提交 cf8ad134 编写于 作者: N niuyazhe


上级 96103e9b
- env: gym-hybrid env (#86)
- env: gym-soccer (HFO) env (#94)
- env: Go-Bigger env baseline (#95)
- env: add the bipedalwalker config of sac and ppo (#121)
- algo: DQfD Imitation Learning algorithm (#48) (#98)
- algo: TD3BC offline RL algorithm (#88)
- algo: MBPO model-based RL algorithm (#113)
- algo: PADDPG hybrid action space algorithm (#109)
- algo: PDQN hybrid action space algorithm (#118)
- algo: fix R2D2 bugs and produce benchmark, add naive NGU (#40)
- algo: self-play training demo in slime_volley env (#23)
- algo: add example of GAIL entry + config for mujoco (#114)
- feature: enable arbitrary policy num in serial sample collector
- feautre: add torch DataParallel for single machine multi-GPU
- feature: add registry force_overwrite argument
- feature: add naive buffer periodic thruput seconds argument
- test: add pure docker setting test (#103)
- test: add unittest for dataset and evaluator (#107)
- test: add unittest for on-policy algorithm (#92)
- test: add unittest for ppo and td (MARL case) (#89)
- test: polish collector benchmark test
- fix: target model wrapper hard reset bug
- fix: fix learn state_dict target model bug
- fix: ppo bugs and update atari ppo offpolicy config (#108)
- fix: pyyaml version bug (#99)
- fix: small fix on bsuite environment (#117)
- fix: discrete cql unittest bug
- fix: release workflow bug
- fix: base policy model state_dict overlap bug
- fix: remove on_policy option in dizoo config and entry
- fix: remove torch in env
- style: gym version > 0.20.0
- style: torch version >= 1.1.0, <= 1.10.0
- style: ale-py == 0.7.0
2021.9.30(v0.2.0) 2021.9.30(v0.2.0)
- env: overcooked env (#20) - env: overcooked env (#20)
- env: procgen env (#26) - env: procgen env (#26)
...@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ...@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
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Updated on 2021.09.30 DI-engine-v0.2.0 (beta) Updated on 2021.11.22 DI-engine-v0.2.1 (beta)
## Introduction to DI-engine (beta) ## Introduction to DI-engine (beta)
...@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ DI-engine is a generalized Decision Intelligence engine. It supports most basic ...@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ DI-engine is a generalized Decision Intelligence engine. It supports most basic
### Other ### Other
- [DI-engine-docs](https://github.com/opendilab/DI-engine-docs) - [DI-engine-docs](https://github.com/opendilab/DI-engine-docs)
- [treevalue](https://github.com/opendilab/treevalue) - [treevalue](https://github.com/opendilab/treevalue)
- [DI-treetensor](https://github.com/opendilab/DI-treetensor) (preview) - [DI-treetensor](https://github.com/opendilab/DI-treetensor)
## Installation ## Installation
import os import os
__TITLE__ = 'DI-engine' __TITLE__ = 'DI-engine'
__VERSION__ = 'v0.2.0' __VERSION__ = 'v0.2.1'
__DESCRIPTION__ = 'Decision AI Engine' __DESCRIPTION__ = 'Decision AI Engine'
__AUTHOR__ = "OpenDILab Contributors" __AUTHOR__ = "OpenDILab Contributors"
__AUTHOR_EMAIL__ = "opendilab.contact@gmail.com" __AUTHOR_EMAIL__ = "opendilab.contact@gmail.com"
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