control.proto 5.3 KB
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// Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020. All rights reserved.
// isula-build licensed under the Mulan PSL v1.
// You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v1.
// You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at:
// See the Mulan PSL v1 for more details.
// Description: iSulad Build
// Author: Jingxiao Lu
// Create: 2020-01-19
syntax = "proto3";


import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

service Control {
    // Build requests a new image building
    rpc Build(BuildRequest) returns (stream BuildResponse);
    // Status pipes the image building process log back to client
    rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (stream StatusResponse);
    // List lists all images in isula-builder
    rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
    // Version requests the version information of isula-builder
    rpc Version(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (VersionResponse);
    // Remove sends an image remove request to isula-builder
    rpc Remove(RemoveRequest) returns (stream RemoveResponse);
    // HealthCheck requests a health checking in isula-builder
    rpc HealthCheck(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (HealthCheckResponse);
    // Login requests to access image registry with username and password
    rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse);
    // Logout requests to logout registry and delete any credentials
    rpc Logout(LogoutRequest) returns (LogoutResponse);
    // Load requests an image tar load
    rpc Load(LoadRequest) returns (LoadResponse);

message BuildRequest {
    // buildType is the type of this build action
    string buildType = 1;
    // buildID is an unique id for this building process
    string buildID = 2;
    // contextDir is the working directory of building context
    string contextDir = 3;
    // fileContent is the content of Dockerfile
    string fileContent = 4;
    // output is the way of exporting built image
    string output = 5;
    // buildArgs are args for this building
    repeated string buildArgs = 6;
    // proxy marks for whether inherit proxy environments from host
    bool proxy = 7;
    // iidfile is the file client writes image ID to
    string iidfile = 8;
    // buildStatic is used to hold the options for static build
    BuildStatic buildStatic = 9;
    // encryptKey is key to encrypt items in buildArgs
    string encryptKey = 10;

message BuildStatic {
    // buildTime is a fixed time for binary equivalence build
    google.protobuf.Timestamp buildTime = 1;

message BuildResponse {
    // imageID is the ID of built image
    string imageID = 1;
    // data pipes the output stream back to client
    bytes data = 2;

message StatusRequest {
    // buildID is an unique id for this building process, same with BuildRequest
    string buildID = 1;

message StatusResponse {
    // content pipes the image building process log back to client
    string content = 1;

message ListRequest {
    // imageName lists specific images with imageName
    string imageName = 1;

message ListResponse {
    message ImageInfo {
        string repository = 1;
        string tag = 2;
        string id = 3;
        string created = 4;
        string size = 5;
    // ImageInfo carries the basic info of an image
    repeated ImageInfo images = 1;

message VersionResponse {
    // version is isula-builder version
    string version = 1;
    // goVersion is the golang version userd for compiling isula-builder
    string goVersion = 2;
    // gitCommit is the git commit ID for the compiled isula-builder
    string gitCommit = 3;
    // buildTime is the time when compiling isula-builder
    string buildTime = 4;
    // osArch is the arch the isula-builder built on
    string osArch = 5;

message RemoveRequest {
    // imageID is the images to be deleted
    repeated string imageID = 1;
    // all tells isula-builder to delete all images
    bool all = 2;
    // prune tells isula-builder to delete all untagge images
    bool prune = 3;

message RemoveResponse {
    // layerMessage is response message indicate the images deleted successfully or error occured
    string layerMessage = 1;

message HealthCheckResponse {
    enum ServingStatus {
        UNKNOWN = 0;
        SERVING = 1;
        NOT_SERVING = 2;
    // status is the health status of isula-builder
    ServingStatus status = 1;

message LoginRequest {
    // server is registry address will login
    string server = 1;
    // username is username to login
    string username = 2;
    // password is password to login
    string password = 3;
    // key is aes key used for encrypt and decrypt password
    string key = 4;

message LoginResponse {
    // login response sent to front-end
    string content = 1;

message LogoutRequest {
    // server to logout
    string server = 1;
    // logout from all registries
    bool all = 2;

message LogoutResponse {
    // logout response sent to front-end
    string result = 1;

message LoadRequest {
    // path is the path of loading file
    string path = 1;

message LoadResponse {
    // imageID is the ID of loaded image
    string imageID = 1;