未验证 提交 dfcdc8b6 编写于 作者: A Amador Pahim

Merge branch 'clebergnu-spec_downstream_sync_2nd_batch'

Signed-off-by: NAmador Pahim <apahim@redhat.com>
......@@ -4,17 +4,51 @@
%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
# selftests are provided but may need to skipped because many of
# functional tests are time and resource sensitive and can
# cause race conditions and random build failures. they are
# enabled by default.
%global with_tests 1
Summary: Framework with tools and libraries for Automated Testing
Name: python-%{srcname}
Version: 47.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Release: 2%{?dist}
License: GPLv2
Group: Development/Tools
URL: http://avocado-framework.github.io/
Source0: https://github.com/avocado-framework/%{srcname}/archive/%{commit}/%{srcname}-%{version}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python, python-requests, python-setuptools, pyliblzma, gdb, gdb-gdbserver, python-stevedore, python-yaml, procps-ng
BuildRequires: python2-devel, python-setuptools, python-docutils, python-mock, python-psutil, python-sphinx, python-requests, pystache, yum, python-stevedore, python-lxml, perl-Test-Harness, fabric, python-flexmock, libvirt-python, python-yaml, procps-ng
BuildRequires: fabric
BuildRequires: procps-ng
BuildRequires: pystache
BuildRequires: python-docutils
BuildRequires: python-flexmock
BuildRequires: python-lxml
BuildRequires: python-mock
BuildRequires: python-psutil
BuildRequires: python-requests
BuildRequires: python-setuptools
BuildRequires: python-sphinx
BuildRequires: python-stevedore
BuildRequires: python-yaml
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: yum
%if %{with_tests}
BuildRequires: libvirt-python
BuildRequires: perl-Test-Harness
Requires: gdb
Requires: gdb-gdbserver
Requires: procps-ng
Requires: pyliblzma
Requires: python
Requires: python-requests
Requires: python-setuptools
Requires: python-stevedore
Requires: python-yaml
%if 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires: python-aexpect
......@@ -59,44 +93,55 @@ sed -e "s/'libvirt-python'//" -i optional_plugins/runner_vm/setup.py
%{__python} setup.py build
cd optional_plugins/html
pushd optional_plugins/html
%{__python} setup.py build
cd ../runner_remote
pushd optional_plugins/runner_remote
%{__python} setup.py build
cd ../runner_vm
pushd optional_plugins/runner_vm
%{__python} setup.py build
cd ../runner_docker
pushd optional_plugins/runner_docker
%{__python} setup.py build
cd ../../
%{__make} man
%{__python} setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --skip-build
cd optional_plugins/html
pushd optional_plugins/html
%{__python} setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --skip-build
cd ../runner_remote
pushd optional_plugins/runner_remote
%{__python} setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --skip-build
cd ../runner_vm
pushd optional_plugins/runner_vm
%{__python} setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --skip-build
cd ../runner_docker
pushd optional_plugins/runner_docker
%{__python} setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --skip-build
cd ../../
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
%{__install} -m 0644 man/avocado.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/avocado.1
%{__install} -m 0644 man/avocado-rest-client.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/avocado-rest-client.1
%if %{with_tests}
%{__python} setup.py develop --user
cd optional_plugins/html
pushd optional_plugins/html
%{__python} setup.py develop --user
cd ../runner_remote
pushd optional_plugins/runner_remote
%{__python} setup.py develop --user
cd ../runner_vm
pushd optional_plugins/runner_vm
%{__python} setup.py develop --user
cd ../runner_docker
pushd optional_plugins/runner_docker
%{__python} setup.py develop --user
cd ../../
......@@ -147,7 +192,8 @@ arbitrary filesystem location.
%package plugins-runner-remote
Summary: Avocado Runner for Remote Execution
Requires: %{name} == %{version}, fabric
Requires: %{name} == %{version}
Requires: fabric
%if 0%{?fedora} == 24
Requires: python-crypto
BuildRequires: python-crypto
......@@ -164,7 +210,8 @@ connection. Avocado must be previously installed on the remote machine.
%package plugins-runner-vm
Summary: Avocado Runner for libvirt VM Execution
Requires: %{name} == %{version}, %{name}-plugins-runner-remote == %{version}
Requires: %{name} == %{version}
Requires: %{name}-plugins-runner-remote == %{version}
Requires: libvirt-python
Obsoletes: %{srcname}-plugins-runner-vm < 47.0-1
Provides: %{srcname}-plugins-runner-vm = %{version}-%{release}
......@@ -179,7 +226,8 @@ itself. Avocado must be previously installed on the VM.
%package plugins-runner-docker
Summary: Avocado Runner for Execution on Docker Containers
Requires: %{name} == %{version}, %{name}-plugins-runner-remote == %{version}
Requires: %{name} == %{version}
Requires: %{name}-plugins-runner-remote == %{version}
%if 0%{?fedora}
Requires: python-aexpect
......@@ -211,6 +259,11 @@ examples of how to write tests on your own.
* Fri Mar 31 2017 Cleber Rosa <cleber@redhat.com> - 47.0-2
- Switch directory change statements to match downstream
- Change requirements style to one per line
- Add conditional execution of selftests
* Wed Mar 8 2017 Cleber Rosa <cleber@redhat.com> - 47.0-1
- Rename package to python-avocado and subpackges accordingly
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