提交 35241df3 编写于 作者: N niuyazhe

feature(nyz): add vim in docker and add multiple seed cli

上级 58084df3
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.7.1-cuda11.0-cudnn8-runtime
RUN apt update \
&& apt install libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev swig curl git gcc \g++ make locales -y \
&& apt install libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev swig curl git vim gcc \g++ make locales -y \
&& apt clean \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apt/* \
&& sed -i '/en_US.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen \
......@@ -414,6 +414,8 @@ def compile_config(
cfg.policy.eval.evaluator.n_episode = cfg.env.n_evaluator_episode
if 'exp_name' not in cfg:
cfg.exp_name = 'default_experiment'
# add seed as suffix of exp_name
cfg.exp_name = cfg.exp_name + '_seed{}'.format(seed)
if save_cfg:
if not os.path.exists(cfg.exp_name):
......@@ -524,6 +526,8 @@ def compile_config_parallel(
cfg.system.coordinator = deep_merge_dicts(Coordinator.default_config(), cfg.system.coordinator)
# seed
cfg.seed = seed
# add seed as suffix of exp_name
cfg.exp_name = cfg.exp_name + '_seed{}'.format(seed)
if save_cfg:
save_config(cfg, save_path)
from typing import List, Union
import click
from click.core import Context, Option
import numpy as np
from ding import __TITLE__, __VERSION__, __AUTHOR__, __AUTHOR_EMAIL__
from .predefined_config import get_predefined_config
......@@ -65,7 +67,8 @@ CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])
help='random generator seed(for all the possible package: random, numpy, torch and user env)'
@click.option('-e', '--env', type=str, help='RL env name')
......@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ def cli(
# serial/eval
mode: str,
config: str,
seed: int,
seed: Union[int, List],
env: str,
policy: str,
train_iter: int,
......@@ -155,89 +158,98 @@ def cli(
from ..utils.profiler_helper import Profiler
profiler = Profiler()
if mode == 'serial':
from .serial_entry import serial_pipeline
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_onpolicy':
from .serial_entry_onpolicy import serial_pipeline_onpolicy
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_onpolicy(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_sqil':
if config == 'lunarlander_sqil_config.py' or 'cartpole_sqil_config.py' or 'pong_sqil_config.py' \
or 'spaceinvaders_sqil_config.py' or 'qbert_sqil_config.py':
from .serial_entry_sqil import serial_pipeline_sqil
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
expert_config = input("Enter the name of the config you used to generate your expert model: ")
serial_pipeline_sqil(config, expert_config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_reward_model':
from .serial_entry_reward_model import serial_pipeline_reward_model
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_reward_model(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_gail':
from .serial_entry_gail import serial_pipeline_gail
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
expert_config = input("Enter the name of the config you used to generate your expert model: ")
serial_pipeline_gail(config, expert_config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter, collect_data=True)
elif mode == 'serial_dqfd':
from .serial_entry_dqfd import serial_pipeline_dqfd
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
expert_config = input("Enter the name of the config you used to generate your expert model: ")
assert (expert_config == config[:config.find('_dqfd')] + '_dqfd_config.py'), "DQFD only supports "\
+ "the models used in q learning now; However, one should still type the DQFD config in this "\
+ "place, i.e., {}{}".format(config[:config.find('_dqfd')], '_dqfd_config.py')
serial_pipeline_dqfd(config, expert_config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_trex':
from .serial_entry_trex import serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_trex_onpolicy':
from .serial_entry_trex_onpolicy import serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex_onpolicy
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex_onpolicy(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'parallel':
from .parallel_entry import parallel_pipeline
parallel_pipeline(config, seed, enable_total_log, disable_flask_log)
elif mode == 'dist':
from .dist_entry import dist_launch_coordinator, dist_launch_collector, dist_launch_learner, \
dist_prepare_config, dist_launch_learner_aggregator, dist_launch_spawn_learner, \
dist_add_replicas, dist_delete_replicas, dist_restart_replicas
if module == 'config':
config, seed, platform, coordinator_host, learner_host, collector_host, coordinator_port, learner_port,
elif module == 'coordinator':
dist_launch_coordinator(config, seed, coordinator_port, disable_flask_log)
elif module == 'learner_aggregator':
config, seed, aggregator_host, aggregator_port, module_name, disable_flask_log
elif module == 'collector':
dist_launch_collector(config, seed, collector_port, module_name, disable_flask_log)
