__u32 bo_priority;
struct drm_amdgpu_bo_list_out {
/** Handle of resource list */
uint32_t list_handle;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 list_handle;
__u32 _pad;
union drm_amdgpu_bo_list {
......@@ -150,26 +150,26 @@ union drm_amdgpu_bo_list {
struct drm_amdgpu_ctx_in {
/** AMDGPU_CTX_OP_* */
uint32_t op;
__u32 op;
/** For future use, no flags defined so far */
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t ctx_id;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 flags;
__u32 ctx_id;
__u32 _pad;
union drm_amdgpu_ctx_out {
struct {
uint32_t ctx_id;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 ctx_id;
__u32 _pad;
} alloc;
struct {
/** For future use, no flags defined so far */
uint64_t flags;
__u64 flags;
/** Number of resets caused by this context so far. */
uint32_t hangs;
__u32 hangs;
/** Reset status since the last call of the ioctl. */
uint32_t reset_status;
__u32 reset_status;
} state;
......@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ union drm_amdgpu_ctx {
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_userptr {
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t size;
__u64 addr;
__u64 size;
uint32_t flags;
__u32 flags;
/* Resulting GEM handle */
uint32_t handle;
__u32 handle;
/* same meaning as the GB_TILE_MODE and GL_MACRO_TILE_MODE fields */
......@@ -226,28 +226,28 @@ struct drm_amdgpu_gem_userptr {
/** The same structure is shared for input/output */
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_metadata {
/** GEM Object handle */
uint32_t handle;
__u32 handle;
/** Do we want get or set metadata */
uint32_t op;
__u32 op;
struct {
/** For future use, no flags defined so far */
uint64_t flags;
__u64 flags;
/** family specific tiling info */
uint64_t tiling_info;
uint32_t data_size_bytes;
uint32_t data[64];
__u64 tiling_info;
__u32 data_size_bytes;
__u32 data[64];
} data;
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_mmap_in {
/** the GEM object handle */
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 handle;
__u32 _pad;
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_mmap_out {
/** mmap offset from the vma offset manager */
uint64_t addr_ptr;
__u64 addr_ptr;
union drm_amdgpu_gem_mmap {
......@@ -257,18 +257,18 @@ union drm_amdgpu_gem_mmap {
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_wait_idle_in {
/** GEM object handle */
uint32_t handle;
__u32 handle;
/** For future use, no flags defined so far */
uint32_t flags;
__u32 flags;
/** Absolute timeout to wait */
uint64_t timeout;
__u64 timeout;
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_wait_idle_out {
/** BO status: 0 - BO is idle, 1 - BO is busy */
uint32_t status;
__u32 status;
/** Returned current memory domain */
uint32_t domain;
__u32 domain;
union drm_amdgpu_gem_wait_idle {
......@@ -278,18 +278,18 @@ union drm_amdgpu_gem_wait_idle {
struct drm_amdgpu_wait_cs_in {
/** Command submission handle */
uint64_t handle;
__u64 handle;
/** Absolute timeout to wait */
uint64_t timeout;
uint32_t ip_type;
uint32_t ip_instance;
uint32_t ring;
uint32_t ctx_id;
__u64 timeout;
__u32 ip_type;
__u32 ip_instance;
__u32 ring;
__u32 ctx_id;
struct drm_amdgpu_wait_cs_out {
/** CS status: 0 - CS completed, 1 - CS still busy */
uint64_t status;
__u64 status;
union drm_amdgpu_wait_cs {
......@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ union drm_amdgpu_wait_cs {
/* Sets or returns a value associated with a buffer. */
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_op {
/** GEM object handle */
uint32_t handle;
