未验证 提交 9e3e101d 编写于 作者: C Cleber Rosa

Merge remote-tracking branch 'beraldoleal/tests/remove-replay-test'

Signed-off-by: NCleber Rosa <crosa@redhat.com>
......@@ -176,18 +176,6 @@ class ReplayTests(unittest.TestCase):
"%d:\n%s" % (cmd_line, expected_rc, result))
return result
@unittest.skip("Waiting for #4062 be closed")
def test_run_replay_and_mux(self):
Runs a replay job and specifies multiplex file (which should be
cmdline = ("%s run --replay %s --job-results-dir %s "
"--disable-sysinfo -m optional_plugins/varianter_yaml_to_mux"
% (AVOCADO, self.jobid, self.tmpdir.name))
self.run_and_check(cmdline, exit_codes.AVOCADO_ALL_OK)
def tearDown(self):
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