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Contribution and Community Guide

Useful pointers on how to participate of the Avocado community and contribute.

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.. _hacking-and-using:

Hacking and Using Avocado

Since version 0.31.0, our plugin system requires Setuptools entry points to be
registered. If you're hacking on Avocado and want to use the same, possibly modified,
source for running your tests and experiments, you may do so with one additional step::

  $ make develop
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On POSIX systems this will create an "egg link" to your original source tree under
"$HOME/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages". Then, on your original source tree, an
"egg info" directory will be created, containing, among other things, the Setuptools
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entry points mentioned before. This works like a symlink, so you only need to run
this once (unless you add a new entry-point, then you need to re-run it to make it

Avocado supports various plugins, which are distributed as separate projects,
for example "avocado-vt" and "avocado-virt". These also need to be
deployed and linked in order to work properly with the avocado from
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sources (installed version works out of the box). To simplify this you can
use `make requirements-plugins` from the main avocado project to install
requirements of the plugins and `make link` to link and develop the
plugins. The workflow could be::
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    $ git clone $AVOCADO_GIT
    $ git clone $AVOCADO_PROJECT2
    $ # Add more projects
    $ cd avocado    # go into the main avocado project dir
    $ make requirements-plugins
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    $ make link

You should see the process and status for each directory.

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Contact information

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- Avocado-devel mailing list: ` <>`_
- Avocado IRC channel: ` #avocado <irc://>`_

Contributing to Avocado
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Avocado uses github and the github pull request development model. You can
find a primer on how to use github pull requests
`here <>`_. Every Pull
Request you send will be automatically tested by
`Travis CI <>`_ and review will
take place in the Pull Request as well.

For people who don't like the github development model, there is the option
of sending the patches to the Mailing List, following a workflow more
traditional in Open Source development communities. The patches will be
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reviewed in the Mailing List, should you opt for that. Then a maintainer will
collect the patches, integrate them on a branch, and then those patches will
be submitted as a github Pull Request. This process tries to ensure that every
contributed patch goes through the CI jobs before it is considered good for

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Signing commits

Optionally we encourage people to sign the commits using GPG signatures. Doing
it is simple and it helps from unauthorized code being merged without notice.

All you need is a valid GPG signature, git configuration, slightly modified
workflow to use the signature and eventually even setup in github so one
benefits from the "nice" UI.

Get a GPG signature::

    # Google for howto, but generally it works like this
    $ gpg --gen-key  # defaults are usually fine (using expiration is recommended)
    $ gpg --send-keys $YOUR_KEY    # to propagate the key to outer world

Enable it in git::

    $ git config --global user.signingkey $YOUR_KEY

(optional) Link the key with your GH account::

    1. Login to github
    2. Go to settings->SSH and GPG keys
    3. Add New GPG key
    4. run $(gpg -a --export $YOUR_EMAIL) in shell to see your key
    5. paste the key there

Use it::

    # You can sign commits by using '-S'
    $ git commit -S
    # You can sign merges by using '-S'
    $ git merge -S

.. warning::
   You can not use the merge button on github to do signed merges as github
   does not have your private key.
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Tests Repositories

We encourage you or your company to create public Avocado tests
repositories so the community can also benefit of your tests. We will be
pleased to advertise your repository here in our documentation.

List of known community and third party maintained repositories:

  Community maintained Avocado miscellaneous tests repository. There you
  will find, among others, performance tests like ``lmbench``,
  ``stress``, cpu tests like ``ebizzy`` and generic tests like ``ltp``.
  Some of them were ported from Autotest Client Tests repository.