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# 配置介绍<a name="ZH-CN_TOPIC_0213178456"></a>
- A-Tune服务启动配置
- address:系统grpc服务的侦听地址,默认为127.0.0.1,若为多机部署,需进行修改。
- port:系统grpc服务的侦听端口,范围为0\~65535未使用的端口。
- rest\_port:系统restservice的侦听端口, 范围为0\~65535未使用的端口。
- sample\_num:系统执行analysis流程时采集样本的数量。
- system信息
- disk:执行analysis流程时需要采集的对应磁盘的信息或执行磁盘相关优化时需要指定的磁盘。
- network:执行analysis时需要采集的对应的网卡的信息或执行网卡相关优化时需要指定的网卡。
- user:执行ulimit相关优化时用到的用户名。目前只支持root用户。
- tls:开启A-Tune的gRPC和http服务SSL/TLS证书校验,默认不开启。开启TLS后atune-adm命令在使用前需要设置以下环境变量方可与服务端进行通讯:
- export ATUNE\_TLS=yes
- export ATUNE\_CLICERT=<客户端证书路径\>
- tlsservercertfile:gPRC服务端证书路径。
- tlsserverkeyfile:gPRC服务端秘钥路径。
- tlshttpcertfile:http服务端证书路径。
- tlshttpkeyfile:http服务端秘钥路径。
- tlshttpcacertfile:http服务端CA证书路径。
- 日志信息
- monitor信息
## 配置示例<a name="section616213774714"></a>
#################################### server ###############################
# atuned config
# the address the grpc server to bind to, default is
address =
# the atuned grpc listening port, default is 60001
# the port can be set between 0 to 65535 the not be used
port = 60001
# the rest service listening port, default is 8383
# the port can be set between 0 to 65535 than not be used
rest_port = 8383
# when run analysis command, the numbers of collected data.
# default is 20
sample_num = 20
# Enable gRPC and http server authentication SSL/TLS
# default is false
# tls = true
# tlsservercertfile = /etc/atuned/server.pem
# tlsserverkeyfile = /etc/atuned/server.key
# tlshttpcertfile = /etc/atuned/http/server.pem
# tlshttpkeyfile = /etc/atuned/http/server.key
# tlshttpcacertfile = /etc/atuned/http/cacert.pem
#################################### log ###############################
# Either "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "critical", default is "info"
level = info
#################################### monitor ###############################
# With the module and format of the MPI, the format is {module}_{purpose}
# The module is Either "mem", "net", "cpu", "storage"
# The purpose is "topo"
module = mem_topo, cpu_topo
#################################### system ###############################
# you can add arbitrary key-value here, just like key = value
# you can use the key in the profile
# the disk to be analysis
disk = sda
# the network to be analysis
network = enp189s0f0
user = root
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