elif module == 'learner':
dist_launch_learner(config, seed, learner_port, module_name, disable_flask_log)
elif module == 'spawn_learner':
dist_launch_spawn_learner(config, seed, learner_port, module_name, disable_flask_log)
elif add in ['collector', 'learner']:
dist_add_replicas(add, kubeconfig, replicas, coordinator_name, namespace, cpus, gpus, memory)
elif delete in ['collector', 'learner']:
dist_delete_replicas(delete, kubeconfig, replicas, coordinator_name, namespace)
elif restart in ['collector', 'learner']:
dist_restart_replicas(restart, kubeconfig, coordinator_name, namespace, restart_pod_name)
raise Exception
elif mode == 'eval':
from .application_entry import eval
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
eval(config, seed, load_path=load_path, replay_path=replay_path)
def run_single_pipeline(seed, config):
if mode == 'serial':
from .serial_entry import serial_pipeline
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_onpolicy':
from .serial_entry_onpolicy import serial_pipeline_onpolicy
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_onpolicy(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_sqil':
if config == 'lunarlander_sqil_config.py' or 'cartpole_sqil_config.py' or 'pong_sqil_config.py' \
or 'spaceinvaders_sqil_config.py' or 'qbert_sqil_config.py':
from .serial_entry_sqil import serial_pipeline_sqil
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
expert_config = input("Enter the name of the config you used to generate your expert model: ")
serial_pipeline_sqil(config, expert_config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_reward_model':
from .serial_entry_reward_model import serial_pipeline_reward_model
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_reward_model(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_gail':
from .serial_entry_gail import serial_pipeline_gail
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
expert_config = input("Enter the name of the config you used to generate your expert model: ")
serial_pipeline_gail(config, expert_config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter, collect_data=True)
elif mode == 'serial_dqfd':
from .serial_entry_dqfd import serial_pipeline_dqfd
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
expert_config = input("Enter the name of the config you used to generate your expert model: ")
assert (expert_config == config[:config.find('_dqfd')] + '_dqfd_config.py'), "DQFD only supports "\
+ "the models used in q learning now; However, one should still type the DQFD config in this "\
+ "place, i.e., {}{}".format(config[:config.find('_dqfd')], '_dqfd_config.py')
serial_pipeline_dqfd(config, expert_config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_trex':
from .serial_entry_trex import serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'serial_trex_onpolicy':
from .serial_entry_trex_onpolicy import serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex_onpolicy
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
serial_pipeline_reward_model_trex_onpolicy(config, seed, max_iterations=train_iter)
elif mode == 'parallel':
from .parallel_entry import parallel_pipeline
parallel_pipeline(config, seed, enable_total_log, disable_flask_log)
elif mode == 'dist':
from .dist_entry import dist_launch_coordinator, dist_launch_collector, dist_launch_learner, \
dist_prepare_config, dist_launch_learner_aggregator, dist_launch_spawn_learner, \
dist_add_replicas, dist_delete_replicas, dist_restart_replicas
if module == 'config':
config, seed, platform, coordinator_host, learner_host, collector_host, coordinator_port,
learner_port, collector_port
elif module == 'coordinator':
dist_launch_coordinator(config, seed, coordinator_port, disable_flask_log)
elif module == 'learner_aggregator':
config, seed, aggregator_host, aggregator_port, module_name, disable_flask_log
elif module == 'collector':
dist_launch_collector(config, seed, collector_port, module_name, disable_flask_log)
elif module == 'learner':
dist_launch_learner(config, seed, learner_port, module_name, disable_flask_log)
elif module == 'spawn_learner':
dist_launch_spawn_learner(config, seed, learner_port, module_name, disable_flask_log)
elif add in ['collector', 'learner']:
dist_add_replicas(add, kubeconfig, replicas, coordinator_name, namespace, cpus, gpus, memory)
elif delete in ['collector', 'learner']:
dist_delete_replicas(delete, kubeconfig, replicas, coordinator_name, namespace)
elif restart in ['collector', 'learner']:
dist_restart_replicas(restart, kubeconfig, coordinator_name, namespace, restart_pod_name)
raise Exception
elif mode == 'eval':
from .application_entry import eval
if config is None:
config = get_predefined_config(env, policy)
eval(config, seed, load_path=load_path, replay_path=replay_path)
if isinstance(seed, (list, tuple)):
assert len(seed) > 0, "Please input at least 1 seed"
for s in seed:
run_single_pipeline(s, config)
raise TypeError("invalid seed type: {}".format(type(seed)))
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