未验证 提交 424ee498 编写于 作者: A Amador Pahim

Merge branch 'ldoktor-mux-filters3'

Signed-off-by: NAmador Pahim <apahim@redhat.com>
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import sys
from stevedore import EnabledExtensionManager
from .settings import settings
from ..utils import stacktrace
class Dispatcher(EnabledExtensionManager):
......@@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ class VarianterDispatcher(Dispatcher):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except: # catch any exception pylint: disable=W0702
stacktrace.log_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), logger='avocado.debug')
log = logging.getLogger("avocado.app")
log.error('Error running method "%s" of plugin "%s": %s',
method_name, ext.name, sys.exc_info()[1])
......@@ -71,19 +71,74 @@ class MuxTree(object):
def __iter__(self):
Iterates through variants
Iterates through variants and process the internal filters
:yield valid variants
for variant in self.iter_variants():
if self._valid_variant(variant):
yield variant
def iter_variants(self):
Iterates through variants without verifying the internal filters
:yield all existing variants
pools = []
for pool in self.pools:
if isinstance(pool, list):
# Don't process 2nd level filters in non-root pools
for _ in pool)))
pools = itertools.product(*pools)
variants = itertools.product(*pools)
while True:
# TODO: Implement 2nd level filters here
# TODO: This part takes most of the time, optimize it
yield list(itertools.chain(*pools.next()))
yield list(itertools.chain(*variants.next()))
def _valid_variant(variant):
Check the variant for validity of internal filters
:return: whether the variant is valid or should be ignored/filtered
_filter_out = set()
_filter_only = set()
for node in variant:
if not (_filter_only or _filter_out):
return True
filter_only = tuple(_filter_only)
filter_out = tuple(_filter_out)
filter_only_parents = [str(_).rsplit('/', 2)[0] + '/'
for _ in filter_only
if _]
for out in filter_out:
for node in variant:
path = node.path + '/'
if path.startswith(out):
return False
for node in variant:
keep = 0
remove = 0
path = node.path + '/'
ppath = path.rsplit('/', 2)[0] + '/'
for i in xrange(len(filter_only)):
level = filter_only[i].count('/')
if level < max(keep, remove):
if ppath.startswith(filter_only_parents[i]):
if path.startswith(filter_only[i]):
keep = level
remove = level
if remove > keep:
return False
return True
class MuxPlugin(object):
......@@ -172,7 +227,7 @@ class MuxPlugin(object):
env = set()
for node in variant["variant"]:
for key, value in node.environment.iteritems():
origin = node.environment_origin[key].path
origin = node.environment.origin[key].path
env.add(("%s:%s" % (origin, key), str(value)))
if not env:
......@@ -41,6 +41,48 @@ import os
from . import output
class FilterSet(set):
""" Set of filters in standardized form """
def __normalize(item):
if not item.endswith("/"):
item = item + "/"
return item
def add(self, item):
return super(FilterSet, self).add(self.__normalize(item))
def update(self, items):
return super(FilterSet, self).update([self.__normalize(item)
for item in items])
class TreeEnvironment(dict):
""" TreeNode environment with values, origins and filters """
def __init__(self):
super(TreeEnvironment, self).__init__() # values
self.origin = {} # origins of the values
self.filter_only = FilterSet() # list of filter_only
self.filter_out = FilterSet() # list of filter_out
def copy(self):
cpy = TreeEnvironment()
cpy.origin = self.origin.copy()
cpy.filter_only = self.filter_only.copy()
cpy.filter_out = self.filter_out.copy()
return cpy
def __str__(self):
return ",".join((super(TreeEnvironment, self).__str__(),
str(self.origin), str(self.filter_only),
class TreeNode(object):
......@@ -54,10 +96,10 @@ class TreeNode(object):
children = []
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.filters = [], [] # This node filters, full filters in environ..
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
self._environment = None
self.environment_origin = {}
for child in children:
......@@ -114,6 +156,8 @@ class TreeNode(object):
or merged into existing node in the previous position.
