未验证 提交 1c88846f 编写于 作者: A Amador Pahim

Merge branch 'ldoktor-iter-tabular-console-chars2'

......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ string. Even with the dot notation, people may try to do things like
And not notice until their code starts failing.
import itertools
import os.path
import re
......@@ -148,38 +149,48 @@ def iter_tabular_output(matrix, header=None):
:param matrix: Matrix representation (list with n rows of m elements).
:param header: Optional tuple or list with header elements to be displayed.
if type(header) is list:
header = tuple(header)
lengths = []
def _get_matrix_with_header():
return itertools.chain([header], matrix)
def _get_matrix_no_header():
return matrix
if header is None:
header = []
if header:
for column in header:
get_matrix = _get_matrix_with_header
get_matrix = _get_matrix_no_header
lengths = []
len_matrix = []
str_matrix = []
for row in matrix:
for i, column in enumerate(row):
column = string_safe_encode(column)
col_len = len(column.decode("utf-8"))
for row in get_matrix():
str_matrix.append([string_safe_encode(column) for column in row])
for i, column in enumerate(str_matrix[-1]):
col_len = len(strip_console_codes(column.decode("utf-8")))
max_len = lengths[i]
if col_len > max_len:
lengths[i] = col_len
except IndexError:
if not lengths: # No items...
raise StopIteration
format_string = " ".join(["%-" + str(leng) + "s"
for leng in lengths[:-1]] +
if header:
out_line = format_string % header
yield out_line
for row in str_matrix:
out_line = format_string % tuple(row)
yield out_line
# For different no cols we need to calculate `lengths` of the last item
# but later in `yield` we don't want it in `len_matrix`
len_matrix[-1] = len_matrix[-1][:-1]
for row, row_lens in itertools.izip(str_matrix, len_matrix):
out = []
padding = [" " * (lengths[i] - row_lens[i])
for i in xrange(len(row_lens))]
out = ["%s%s" % line for line in itertools.izip(row, padding)]
except IndexError:
continue # Skip empty rows
yield " ".join(out)
def tabular_output(matrix, header=None):
......@@ -17,6 +17,29 @@ class AstringTest(unittest.TestCase):
'foo bar\n'
'/bin/bar/sbrubles /home/myuser/sbrubles'))
def testTabularWithConsoleCodes(self):
matrix = [("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd", "last"),
("\x1b[94ma", # {BLUE}a
"\033[0mbb", # {END}bb
"cc\033[91mc", # cc{RED}c
header = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
self.assertEqual(astring.tabular_output(matrix, header),
"0 1 2 3 4\n"
"a bb ccc dddd last\n"
"\x1b[94ma \x1b[0mbb cc\033[91mc "
"\033[91md\033[92md\033[94md\033[90md\033[0m last")
def testTabularOutputDifferentNOCols(self):
matrix = [[], [1], [2, 2], [333, 333, 333], [4, 4, 4, 4444]]
"2 2\n"
"333 333 333\n"
"4 4 4 4444")
def testUnicodeTabular(self):
Verifies tabular can handle utf-8 chars properly
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