提交 0bf10661 编写于 作者: R Rudá Moura

avocado app: Review command line option regarding process wrap.

Write a proper help message to option `--wrap`.
Signed-off-by: NRudá Moura <rmoura@redhat.com>
上级 1075efb2
......@@ -31,7 +31,14 @@ class Wrapper(plugin.Plugin):
wrap_group = self.parser.runner.add_argument_group(
'Wrap avocado.utils.process module')
wrap_group.add_argument('--wrapper', action='append', default=[],
help='Use a script to wrap the execution of '
'process created by the test. The wrapper is '
'either a path to a script (aka global wrap) or '
'a path to a script followed by colon symbol (:), '
'plus a shell like glob to the target process. '
'Multiple wrap lines are allowed, but only one global '
'wrap can be defined.')
self.configured = True
def activate(self, app_args):
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