• K
    Merge pull request #18068 from lionkunonly:gsoc_2020_simd · c8241769
    Kun Liang 提交于
    [GSoC] OpenCV.js: WASM SIMD optimization 2.0
    * gsoc_2020_simd Add perf test for filter2d
    * add perf test for kernel scharr and kernel gaussianBlur
    * add perf test for blur, medianBlur, erode, dilate
    * fix the errors for the opencv PR robot
    fix the trailing whitespace.
    * add perf tests for kernel remap, warpAffine, warpPersepective, pyrDown
    * fix a bug in  modules/js/perf/perf_imgproc/perf_remap.js
    * add function smoothBorder in helpfun.js and remove replicated function in perf test of warpAffine and warpPrespective
    * fix the trailing white space issues
    * add OpenCV.js loader
    * Implement the Loader with help of WebAssembly Feature Detection, remove trailing whitespaces
    * modify the explantion for loader in js_setup.markdown and fix bug in loader.js
perf_filter2D.html 2.2 KB