__u32 handle;
/** AMDGPU_GEM_OP_* */
uint32_t op;
__u32 op;
/** Input or return value */
uint64_t value;
__u64 value;
#define AMDGPU_VA_OP_MAP 1
......@@ -326,18 +326,18 @@ struct drm_amdgpu_gem_op {
struct drm_amdgpu_gem_va {
/** GEM object handle */
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 handle;
__u32 _pad;
/** AMDGPU_VA_OP_* */
uint32_t operation;
__u32 operation;
uint32_t flags;
__u32 flags;
/** va address to assign . Must be correctly aligned.*/
uint64_t va_address;
__u64 va_address;
/** Specify offset inside of BO to assign. Must be correctly aligned.*/
uint64_t offset_in_bo;
__u64 offset_in_bo;
/** Specify mapping size. Must be correctly aligned. */
uint64_t map_size;
__u64 map_size;
#define AMDGPU_HW_IP_GFX 0
......@@ -354,24 +354,24 @@ struct drm_amdgpu_gem_va {
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk {
uint32_t chunk_id;
uint32_t length_dw;
uint64_t chunk_data;
__u32 chunk_id;
__u32 length_dw;
__u64 chunk_data;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_in {
/** Rendering context id */
uint32_t ctx_id;
__u32 ctx_id;
/** Handle of resource list associated with CS */
uint32_t bo_list_handle;
uint32_t num_chunks;
uint32_t _pad;
/** this points to uint64_t * which point to cs chunks */
uint64_t chunks;
__u32 bo_list_handle;
__u32 num_chunks;
__u32 _pad;
/** this points to __u64 * which point to cs chunks */
__u64 chunks;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_out {
uint64_t handle;
__u64 handle;
union drm_amdgpu_cs {
......@@ -388,32 +388,32 @@ union drm_amdgpu_cs {
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_ib {
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 _pad;
uint32_t flags;
__u32 flags;
/** Virtual address to begin IB execution */
uint64_t va_start;
__u64 va_start;
/** Size of submission */
uint32_t ib_bytes;
__u32 ib_bytes;
/** HW IP to submit to */
uint32_t ip_type;
__u32 ip_type;
/** HW IP index of the same type to submit to */
uint32_t ip_instance;
__u32 ip_instance;
/** Ring index to submit to */
uint32_t ring;
__u32 ring;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_dep {
uint32_t ip_type;
uint32_t ip_instance;
uint32_t ring;
uint32_t ctx_id;
uint64_t handle;
__u32 ip_type;
__u32 ip_instance;
__u32 ring;
__u32 ctx_id;
__u64 handle;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_fence {
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t offset;
__u32 handle;
__u32 offset;
struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_data {
......@@ -486,83 +486,83 @@ struct drm_amdgpu_cs_chunk_data {
/* Input structure for the INFO ioctl */
struct drm_amdgpu_info {
/* Where the return value will be stored */
uint64_t return_pointer;
__u64 return_pointer;
/* The size of the return value. Just like "size" in "snprintf",
* it limits how many bytes the kernel can write. */
uint32_t return_size;
__u32 return_size;
/* The query request id. */
uint32_t query;
__u32 query;
union {
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 id;
__u32 _pad;
} mode_crtc;
struct {
/** AMDGPU_HW_IP_* */
uint32_t type;
__u32 type;
* Index of the IP if there are more IPs of the same
* type. Ignored by AMDGPU_INFO_HW_IP_COUNT.
uint32_t ip_instance;
__u32 ip_instance;
} query_hw_ip;
struct {
uint32_t dword_offset;
__u32 dword_offset;
/** number of registers to read */
uint32_t count;
uint32_t instance;
__u32 count;
__u32 instance;
/** For future use, no flags defined so far */
uint32_t flags;
__u32 flags;
} read_mmr_reg;
struct {
uint32_t fw_type;
__u32 fw_type;
* Index of the IP if there are more IPs of
* the same type.