for child in other.children:
......@@ -175,9 +219,7 @@ class TreeNode(object):
""" Get node environment (values + preceding envs) """
if self._environment is None:
self._environment = (self.parent.environment.copy()
if self.parent else {})
self.environment_origin = (self.parent.environment_origin.copy()
if self.parent else {})
if self.parent else TreeEnvironment())
for key, value in self.value.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, list):
if (key in self._environment and
......@@ -187,7 +229,9 @@ class TreeNode(object):
self._environment[key] = value
self._environment[key] = value
self.environment_origin[key] = self
self._environment.origin[key] = self
return self._environment
def set_environment_dirty(self):
......@@ -425,9 +469,17 @@ def tree_view(root, verbose=None, use_utf8=None):
right = charset['Right']
out = [node.name]
if verbose >= 2 and node.is_leaf:
values = node.environment.iteritems()
values = itertools.chain(node.environment.iteritems(),
[("filter-only", _)
for _ in node.environment.filter_only],
[("filter-out", _)
for _ in node.environment.filter_out])
elif verbose in (1, 3):
values = node.value.iteritems()
values = itertools.chain(node.value.iteritems(),
[("filter-only", _)
for _ in node.filters[0]],
[("filter-out", _)
for _ in node.filters[1]])
values = None
if values:
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class AvocadoParam(object):
:raise KeyError: When value is not certain (multiple matches)
leaves = self._get_leaves(path)
ret = [(leaf.environment[key], leaf.environment_origin[key])
ret = [(leaf.environment[key], leaf.environment.origin[key])
for leaf in leaves
if key in leaf.environment]
if not ret:
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ class AvocadoParam(object):
for leaf in self._leaves:
for key, value in leaf.environment.iteritems():
yield (leaf.environment_origin[key].path, key, value)
yield (leaf.environment.origin[key].path, key, value)
class Varianter(object):
......@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ YAML_USING = 101
YAML_MUX = 102
__RE_FILE_SPLIT = re.compile(r'(?<!\\):') # split by ':' but not '\\:'
__RE_FILE_SUBS = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\\:') # substitute '\\:' but not '\\\\:'
......@@ -50,14 +52,18 @@ class _BaseLoader(Loader):
YAML loader with additional features related to mux
Loader.add_constructor(u'!include', lambda loader,
node: mux.Control(YAML_INCLUDE))
lambda loader, node: mux.Control(YAML_INCLUDE))
lambda loader, node: mux.Control(YAML_USING))
lambda loader, node: mux.Control(YAML_REMOVE_NODE))
lambda loader, node: mux.Control(YAML_REMOVE_VALUE))
lambda loader, node: mux.Control(YAML_FILTER_ONLY))
lambda loader, node: mux.Control(YAML_FILTER_OUT))
class Value(tuple): # Few methods pylint: disable=R0903
......@@ -78,38 +84,64 @@ def _create_from_yaml(path, cls_node=mux.MuxTreeNode):
""" Create tree structure from yaml stream """
def tree_node_from_values(name, values):
""" Create `name` node and add values """
def handle_control_tag(node, value):
""" Handling of YAML tags (except of !using) """
def normalize_path(path):
""" End the path with single '/', None when empty path """
if not path:
if path[-1] != '/':
path += '/'
return path
if value[0].code == YAML_INCLUDE:
# Include file
ypath = value[1]
if not os.path.isabs(ypath):
ypath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), ypath)
if not os.path.exists(ypath):
raise ValueError("File '%s' included from '%s' does not "
"exist." % (ypath, path))
node.merge(_create_from_yaml('/:' + ypath, cls_node))
elif value[0].code == YAML_REMOVE_NODE:
value[0].value = value[1] # set the name
node.ctrl.append(value[0]) # add "blue pill" of death
elif value[0].code == YAML_REMOVE_VALUE:
value[0].value = value[1] # set the name
elif value[0].code == YAML_MUX:
node.multiplex = True
elif value[0].code == YAML_FILTER_ONLY:
new_value = normalize_path(value[1])
if new_value:
elif value[0].code == YAML_FILTER_OUT:
new_value = normalize_path(value[1])
if new_value:
def handle_control_tag_using(name, using, value):
""" Handling of the !using tag """
if using:
raise ValueError("!using can be used only once per "
"node! (%s:%s)" % (path, name))
using = value[1]
if using[0] == '/':
using = using[1:]
if using[-1] == '/':
using = using[:-1]
return using
node = cls_node(str(name))
using = ''
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, cls_node):
elif isinstance(value[0], mux.Control):
if value[0].code == YAML_INCLUDE:
# Include file
ypath = value[1]
if not os.path.isabs(ypath):
ypath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), ypath)
if not os.path.exists(ypath):
raise ValueError("File '%s' included from '%s' does not "
"exist." % (ypath, path))
node.merge(_create_from_yaml('/:' + ypath, cls_node))
elif value[0].code == YAML_USING:
if using:
raise ValueError("!using can be used only once per "
"node! (%s:%s)" % (path, name))
using = value[1]
if using[0] == '/':
using = using[1:]
if using[-1] == '/':
using = using[:-1]
elif value[0].code == YAML_REMOVE_NODE:
value[0].value = value[1] # set the name
node.ctrl.append(value[0]) # add "blue pill" of death
elif value[0].code == YAML_REMOVE_VALUE:
value[0].value = value[1] # set the name
elif value[0].code == YAML_MUX:
node.multiplex = True
if value[0].code == YAML_USING:
using = handle_control_tag_using(name, using, value)
handle_control_tag(node, value)
node.value[value[0]] = value[1]
if using:
......@@ -867,6 +867,45 @@ Children of this node will be multiplexed. This means that in first variant
it'll return leaves of the first child, in second the leaves of the second
child, etc. Example is in section `Variants`_
Defines internal filters. They are inherited by children and evaluated
during multiplexation. It allows one to specify the only compatible branch
of the tree with the current variant, for example::
