提交 1382d7ad 编写于 作者: F freesky-edward

Fix infra issues

上级 5114373e
# Useage
# Infrastructure setup
### Prerequisites
This folder houses the infrastructure setup. it includes the following resources building:
- ***Network***. setup one vpc and one subnet.
- ***Nat***. create a nat gateway to make the k8s node accessible to internet.
- ***EIPs***. create 3 EIPs. one for mailman-web, one for mailman-exim4, one for nat
- ***Load balance***. two LBs, one use for mailman-web. one for mailman-exim4.
- ***DNS***. several dns records. for mailman-web and mailman-exim4 sub-domain. dkim and spf authentication.
- ***CCE***. The K8S cluster on huaweicloud.
### Usage.
The whole resources manged by [terraform](https://terraform.io) with [terraform-provider-huaweicloud](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-huaweicloud).
Firstly. download terraform
- download terraform
unzip terraform_0.12.7_linux_amd64.zip
- create the keypaire named it ```KeyPair-infra```
- modify the account information in provider.tf
- setting service authorization for CCE if you are first time use CCE service. please go to CCE page for more detailed information.
Before starting to setup the resources. please prepare the following resources.
### Running the scripts
- The huaweicloud accounts. fill the ```provider.tf ``` with your account info. please refer to [terraform doc](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/huaweicloud/index.html) for more detailed guide.
- The public/private key pairs. used to DKIM authentication. please refer to [root README](../../README.md) for more detailed guide.
- The cloud key-pair. the key pair for node login. ``` KeyPair-infra``` is the default name.
Provision the resources
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform apply -var -var "dkim_public_key=<your-public-key>"
### TODO
### Inputs
All of the following parameters can be changed according to your environment via ```terraform -var “name=value”```. but I recommend to use the default if you are not familiar with the whole project.
```dkim_public_key```(required). the public key will register the dns records.
```domain```(optional). the domain name where to publish the mail system endpoints. e.g. newto.me.
```email```(optional). the email for domain and system administration.
```keypair```(optional). the key pair name that generate on huaweicloud console which is used for node ssh authentication.
```az```(optional). the available zone where to run the mail system. default is ```ap-southeast-1a```
```node_flavor```(optional) the vm flavor of k8s. default value is ```s3.xlarge.4```
```selector```(optional) the dkim selector name in dns records. which is used to dkim authentication by email receiver.
```sub_domain_mail```(optional) the sub domain name for mailman-exim4 server. the default value is ```mail```, that means the exim4 will serve on ```mail.<domain-name>```.
```sub_domain_web```(optional) the sub domain name for mailman-web. default is ```web```.
### Outputs
After the ```terraform apply``` completely run over. the command will output the following key information that will use in next stage to run k8s command or yaml configuration.
```cce_clusters``` is a array list of the cce cluster endpoints and authentication datas. which is used to configuration ```kubectl``` command.
```cce_users``` is a array list of the users who have the accessible to k8s cluster. which is also used to configuration ```kubectl``` command.
```exim4_elb_id``` the elb id for exim4 service. which will use to k8s service configuration.
```web_elb_id``` the elb id for web service. being used to web service configuration.
```exim4_eip``` the internet ip address that exim4 will serve at.
```web_eip``` the internet ip address that web will serve at.
```web_domain``` the full domain name for web service. e.g. web.newto.me
```exim4_domain``` the full domain name for exim4 service. e.g. mail.newto.me
```dkim_selector``` the selector name that has record into dns configuration.
- Add Nat configuration for cluster
- Add ELB configuration for service
resource "huaweicloud_elb_loadbalancer" "elb" {
resource "huaweicloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2" "this" {
count = "${length(var.loadbalancers)}"
name = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "name", null)}"
type = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "type", "External")}"
description = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "description", "")}"
vpc_id = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "vpc_id", null)}"
admin_state_up = 1
vip_address = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "eip", null)}"
vip_subnet_id = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "subnet_id", null)}"
admin_state_up = true
resource "huaweicloud_networking_floatingip_associate_v2" "this" {
count = "${length(var.loadbalancers)}"
floating_ip = "${lookup(var.loadbalancers[count.index], "eip", null)}"
port_id = "${huaweicloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2.this[count.index].vip_port_id}"
output "this_elb_ids" {
description = "List of IDs of the elbs"
value = "${join(",",huaweicloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2.this.*.id)}"
output "this_port_ids" {
description = "List of the port ids of all elbs"
value = "${join(",",huaweicloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2.this.*.vip_port_id)}"
......@@ -5,3 +5,33 @@ output "cce_clusters" {
output "cce_users" {
value = "${module.cce.users}"
output "exim4_elb_id" {
value = "${length(split(",", module.elb.this_elb_ids)) > 1 ? split(",", module.elb.this_elb_ids)[1] : null}"
output "web_elb_id" {
value = "${length(split(",", module.elb.this_elb_ids)) > 0 ? split(",", module.elb.this_elb_ids)[0] : null}"
output "exim4_eip" {
value = "${length(split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)) > 1? split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[2] : null}"
output "web_eip" {
