提交 d008d4b1 编写于 作者: Y YiLin.Li 提交者: jia zhang

sgx-tools: Modify the usage description of gen-quote command

To use gen-quote command, you also need to have a SPID registered on
Signed-off-by: NYilin Li <YiLin.Li@linux.alibaba.com>
上级 241e3e4f
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
`sgx-tools` is a command line tool for inclavare-containers.
- Given the signature file of an Enclave, `sgx-tools gen-token` command can generate the corresponding token file from aesmd service.
- `sgx-tools gen-qe-target-info` command can generate Quoting Enclave's target information file from aesm service.
- Given the report file of an Enclave, `sgx-tools gen-quote` command can generate quote file from aesm service.
- Given the report file of an Enclave, a registered `SPID` of [IAS](https://api.portal.trustedservices.intel.com/EPID-attestation), `sgx-tools gen-quote` command can generate quote file from aesm service.
- Given the quote file of an Enclave, a registered `SPID` and `Subscription Key` of [IAS](https://api.portal.trustedservices.intel.com/EPID-attestation), `sgx-tools get-ias-report` command can get remote attestation report from IAS.
## Install Intel `aesmd` service
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ var generateQuoteCommand = cli.Command{
For example, generate the quote file according to the given local report file:
# sgx-tools gen-quote --report foo.rep`,
# sgx-tools gen-quote --report foo.rep --spid ${SPID}`,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "report",
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