!filter-only : /disk/virtio
will skip the ``[arm, scsi]`` variant and result only in ``[arm, virtio]``
_Note: It's possible to use ``!filter-only`` multiple times with the same
parent and all allowed variants will be included (unless they are
filtered-out by ``!filter-out``)_
_Note2: The evaluation order is 1. filter-out, 2. filter-only. This means when
you booth filter-out and filter-only a branch it won't take part in the
multiplexed variants._
Similarly to `!filter-only`_ only it skips the specified branches and leaves
the remaining ones. (in the same example the use of
``!filter-out : /disk/scsi`` results in the same behavior). The difference
is when a new disk type is introduced, ``!filter-only`` still allows just
the specified variants, while ``!filter-out`` only removes the specified
As for the speed optimization, currently Avocado is strongly optimized
towards fast ``!filter-out`` so it's highly recommended using them
rather than ``!filter-only``, which takes significantly longer to
Complete example
......@@ -7,16 +7,32 @@
# multiple files and checks that the node ordering works fine.
# /env/opt_CFLAGS: Should be present in merged node
# /env/prod/opt_CFLAGS: value should be overridden by latter node
# The internal filters are designed to be used for this file injected into
# /virt (use -m /virt:examples/mux-selftest.py). When it's injected into
# a different location those filters should not affect the result (produces
# all variants.
# !filter-only: All root childern are specified in different levels. They
# should be combined and together enable all variants. On the
# other hand they should not enable other-level filter-only
# filters like /hw/disk/virtio.
# This filter has no effect, it's here to test filter inheritance
!filter-out : /this/does/not/exists
cpu: !mux
# This filter has no effect, it's here to test filter inheritance
!filter-out : /non/existing/node
- first_item
!filter-only : "/virt/hw/disk/virtio"
!filter-only : "/virt/hw/disk/scsi"
cpu_CFLAGS: '-march=core2'
joinlist: ['second', 'third']
cpu_CFLAGS: '-march=athlon64'
!filter-only : "/virt/hw/disk/virtio"
cpu_CFLAGS: '-mabi=apcs-gnu -march=armv8-a -mtune=arm8'
disk: !mux
disk_type: 'virtio'
......@@ -28,15 +44,16 @@ hw:
corruptlist: ['upper_node_list']
distro: !mux # This node is set as !multiplex below
!filter-out : "/virt/hw/disk/scsi"
init: 'systemd'
env: !mux
opt_CFLAGS: '-Os'
env: !mux
!filter-out : "/yet/another/nonexisting/node" # let's see if filters are updated when merging
opt_CFLAGS: '-O2'
distro: !mux
init: 'systemv'
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from avocado.plugins import yaml_to_mux
if __name__ == "__main__":
PATH_PREFIX = "../../../../"
PATH_PREFIX = "../../"
......@@ -406,6 +406,78 @@ class TestMultipleLoaders(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(type(plain), dict)
class TestInternalFilters(unittest.TestCase):
def check_scenario(self, *args):
Turn args into scenario.
:param *args: Definitions of variant's nodes. Each arg has to be of
length 3, where on index:
[0] is path
[1] is filter-only
[2] is filter-out
variant = []
# Turn scenario into variant
for arg in args:
variant.append(tree.TreeNode().get_node(arg[0], True))
variant[-1].filters = [arg[1], arg[2]]
# Check directly the MuxTree._valid_variant function
return mux.MuxTree._valid_variant(variant) # pylint: disable=W0212
def test_basic(self):
Check basic internal filters
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], []),))
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", ["/foo"], []),))
self.assertFalse(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], ["/foo"]),))
# Filter should be normalized automatically (tailing '/')
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", ["/foo/"], []),))
self.assertFalse(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], ["/foo/"]),))
# Filter-out nonexistings
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], ["/nonexist"]),))
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], []),
("bar", [], ["/nonexists"])))
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("1/foo", [], []),
("1/bar", ["/1"], [])))
# The /1/foo is not the same parent as /2/bar filter
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("1/foo", [], []),
("2/bar", ["/2/bar"], [])))
self.assertFalse(self.check_scenario(("/1/foo", ["/1/bar"], []),))
# Even though it matches one of the leaves the other is banned
self.assertFalse(self.check_scenario(("1/foo", ["/1/foo"], []),
("1/bar", ["/1"], [])))
# ... unless you allow both of them
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("1/foo", ["/1/foo", "/1/bar"],
("1/bar", ["/1"], [])))
# In current python the set of following filters produces
# ['/1/1', '/1/1/foo', '/1'] which verifies the `/1` is skipped as
# higher level of filter already decided to include it.
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("/1/1/foo", ["/1/1/foo", "/1",
"/1/1"], [])))
# Three levels
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("/1/1/foo", ["/1/1/foo"], [],
"/1/2/bar", ["/1/2/bar"], [],
"/2/baz", ["/2/baz"], [])))
def test_bad_filter(self):
# "bar" is missing the "/", therefor it's parent is not / but ""
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", ["bar"], []),))
# Filter-out "foo" won't filter-out /foo as it's not parent of /
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], ["foo"]),))
# Similar cases with double "//"
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", [], ["//foo"]),))
self.assertTrue(self.check_scenario(("foo", ["//foo"], []),))
def test_filter_order(self):
# First we evaluate filter-out and then filter-only
self.assertFalse(self.check_scenario(("foo", ["/foo"], ["/foo"])))
class TestPathParent(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_string(self):
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