提交 e223e156 编写于 作者: A Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #3148 from paroj:ovisup

......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public:
virtual ~WindowScene();
* set window background to custom image
* set window background to custom image/ color
* @param image
CV_WRAP virtual void setBackground(InputArray image) = 0;
......@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ public:
* this way you can add distortion or SSAO effects.
* The effects themselves must be defined inside Ogre .compositor scripts.
* @see addResourceLocation
* @param names compositor names that will be applied in order of appearance
* @see addResourceLocation
CV_WRAP virtual void setCompositors(const std::vector<String>& names) = 0;
......@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ public:
* place an entity of a mesh in the scene
* the mesh needs to be created beforehand. Either programmatically
* by e.g. @ref createPointCloudMesh or by placing an Ogre .mesh file in a resource location.
* @see addResourceLocation
* by e.g. @ref createPointCloudMesh or by placing the respective file in a resource location.
* @param name entity name
* @param meshname mesh name
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param tvec translation
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @see addResourceLocation
CV_WRAP virtual void createEntity(const String& name, const String& meshname,
InputArray tvec = noArray(), InputArray rot = noArray()) = 0;
......@@ -131,13 +131,14 @@ public:
* @param name entity name
* @param prop @ref EntityProperty
* @param value the value
* @param subEntityIdx index of the sub-entity (default: all)
CV_WRAP virtual void setEntityProperty(const String& name, int prop, const Scalar& value) = 0;
/// @overload
CV_WRAP virtual void setEntityProperty(const String& name, int prop, const String& value,
int subEntityIdx = -1) = 0;
/// @overload
CV_WRAP virtual void setEntityProperty(const String& name, int prop, const Scalar& value) = 0;
* get the property of an entity
* @param name entity name
......@@ -153,8 +154,8 @@ public:
* @param K intrinsic matrix
* @param imsize image size
* @param zFar far plane in camera coordinates
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param tvec translation
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param color line color
* @return the extents of the Frustum at far plane, where the top left corner denotes the principal
* point offset
......@@ -167,8 +168,8 @@ public:
* creates a point light in the scene
* @param name entity name
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param tvec translation
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param diffuseColor
* @param specularColor
......@@ -180,8 +181,8 @@ public:
* update entity pose by transformation in the parent coordinate space. (pre-rotation)
* @param name entity name
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param tvec translation
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
CV_WRAP virtual void updateEntityPose(const String& name, InputArray tvec = noArray(),
InputArray rot = noArray()) = 0;
......@@ -189,8 +190,8 @@ public:
* set entity pose in the world coordinate space.
* @param name enitity name
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param tvec translation
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param invert use the inverse of the given pose
CV_WRAP virtual void setEntityPose(const String& name, InputArray tvec = noArray(),
......@@ -263,8 +264,8 @@ public:
* Sets the current camera pose
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param tvec translation
* @param rot @ref Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix
* @param invert use the inverse of the given pose
CV_WRAP virtual void setCameraPose(InputArray tvec = noArray(), InputArray rot = noArray(),
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