• Y
    feature(zym): add offlineRL algo td3_bc and polish policy comments(#88) · 7c1b5e95
    Yinmin.Zhang 提交于
    * feature(zym): add offlineRL algo td3_bc.
    * feature(zym): add offlineRL algo td3_bc.
    * feature(zym): add offlineRL algo td3_bc.
    * polish(zym): polish some annotations in td3/ddpg/sac/ppo; polish `_forward_collect` and `_foward_eval`.
    * fix(lj): fix dimension bug in cql for continuous env.
    * fix(zym): fix dimension bug in cql for continuous env.
    * fix(zym): fix dimension bug in cql for continuous env.
    * polish(zym): update README.md.
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