Test.java 4.4 KB
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 * @test
 * @bug 6958836 8002168
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 * @summary javadoc should support -Xmaxerrs and -Xmaxwarns

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        new Test().run();

    void run() throws Exception {
        javadoc("errs",  list(),                   10,  0);
        javadoc("errs",  list("-Xmaxerrs",   "0"), 10,  0);
        javadoc("errs",  list("-Xmaxerrs",   "2"),  2,  0);
        javadoc("errs",  list("-Xmaxerrs",   "4"),  4,  0);
        javadoc("errs",  list("-Xmaxerrs",  "20"), 10,  0);

        javadoc("warns", list(),                    0, 10);
        javadoc("warns", list("-Xmaxwarns",  "0"),  0, 10);
        javadoc("warns", list("-Xmaxwarns",  "2"),  0,  2);
        javadoc("warns", list("-Xmaxwarns",  "4"),  0,  4);
        javadoc("warns", list("-Xmaxwarns", "20"),  0, 10);

        if (errors > 0)
            throw new Exception(errors + " errors occurred.");

    void javadoc(String pkg, List<String> testOpts,
                int expectErrs, int expectWarns) {
        System.err.println("Test " + (++count) + ": " + pkg + " " + testOpts);
        File testOutDir = new File("test" + count);

        List<String> opts = new ArrayList<String>();
        // Force en_US locale in lieu of something like -XDrawDiagnostics.
        // For some reason, this must be the first option when used.
        opts.addAll(list("-locale", "en_US"));
        opts.addAll(list("-classpath", System.getProperty("test.src")));
        opts.addAll(list("-d", testOutDir.getPath()));

        StringWriter errSW = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter errPW = new PrintWriter(errSW);
        StringWriter warnSW = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter warnPW = new PrintWriter(warnSW);
        StringWriter noteSW = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter notePW = new PrintWriter(noteSW);

        int rc = com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main.execute("javadoc",
                              errPW, warnPW, notePW,
                              opts.toArray(new String[opts.size()]));
        System.err.println("rc: " + rc);

        String errOut = errSW.toString();
        System.err.println("Errors:\n" + errOut);
        String warnOut = warnSW.toString();
        System.err.println("Warnings:\n" + warnOut);
        String noteOut = noteSW.toString();
        System.err.println("Notes:\n" + noteOut);

        check(errOut, "Errors.java", expectErrs);
        check(warnOut, " warning ", expectWarns); // requires -locale en_US

    void check(String text, String expectText, int expectCount) {
        int foundCount = 0;
        for (String line: text.split("[\r\n]+")) {
            if (line.contains(expectText))
        if (foundCount != expectCount) {
            error("incorrect number of matches found: " + foundCount
                  + ", expected: " + expectCount);

    private List<String> list(String... args) {
        return Arrays.asList(args);

    void error(String msg) {

    int count;
    int errors;