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Updated on 2021.07.08

## Introduction
DI-engine is a generalized Decision Intelligence engine. It supports most basic deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms, such as DQN, PPO, SAC, and domain-specific algorithms like QMIX in multi-agent RL, GAIL in 
inverse RL, and RND in exploration problems. Various training pipelines and customized decision AI applications are also supported. Have fun with exploration and exploitation.

### Application
- [DI-star](
- [DI-drive](

### System Optimization and Design
- [DI-orchestrator](
- [DI-hpc](
- [DI-store](

## Installation

You can simply install DI-engine from PyPI with the following command:
pip install DI-engine

If you use Anaconda or Miniconda, you can install DI-engine from conda-forge through the following command:
conda -c conda-forge install DI-engine

For more information about installation, you can refer to [installation](

## Documentation

The detailed documentation are hosted on [doc](

## Quick Start

[3 Minutes Kickoff](

Bonus: Train RL agent in one line code:
ding -m serial -e cartpole -p dqn -s 0

## Contributing
We appreciate all contributions to improve DI-engine, both algorithms and system designs. Please refer to for more guides.

## Citation
    title={{DI-engine: OpenDILab} Decision Intelligence Engine},
    author={DI-engine Contributors},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    howpublished = {\url{}},

## License
DI-engine released under the Apache 2.0 license.