提交 b30d159d 编写于 作者: W wangpeiqiang

window: send voice message in weixin app, cause weixin window maximized.solve it.

send voice message in weixin app, cause weixin window maximized. solve it.
上级 cee74968
......@@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ SDL_HitTestResult Window::on_window_hit(SDL_Window *window, const SDL_Point *pt,
SDL_HitTestResult result = SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL;
if (!platform_window->initialized.load()) {
INFO("window initialized by resize");
platform_window->initialized = true;
if (platform_window->title_event_filter(pt->x, pt->y)) {
if (!platform_window->initialized.load()) {
INFO("window initialized by click top");
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