未验证 提交 b0aace31 编写于 作者: K keith siilats 提交者: GitHub

Update charuco_detector.cpp

Delete the debug print statements accidentally left in
上级 9eb78eeb
......@@ -129,25 +129,25 @@ struct CharucoDetector::CharucoDetectorImpl {
// approximated pose estimation using marker corners
Mat approximatedRvec, approximatedTvec;
Mat objPoints, imgPoints; // object and image points for the solvePnP function
printf("before board.matchImagePoints(markerCorners, markerIds, objPoints, imgPoints);\n");
// printf("before board.matchImagePoints(markerCorners, markerIds, objPoints, imgPoints);\n");
board.matchImagePoints(markerCorners, markerIds, objPoints, imgPoints);
printf("after board.matchImagePoints(markerCorners, markerIds, objPoints, imgPoints);\n");
// printf("after board.matchImagePoints(markerCorners, markerIds, objPoints, imgPoints);\n");
if (objPoints.total() < 4ull) // need, at least, 4 corners
solvePnP(objPoints, imgPoints, charucoParameters.cameraMatrix, charucoParameters.distCoeffs, approximatedRvec, approximatedTvec);
printf("after solvePnP\n");
// printf("after solvePnP\n");
// project chessboard corners
vector<Point2f> allChessboardImgPoints;
projectPoints(board.getChessboardCorners(), approximatedRvec, approximatedTvec, charucoParameters.cameraMatrix,
charucoParameters.distCoeffs, allChessboardImgPoints);
printf("after projectPoints\n");
// printf("after projectPoints\n");
// calculate maximum window sizes for subpixel refinement. The size is limited by the distance
// to the closes marker corner to avoid erroneous displacements to marker corners
vector<Size> subPixWinSizes = getMaximumSubPixWindowSizes(markerCorners, markerIds, allChessboardImgPoints);
// filter corners outside the image and subpixel-refine charuco corners
printf("before selectAndRefineChessboardCorners\n");
// printf("before selectAndRefineChessboardCorners\n");
selectAndRefineChessboardCorners(allChessboardImgPoints, image, charucoCorners, charucoIds, subPixWinSizes);
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