value = "${length(split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)) > 0 ? split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[1] : null}"
output "exim4_domain" {
value = "${var.sub_domain_mail}.${var.domain}"
output "web_domain" {
value = "${var.sub_domain_web}.${var.domain}"
output "dkim_selector" {
value = "${var.selector}"
......@@ -15,47 +15,12 @@ module "network" {
module "security_group" {
source ="./sg/"
// Security Group
name = "sg-community"
description = "This is community security group"
// Security Group Rule
rules = [
direction = "ingress",
ethertype = "IPv4",
protocol = "tcp",
port_range_min = "22",
port_range_max = "22",
remote_ip_cidr = ""
direction = "ingress",
ethertype = "IPv4",
protocol = "tcp",
port_range_min = "80",
port_range_max = "80",
remote_ip_cidr = ""
direction = "ingress",
ethertype = "IPv4",
protocol = "tcp",
port_range_min = "25",
port_range_max = "25",
remote_ip_cidr = ""
module "cce" {
source = "./cce"
name = "cce-community"
description = "This is comunity cce cluster"
description = "This is cce cluster for community"
vpc_id = "${module.network.this_vpc_id}"
subnet_id = "${split(",", module.network.this_network_ids)[0]}"
flavor_id = "cce.s1.large"
......@@ -63,22 +28,22 @@ module "cce" {
nodes = [
name = "node1",
ssh_key = "KeyPair-infra",
az = "ap-southeast-1a",
flavor_id = "s3.xlarge.4"
ssh_key = "${var.keypair}",
az = "${var.az}",
flavor_id = "${var.node_flavor}"
name = "node2",
ssh_key = "KeyPair-infra",
az = "ap-southeast-1a",
flavor_id = "s3.xlarge.4"
name = "node1",
ssh_key = "${var.keypair}",
az = "${var.az}",
flavor_id = "${var.node_flavor}"
name = "node3",
ssh_key = "KeyPair-infra",
az = "ap-southeast-1a",
flavor_id = "s3.xlarge.4"
name = "node1",
ssh_key = "${var.keypair}",
az = "${var.az}",
flavor_id = "${var.node_flavor}"
......@@ -97,11 +62,11 @@ module "internet" {
bandwidth-name = "bandwidth-03",
size = "5"
bandwidth-name = "bandwidth-04",
size = "5"
......@@ -128,26 +93,23 @@ module "elb" {
loadbalancers = [
name = "elb-website"
description = "The load balancer of website"
type = "External"
vpc_id = "${module.network.this_vpc_id}"
eip = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[3]}"
name = "elb-web"
description = "The load balancer of mailman-web"
subnet_id = "${split(",", module.network.this_subnet_ids)[0]}"
eip = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[1]}"
name = "elb-mailweb"
description = "The load balancer of mailweb"
type = "External"
vpc_id = "${module.network.this_vpc_id}"
name = "elb-mta"
description = "The load balancer of mail MTA"
subnet_id = "${split(",", module.network.this_subnet_ids)[0]}"
eip = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[2]}"
name = "elb-mta"
description = "The load balancer of mail MTA"
type = "External"
vpc_id = "${module.network.this_vpc_id}"
eip = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[1]}"
name = "elb-website"
description = "The load balancer of website"
subnet_id = "${split(",", module.network.this_subnet_ids)[0]}"
eip = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[3]}"
......@@ -155,45 +117,50 @@ module "elb" {
module "dns" {
source = "./dns"
domain = "openeuler.org"
email = "freesky.edward@gmail.com"
domain = "${var.domain}."
email = "${var.email}"
records = [
domain = "mail"
domain = "${var.domain}."
type = "A"
value = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[3]}"
domain = "${var.sub_domain_mail}.${var.domain}."
type = "A"
value = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[1]}"
value = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[2]}"
domain = "mailweb"
domain = "${var.sub_domain_web}.${var.domain}."
type = "A"
value = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[2]}"
value = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[1]}"
domain = "@"
domain = "${var.domain}."
type = "MX"
value = "mail.openeuler.org"
value = "1 ${var.sub_domain_mail}.${var.domain}."
domain = "@"
domain = "${var.domain}."
type = "TXT"
value = "v=spf1 a mx ip4:${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[0]} ~all"
value = "\"v=spf1 a mx ip4:${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_addresses)[0]} ~all\""
domain = "_dmarc"
domain = "_dmarc.${var.domain}."
type = "TXT"
value = "v=DMARC1;p=reject;sp=reject;adkim=r;aspf=r;fo=1;rf=afrf;pct=100;ruf=mailto:405121670@qq.com;ri=86400"
value = "\"v=DMARC1;p=reject;sp=reject;adkim=r;aspf=r;fo=1;rf=afrf;pct=100;ruf=mailto:${var.email};ri=86400\""
domain = "${var.handler}._domainkey"
domain = "${var.selector}._domainkey.${var.domain}."
type = "TXT"
value = "v=DKIM1;k=rsa;p=${var.dkim_public_key}"
value = "\"v=DKIM1;k=rsa;p=${var.dkim_public_key}\""
ptrs = [
domain = "openeuler.org"
domain = "${var.domain}."
ip = "${split(",", module.internet.this_eip_ids)[0]}"
variable "handler" {
description = "The DKIM hander name"
#Required vars
variable "domain" {
description = "The email domain that will be served on. e.g. example.com"
default = "openeuler.org"
variable "email" {
description = "The admin email of dns domain. e.g. example@gmail.com"
default = "freesky.edward@gmail.com"
variable "dkim_public_key" {
description = "The DKIM public key"
description = "The DKIM public key, must be rsa more than 1024, 2048 should be plus"
#Optional vars
## The cluster vars
variable "keypair" {
description = "The key pair for cce cluster node login."
default = "KeyPair-infra"
variable "az" {
description = "The AZ that system will run on"
default = "ap-southeast-1a"
variable "node_flavor" {
description = "The default flavor of cce node"
default = "s3.xlarge.4"
## The dns configuation vars
variable "selector" {
description = "The DKIM hander name"
default = "20191010"
variable "sub_domain_mail" {
description = "The sub domain that exim4 will serve on"
default = "mail"
variable "sub_domain_web" {
description = "The sub domain that mailman web will serve on"
default = "mailweb"
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