提交 5f086a3f 编写于 作者: C Cleber Rosa

Merge remote-tracking branch 'lmr/base-document-config-file-options-v2'

# Avocado data dir (holds tests and test auxiliary data, such as ISO files).
base_dir = /usr/share/avocado
# You may override the specific test directory with test_dir
test_dir = /usr/share/avocado/tests
# You may override the specific test auxiliary data directory with data_dir
data_dir = /usr/share/avocado/data
# You may override the specific job results directory with logs_dir
logs_dir = ~/avocado/job-results
# Whether to collect system information during avocado jobs
enabled = True
# Whether to take a list of installed packages previous to avocado jobs
installed_packages = False
# Whether to run certain commands in bg to give extra job debug information
profiler = False
# Commands to run in bg (colon separated)
profiler_commands = vmstat 1:journalctl -f
# Whether to display colored output in terminals that support it
colored = True
# Keep job temporary files after jobs (useful for avocado debugging)
keep_tmp_files = False
# Base log level for --show-job-log.
# Allowed levels: debug, info, warning, error, critical
loglevel = debug
# Hostname where the rest service runs
hostname = localhost
# Port where the rest service runs
port = 9405
# If authentication is set, pass username
username =
# If authentication is set, pass password
password =
# Path to gdb executable
gdb = /usr/bin/gdb
# Path to gdbserver executable
gdbserver = /usr/bin/gdbserver
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