"description":"Now that the `virt_bootstrap` plugin and action `virt-bootstrap` is available run `$ avocado virt-bootstrap`. Expected result: `Your system appears to be all set to execute tests`"},
{"name":"Avocado Virt Boot Test Run and HTML report",
"description":"Now that your system is setup to run virtualization tests, run the boot test with `$ avocado run avocado-virt-tests/qemu/boot.py --open-browser`. Expected result: `PASS`, followed by a web browser showing an HTML report"},
"description":"Now that your system is setup to run virtualization tests, run the boot test with `$ avocado run avocado-virt-tests/qemu/boot.py --sysinfo on --open-browser`. Expected result: `PASS`, followed by a web browser showing an HTML report"},
{"name":"Avocado HTML report sysinfo",
"description":"On the HTML report, click on `Sysinfo (pre job, click to expand)` and verify that system information such as `hostname` and `cpuinfo` are present and accurate"},