bug fix
- resolve bug that job failed to submit when collector/learner missed (https://github.com/opendilab/DI-orchestrator/pull/14)
- add event handler for dijob, and mark job as Created when job submitted(https://github.com/opendilab/DI-orchestrator/pull/13)
- mark collector and learner as optional, only coordinator is required(https://github.com/opendilab/DI-orchestrator/pull/13/commits/653e64af01ec7752b08d4bf8381738d566fca224)
- mark job Failed when the submitted job is incorrect(https://github.com/opendilab/DI-orchestrator/pull/13/commits/bea840a5eee3508be18b53b325168a5647daff94), but it's hard to test since client-go reflector decodes DIJob strictly, we have no chance to handle DIJob add event when incorrect job submitted
- change orchestrator image repository
- version -> v0.2.0
- split webhook and operator
- add dockerfile.dev
- update CleanPolicyALL to CleanPolicyAll
- remove k8s service related operations from server, and operator is responsible for managing services
- add e2e test
- Define DIJob CRD to support DI jobs' submission
- Define AggregatorConfig CRD to support aggregator definition
- Add webhook to validate DIJob submission
- Provide http service for DI jobs to request for DI modules
- Docs to introduce DI-orchestrator architecture