uint32_t ip_instance;
__u32 ip_instance;
* Index of the engine. Whether this is used depends
* on the firmware type. (e.g. MEC, SDMA)
uint32_t index;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 index;
__u32 _pad;
} query_fw;
struct drm_amdgpu_info_gds {
/** GDS GFX partition size */
uint32_t gds_gfx_partition_size;
__u32 gds_gfx_partition_size;
/** GDS compute partition size */
uint32_t compute_partition_size;
__u32 compute_partition_size;
/** total GDS memory size */
uint32_t gds_total_size;
__u32 gds_total_size;
/** GWS size per GFX partition */
uint32_t gws_per_gfx_partition;
__u32 gws_per_gfx_partition;
/** GSW size per compute partition */
uint32_t gws_per_compute_partition;
__u32 gws_per_compute_partition;
/** OA size per GFX partition */
uint32_t oa_per_gfx_partition;
__u32 oa_per_gfx_partition;
/** OA size per compute partition */
uint32_t oa_per_compute_partition;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 oa_per_compute_partition;
__u32 _pad;
struct drm_amdgpu_info_vram_gtt {
uint64_t vram_size;
uint64_t vram_cpu_accessible_size;
uint64_t gtt_size;
__u64 vram_size;
__u64 vram_cpu_accessible_size;
__u64 gtt_size;
struct drm_amdgpu_info_firmware {
uint32_t ver;
uint32_t feature;
__u32 ver;
__u32 feature;
......@@ -576,61 +576,61 @@ struct drm_amdgpu_info_firmware {
struct drm_amdgpu_info_device {
/** PCI Device ID */
uint32_t device_id;
__u32 device_id;
/** Internal chip revision: A0, A1, etc.) */
uint32_t chip_rev;
uint32_t external_rev;
__u32 chip_rev;
__u32 external_rev;
/** Revision id in PCI Config space */
uint32_t pci_rev;
uint32_t family;
uint32_t num_shader_engines;
uint32_t num_shader_arrays_per_engine;
__u32 pci_rev;
__u32 family;
__u32 num_shader_engines;
__u32 num_shader_arrays_per_engine;
/* in KHz */
uint32_t gpu_counter_freq;
uint64_t max_engine_clock;
uint64_t max_memory_clock;
__u32 gpu_counter_freq;
__u64 max_engine_clock;
__u64 max_memory_clock;
/* cu information */
uint32_t cu_active_number;
uint32_t cu_ao_mask;
uint32_t cu_bitmap[4][4];
__u32 cu_active_number;
__u32 cu_ao_mask;
__u32 cu_bitmap[4][4];
/** Render backend pipe mask. One render backend is CB+DB. */
uint32_t enabled_rb_pipes_mask;
uint32_t num_rb_pipes;
uint32_t num_hw_gfx_contexts;
uint32_t _pad;
uint64_t ids_flags;
__u32 enabled_rb_pipes_mask;
__u32 num_rb_pipes;
__u32 num_hw_gfx_contexts;
__u32 _pad;
__u64 ids_flags;
/** Starting virtual address for UMDs. */
uint64_t virtual_address_offset;
__u64 virtual_address_offset;
/** The maximum virtual address */
uint64_t virtual_address_max;
__u64 virtual_address_max;
/** Required alignment of virtual addresses. */
uint32_t virtual_address_alignment;
__u32 virtual_address_alignment;
/** Page table entry - fragment size */
uint32_t pte_fragment_size;
uint32_t gart_page_size;
__u32 pte_fragment_size;
__u32 gart_page_size;
/** constant engine ram size*/
uint32_t ce_ram_size;
__u32 ce_ram_size;
/** video memory type info*/
uint32_t vram_type;
__u32 vram_type;
/** video memory bit width*/
uint32_t vram_bit_width;
__u32 vram_bit_width;
/* vce harvesting instance */
uint32_t vce_harvest_config;
__u32 vce_harvest_config;
struct drm_amdgpu_info_hw_ip {
/** Version of h/w IP */
uint32_t hw_ip_version_major;
uint32_t hw_ip_version_minor;
__u32 hw_ip_version_major;
__u32 hw_ip_version_minor;
/** Capabilities */
uint64_t capabilities_flags;
__u64 capabilities_flags;
/** command buffer address start alignment*/
uint32_t ib_start_alignment;
__u32 ib_start_alignment;
/** command buffer size alignment*/
uint32_t ib_size_alignment;
__u32 ib_size_alignment;
/** Bitmask of available rings. Bit 0 means ring 0, etc. */
uint32_t available_rings;
uint32_t _pad;
__u32 available_rings;
__u32 _pad;
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